Untitled Flashcards Set

4.2: The Rise of Political Parties and the Era of Jefferson


What were the causes and effects of policy debates in the early republic.

4.2 Notes:

Etablishment of Political Parties:

1800= 1st election between 2 clear parties Federalist(fed)/Democratic-Republicans(DemoRep)

Tariffs become large source of revenue 

North Likes them to protect industry

South dislikes them to protect trace (south always hates tariffs)

Election Results:

 Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied.

The HOR votes to break tie.

Hamilton gives lead to TJ

Democratic-Republicans Also take the House and the South

A Peaceful Revolution:

Fed passed powers to DRs without incident

Proves the constitution is working


Attempted to appease Federalists and DR

Feds- Kept bank and repayment plan of Hamilton, remained neutral.

DRs- Limited Central Government, reduced size of military, reduced whiskey tax, and lowered debt (never completely eliminated it though), appointed only DRs to cabinet and federal jobs.

Louisiana Purchase:

Port of New Orleans

France sold it because:

Napoleon needed to focus on fighting Britian

Haitian revolution lost France money.

US interest in LP:

Spain revoked right of deposit from Pickney’s Treaty.

Could no longer tax in port of New Orleans tax-free

-Concerned foreign control of port would hurt American Neutrality/Economy.


Negotiations For LP:

US ministers sent to france to offer 10 million for port of N.O.

France said take it all for 15 million

They needed money to fight GB

Ministers Hastily agree

Constitutional Predicament

Supported ideal of agrarian America

Was a strict constitutionalist:

Does he have the power to purchase this land?

Decided because he can make treaties he could buy land


Doubled sized of US

Removed EU presence from North America (france)

Extended W. Frontier beyond the West

Strengthened Jefferson’s ideas of agrarian society

Showed weakness of federalist party

Lewis & Clark:

Gov. paid for Scientific exploration West.

3 year excursion

Greater scientific knowledge

Stronger Us claims to Oregon territory.

Judicial Impeachments:

Jefferson worked to overturn fed measures

Repealed Alien and sedation act

Tried to remove partisan fed judges through impeachment

Jefferson’s Reelection:

Won in 1804 by large margin

Second term much more contentious

DR party split

Aaron Burr is weird

Napoleonic Wars

Aaron Burr:

Not nominated for 2nd term as VP

Tried to win gov or NY, lost

Killed hamilton in gunfight.

1806- Tried to take mexico form spain united w/Louisiana and secede.

Arrested for treason, but acquitted.

4.4 Notes:


How and why did american foreign policy develop over time?

4.4 Notes

Difficulties Abroad: Jefferson tried to avoid war, reject alliances, and maintain neutrality.

Barbary Pirates:

Demanded higher tribute under jefferson

Refused and sent navy to tripoli for 4 years. No real victory but gained respect.

Challenges to Neutrality:

France and GB fighting, seizing ships of neutral nations, steal cargo

GB impressing soldiers

Chesapeake- Leopard Affair

British warship fired on american chesapeake. 3 americans killed, 4 impressed

Americans demanded war

Jefferson said no.

Embargo Act of 1807

Punish GB by halting american ships from going to any foreign ports

GB didn’t care, didn’t stop taking neutral ships.

Devastated US eco.

James Madison - President, 1808-1816:

Nonintercourse act of 1809:

 Embargo act Repealed, us could trade with acts except GB and france

Macon’s Bill #2:

Us will resume trade with whichever nation (GB or France) first agreed to respect US neutrality

Napoleon’s Deception:

France continues seizing  US ships.

War of 1812:


*Free seas and trade

France and GB continued to violate neutral rights at sea.

*Frontier Pressure

GB obstructing Canada.

British provided aid to Native Americans fighting against frontiersman.

Battle of tippecanoe: Tecumseh defeated against william henry harrison

*war hawks

Democratic republicans from frontier in congress

Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun

War with GB= only way to gain Canada, get American honor and destroy American Indian resistance.

Invasion of Canada:

US army invades Canada; pushed back by great britian.

