Glacial/Interglacial Periods and Volcanic Eruptions
Sea Level- Glacial/Interglacial Periods
- more glaciers = lower sea level
- water that makes snow and eventually glaciers come from oceans
- example:
- 7.6 million miles of glaciers exist today → 230 foot rise in sea level if all of it melted
- Ice Age was 20,000 years ago
- 3 times the amount of ice that is present today
- sea level is 460 feet lower than it is today
Physical Earth-Based Factors: Volcanic Eruption
- flood basalts = largest eruptions on Earth
- erupts huge amount of lava over a “brief” )geologically speaking) time period
- bury large areas in lava
- gases emitted into the atmosphere
- SO2 causes global cooling
- CO2 causes global warming (longer term)
- ocean also absorb a lot of gases
- change acidity and oxygen concentration
- example:
- Siberian traps = 800,000 miles of lava covering 1.5 million miles in Siberia
- coincides with the Permo-Triassic extinction (a major mass extinction)
- Earth is constantly being bombarded with asteroids and (to a lesser extent) comets
- a meteoroid with a diameter of 6 miles could cause wildfires, acid rain, tsunami, and a dust cloud that could block out the sun for weeks to months