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caesar & vergil chapter 15+

ā, ab + ablative - from, away from; by

ac, atque (conjunction) - and, and also; as, than

ad + accusative - to, toward, near (compare to ad with numberals or dates)

ad + accusative with numerals or dates - about; at, by (compare to ad + accusative)

aut (conjunction) - or, either (compare to aut ... aut)

aut ... aut (conjunction) - either ... or (compare to aut)

cum + ablative - with (compare to cum as a conjuncition)

cum (conjunction) - when, since, although

do, dare, dedi, datus - to give, put, appoint; to grant, honor

et (conjunction) - and (compare to et as an adverb & et ... et)

et (adverb) - also, too (compare to et a conjunction & et ... et)

et ... et (conjunction) - both ... and (compare to et as an adverb & conjunction)

hic, haec, hoc - this, these; the latter; he, she, it (compare to ille)

ille, illa, illud - that, these; the former; he, she, it (compare to hic)

in + ablative - in, on; among (compare to in + accusative)

in + accusative - into, onto; against; over; among; for; to (compare to in + ablative)

ipse, ipsa, ipsum - myself, ourselves; yourself, yourselves; himself, herself, itself, themselves; very; he, she, it

magnus, a, um - great, large, huge; mighty; loud

nec, neque (conjunction) - not, nor, and ... not, neither (compare to nec ... nec)

nec ... nec - neither ... not (compare to nec, neque)

non (adverb) - not, no, by no means

omnis, omne - all, whole, every; as a whole

per + accusative - through, along; by (as an oath); throughout

-que (enclitic conjunction) - and, also, even

qui, quae, quod - who, which; what; that; any

sum, esse, fui, futurus - to be; to exist

si (conjunction) - if; when; whether

video, -ēre, vidi, visus - to see perceive; to understand (compare to videor)

videor, vidēri, visus sum - to appear, seem; to be seen

caesar & vergil chapter 15+

ā, ab + ablative - from, away from; by

ac, atque (conjunction) - and, and also; as, than

ad + accusative - to, toward, near (compare to ad with numberals or dates)

ad + accusative with numerals or dates - about; at, by (compare to ad + accusative)

aut (conjunction) - or, either (compare to aut ... aut)

aut ... aut (conjunction) - either ... or (compare to aut)

cum + ablative - with (compare to cum as a conjuncition)

cum (conjunction) - when, since, although

do, dare, dedi, datus - to give, put, appoint; to grant, honor

et (conjunction) - and (compare to et as an adverb & et ... et)

et (adverb) - also, too (compare to et a conjunction & et ... et)

et ... et (conjunction) - both ... and (compare to et as an adverb & conjunction)

hic, haec, hoc - this, these; the latter; he, she, it (compare to ille)

ille, illa, illud - that, these; the former; he, she, it (compare to hic)

in + ablative - in, on; among (compare to in + accusative)

in + accusative - into, onto; against; over; among; for; to (compare to in + ablative)

ipse, ipsa, ipsum - myself, ourselves; yourself, yourselves; himself, herself, itself, themselves; very; he, she, it

magnus, a, um - great, large, huge; mighty; loud

nec, neque (conjunction) - not, nor, and ... not, neither (compare to nec ... nec)

nec ... nec - neither ... not (compare to nec, neque)

non (adverb) - not, no, by no means

omnis, omne - all, whole, every; as a whole

per + accusative - through, along; by (as an oath); throughout

-que (enclitic conjunction) - and, also, even

qui, quae, quod - who, which; what; that; any

sum, esse, fui, futurus - to be; to exist

si (conjunction) - if; when; whether

video, -ēre, vidi, visus - to see perceive; to understand (compare to videor)

videor, vidēri, visus sum - to appear, seem; to be seen