Naval Battles:


Battle of Lake Erie

Battle of Thames- tecumseh killed.

Chesapeake Campaign:

Gb increased forces in US

Marched through DC and set fire to the white house.

Trie to take baltimore in battle of Fort McHenry Held out a night of bombing

“Star - spangled banner”

Treaty of Ghent, 1814:

Halted Fighting

Prewar boundaries

GB made no concession about maritime neutrality

Southern campaign:

Commanded by andrew jackson (Battle of new orleans (1815))

American victory

Fought after the treaty of ghent had ended the war.

Launches jackson to warhero status

Hartford Convention:

N.E. Fed’s opposed war

Threatened to secede.

Plan rejected.

Proposal that ⅔ of both house had to approve war.

Fed’s seen as traitors; end of party?

After the war of 1812. Monroe adopted a more aggressive nationalistic foreign policy approach.

Many disputes involving canada were unresolved after the war.

Rush bagot agreement 1817 - Demilitarized Great Lakes; Placed limits on border fortifications.

Treaty of 1818 - Improved relations between US and Canada.
Joint occupation of Oregon Territory
Establishment of US Canada border line


US troops occupied pieces of Spanish Florida after War of 1812
Spain couldn’t govern Florida - distracted by South America
Seminoles, African Americans, Outlaws conducted raids on US territory.

Jackson’s Military Campaign:

1817- General Jackson told to stop the raiders

1818- Led force into florida.

Destroyed Villages, hanged natives, drove out spanish governor, hanged 2 british officers.

Florida Purchase Treaty (1819) - The Adams Onis Treaty

Spain gave FL to US, as well as claims to Oregon Territory.

Monroe Doctrine:

Restoration of monarchies in europe encouraged backlash against republicanism.

British Initiative:

British navy stopped spain in S. America
Offered a joint Anglo - American Warning
Other EU nations can’t intervene in S. America

American Response:

Monroe agreed, but John Quincy Adams (JQD) said making a deal with GB wasn’t smart
US should act alone so as to not limit opportunity

GB would support US policy and help protect S. America

European nation shouldn’t move into Western Hemisphere


Became much more important in later decades (McKinley, Roosevelt, JFK)

4.3 Notes

EQ: How did different regional interests affect debates about the role of the federal gov. In the early republic?

Era of good feelings
Period of time after the war of 1812 under james monroe.

One political party: Democratic-Republican(DR)
Nationalism, optimism.

Debates were over
Tariffs (tax on imports) (helps US industry) (makes goods from out of US more expensive but makes US goods cheaper)

National Bank

Internal Improvements

Public Land Sales

Tension over Slavery increasing.

Ends around Panic of 1819

James Monroe:

Representing growing nationalism.

Acquired Florida 

Missouri Compromise (helps maintain status quo)

Monroe Doctrine 

Tariff of 1816:

American factories grew during War of 1812 due to embargos.
War ended. American industry concerned about british imports.

Congress raised tariffs to protect US industry.

Henry Clay’s American Systems - Plan to advance national economic development

Protective Tariffs

National Bank

Internal improvements build national system of roads and canals.

Benefit south and west?

Opponents: Constitution didn’t give federal government power. Thought favored the rich, benefit some regions more than others.

Panic of 1819:

2nd National Bank tightened credit.

State banks closed, unemployment rate grew, bankruptcies increased.

Land bubble in west burst.

Westerners change political belief and oppose bank. Nationalism shaken

Changes to the Democratic Republican Party:

DR party split

Old members wanted strict construction, limited government.

Younger members adopted federalist ideas (Henry Clay) (called quids)

Reason for Westward Movement

Acquisition of Land - Land in indiana and Florida

Economic Pressures - Search of new future and new land

Improved Transportation - Roads, Canals, Steamboats, railroads made it possible.

Immigrants - Cheap land attracted the immigrants.

New Q’s and Issues:

Western states didnt have much representation, concerned about:

“Cheap money” from state banks

Low prices or land sold by fed gov.

Improved transportation.

