US History
Revolutionary War
AP United States History
3.11 Developing an American Identity
Learning Objective: Explain the continuities and changes in American culture from 1754-1800
Theme Focus: American and Regional Culture
National Culture
The emergence of a unified national culture
Regional varieties
National identity expressed through art, literature, and architecture
John Adams for President
Had been Washington’s VP
Stepped into Washington’s shoes which no one could fill
The best chance for a Federalists victory
Ran against Thomas Jefferson
Federalists vs Democratic Republican
Narrow victory for Adams
Describes as the “crusty New Englander”
Tensions with France
French mad about Jay’s Treaty
Adam sent three men to negotiate (X, Y, Z)
Became known as the XYZ Affair (1797)
Americans had to bribe the French to even talk, and they accomplished nothing
America prepared for war
Hostilities at the sea for 2 years, but no full out war
Convention of 1800 ended in peace for both America and France