Missouri Compromise:

Equal Representation of slave/free states in the house and senate important equal in senate.

Missouri wanted to be a slave state

Maine is going to be a free state.

Clay’s Proposal (missouri compromise):

Missouri = Slave state

Maine = Free state

Slavery is prohibited in Louisiana Territory and north of 36 30 line.

4.5 Notes (1830-1840)

Market Revolution

EQ: What were the causes and effects of the innovations in technology, agriculture, and commerce over time?


Corn and Wheat very profitable

Steel plow and Mechanical reaper made small family farms more profitable.


Roads - Connected national eco.

Lancaster Turnpike

Encouraged other road building, and growth of cities.

  • States right advocates blocked building of interstate roads.

  • Except Cumberland Road - Major road westward.


Erie canal - New York linked East and West.

Steam Engines/Boats:

*Factories could be anywhere

Fullton’s steam boat


Changed small Western towns into booming commercial centers (Cincinnati, Detroit, Chicago)

North purchased food made in west

West purchased goods made in east.


1844- Telegraph creates instant communication between regions.

Manufacturing by mid 1800’s surpassed agriculture in value

By centuries end the US was the world’s leading manufacturer.

Here’s how…

Mechanical Inventions

Raising Capital (limited Liability)

Factory Systems.


Lowell System- Recruited young farm women to live and work at factories.

Labor Unions
Farming as a Commercial Enterprise
*Farming = Commercial Enter

4.6 Notes

Effects of the Market Revolution on Society and Culture

EQ: How and why did innovation in technology, agriculture, and commerce affect various segments of American society over time?

-American Society became more industrialized = Nature of work/family life changed for women.

Women could find works in cities as:
Domestic Servants

Most women working in cities were Single

Gained Greater Autonomy

In family settings..
Cult of Domesticity- Women were the moral center of the home.

Some women had Fewer children
Women still couldn’t vote.

Economic and Social Mobility:

Real wages grew for industrial workers

Gap between rich and poor Grew.
Opportunity for social mobility greater in US than EU.

Population Growth and Change:

Increased birth rate+ increased EU immigration
American population doubled from 1800-1825 and doubled again before 1850.


Immigration 8000 in 1820 to 4 million from 1830-1850:
Cheap ocean transport
Famines and revolutions in EU
Rep. of US.
Most immigrants stayed where they landed
Some went west for cheap land
Few went south because of slave labor - Couldn’t find jobs

Urban Life:

Crowded housing, poor sanitation, infectious disease, crime.
Factory work attracted people to cities.
Small towns grew into thriving cities because of interconnections
Transfer points for farm products and manufactured goods.

Organized Labor:

Poor working conditions led to unions

Commonwealth V Hunt - Peaceful unions can negotiate on behalf of workers

Won 10 hour workday.

Slowed by depressions, hostile employers, low-wage immigrant labor.

4.7 Notes:

EQ: What are the causes and effects of the expansion of participatory democracy

The rise of a Democratic Society:

Shared belief in democracy(Except for women, non-white men)

“self made man” Becomes important ideal

Politics of the Common Man:

“middle class” politics
New suffrage laws

Changes in political parties and campaigns.

Universal White Male Suffrage( Right to vote):

New state constitutions allow all white males to vote, hold office (Western States)

No property qualifications

Voting massively increased

Party Nominating Conventions:

-political parties became important parts of American democracy

-Nominating conventions encouraged voter participation

Popular Election of the Electors:

States began to choose the electors.

Rise of Third Parties:

Smaller parties emerged to challenge Democrats and *Whigs(anti-Jackson party)

Workingmen’s party = unit artistans and craftsmen into political party.

Elected Officals:

State officals elected instead of appointed like in the past

Popular Campaigning

Campaigns became national, appeal to “common person”

Became more entertaining.

Spoils System:

Jackson gave political jobs to people who had supported him.

Rotation in office:
Jackson limited people to one term in office

Could give more democrats government jobs.

4.8 Notes

Jackson and the Federal Power

EQ: What were the causes and effects of continuing policy debates about the role of the fed gov from 1800 to 1840

Election of 1824:

Jackson was the most popular votes!

Era of Good Feelings = OVER

4 Dem-Republics run for office

John Quincy Adams

Henry Clay

William Crawford

Andrew Jackson

Jackson wins popular vote. Not majority of electors

House Of Representatives votes

Clay uses influence in house to get JQA elected

JQA immediately gives clay secretary of state


President John Quincy Adams (JQA)

Upset democratic republicans by:

Asking Congress for money for internal improvements

Wanting national university/astronomical observatory

DR’s thought it was a violation of constitution THEN

Made new tariff law - “tariff of Abominations”

Upset southern planters

The Revolution of 1828:

DR’s were ready to vote adams out and get “Old Hickory” (jackson) in.

Ran smear campaign

Attacked each other’s wives

Voters turnout soared b/c of the -drama-

Jackson wins big

Presidential Power

Strict Constitutionalist

Vetoed 12 congressional bills (more than all 6 preceding presidents combined!)

Opposed government spending

Kitchen Cabinet = unofficial advisors

Official cabinet had little influence.

Some actions like Indian Removal challenged his beliefs of limited government in action

Peggy Eaton Affair

Cabinet wives attacked the Sec of War’s wife Peggy Eaton

Believed her to be an adulterer

Jackson was sensitive to these claims after his wife Rachel had been attacked on campaign trail (and died, he thought of sadness)

Tried to force them to be nice - led to resignation of 4 cabinet members

Indian Removal Act (1830s)

Forced movement of natives into reservation land West of Mississippi so settlers could have land.

Most complied. Bureau of Indian Affairs helped them

Cherokees challenged laws in Georgia Court

Cherokee Nation v Georgia = not foreign nation. Can’t sue.

Worcester v Georgia = Law has no power in Cherokee Territory

Jackson supports first case, which upheld state power over natives.

Trail of Tears

US army forced 15,000 Cherokees West.

4, 000 dead


Nullification Theory = Each state could decide whether to follow federal law.

Webster - Hayne Debate:

Robert Hayne = states rights

Senator Daniel Webster = Union first

Jackson agreed the union should hold.

1832 = S. Carolina holds convention

Nullify both the 1828 Tariff of Abominations and new 1832 tariff.

Jackson passes force bill

Gives him authority to act against South Carolina

Jackson passes Proclamation of the People of South Carolina

Says nullification is treason.

Compromise and congress lowers tax.

Opposition to Antislavery

Jacksons strong action to protect the federal government upset states rights dem-republicans.

Southerns continued to support him though

He used executive power to stop anti-slavery sentiment from spreading

Did not extend democracy to African Americans

Bank Veto

Second National Bank was effectively run by Nicholas Biddle

Helped cushion the government in economic ups and downs

Jackson believed it only served the needs of the wealthy

Clay, his opponent, tried to shake Jackson in the 1832 election year but trying to get bank rechartered

Jackson vetoed it killing the national bank

Contributed to financial panic of 1819

Two Party System

End of one party Era of Good Feelings

Democrats = Followed Jackson

Were like Democratic Republicans

Believed in Small Government

Whigs = Followed Henry Clay

Were kind of like federalists

Believed in using federal money

Fund roads, canals, internal improvements

Believed in bank

Jackson’s Second Term

Jackson had vetoed the national bank renewal, but they could still operate. After his election in 1832 he tried to completely shut it down!

Pet Banks - stopped giving federal money to national bank. Gave them to his favorite state banks, or “pet banks”

Specie Circular:

Western land prices were artificially inflated, concerning Jackson.

Said all fed lands had to be bought in gold or silver = Specie Circular

Paper notes plummeted resulting in Panic of 1837 depression.

The Election of 1836

Jackson didn’t seek third term

Convinced DR’s to run his VP Martin Van Buren

Whigs tried to nominate regional candidates, but it failed.

President Van Buren and the Panic of 1837:

Banks closing due to deflation of paper currency, deplition of hard currency

Whigs blame Democrats

Opportunity for Whig party.
