sociology test #2

Learning about society/culture involves understanding both:

Structural functional point of view and conformity, symbolic interaction perspective they are more concerned with function number 1 of socialization.  Parents who are always involved in kids' lives. Social Systems (organizations, groups) and their respective statuses / roles / relationships, cultures = beliefs/values/ symbols/language/norms. 

Dramaturgy- this informs how we behave when we are on the job, acting like a student or a professor. The idea of dramaturgy is that we are all actors and the world is our stage, these are the key concepts in this theory . The first thing that happens as we make our way through the course of the day. One of the first things that we do is to define the situation we are in. you have to act like you love your job or your boss or your school YOU HAVE TO ACT. The difference between dramaturgy and everyday life is that theatre curtains open, you have an audience and you are on the front stage, but then the curtains close you can be yourself you are backstage. But in real life you are on stage or front stage all day long, whenever you think people are watching you or observing you you are front stage. HOW YOU ACT

The I and the Me- presentation of self,  am i doing well as a professor teaching a class am I boring them trying to make sure im keeping the class interested. How you view yourself. I am me 

Role Strain- is when you are occupied with one status that has way too many roles associated with it, anyone who is in this status is going to feel the strain. Single mothers are an example of this. 

Role Conflict- is when you occupy two or more status at the same time whose perspective roles contradict with each other. 

Role Immersion (Master status) vs role distance-  Role Immersion- If you are in the same status and role 24/7 then you are immersed into that status and role and then that status and role becomes your master status identity. A housewife is an example of this. 

Role Distance- A women who is homeless and runs into a old neighbor who had a daughter and said to the lady that my mom says that you are homeless but then the lady who is homeless says oh no I’m houseless, she switches the words around so people stop making a stigma about you and your situation and we also push that person away for distance. 

W. I. Thomas Theorem- What a person believes to be real becomes real, A belief is not something that the mind occupies, a belief occupies the mind. An idea is something that your mind can occupie. What happens when you believe something is when you are going to immediately be guilty of confirmation bias. Everyone has different perceptions 

Ethnomethodology- is a micro level theory, Ethno is the root of the word Ethno means peoples culture. That culture shock is invisible. You can feel it. Beaching experiments,  gothmen studied embarrassment. Whenever we see someone fall we look the other way not looking to minimize the embarrassment.  


Erving Goffman The stages of total institution and types of, characteristics of

Stage 1: is the Depersonalization stage this is what happens usually in the first three weeks. This happens to the members of the subordinate, members of the dominant group spend a great deal of time in the first few weeks trying to depersonalize members of the subordinate group. They have to strip them of their current identity. You have to erase as much as you can, you have to erase the brokenness so you can rebuild them with a stable and functional personality. Depersonalization is achieved by degradation rituals they used to wear down. 

Other forms of this is shaving of the head (hair is who we are) second would be uniforms and striping them of their name.  

Second Stage: what happens to members of the dominant group which is called dehumanization. (TEST QUESTION) Golfman uses the word dehumanization has to do with the loss of emotion not being treated like animals.  

Third Stage- this circles back to the members of subordinate groups, spending years in a total intuition as patient, soldier etc. and they begin to experience infantilization. In order for the members of the dominant group to be able to control the subordinate group they have to reduce them to being dependent on them listening  to the dominant group with everything they say they become childlike. 

Depersonalization happens to members of the subordinated group around 4-8 weeks a short time

Dehumanization happens to members of the dominant group it retains to their loss of emotion or connection.


Infantilization which is how the subordinate group ends up becoming very dependent on their caregivers, kind of childlike. 

Zimbardo’s prison experiment- sometimes it's called the stanford prison experiment or called the experiment. Zimbardo was a psychologist. It happened at Stanford uni. Trying to get college students to participate in a mock prison put some in as guards or prisoners. Zimbardo did not offer any training to the guards or prisoners just to play the role as you knew how. They were stripped of their clothes, put in solitary confinement, and verbally abused. It had an effect on the prisoners because their mental state was affected during this experiment. Zimbardo called off the experiment but was able to uncover this question which is why do good people do bad things. He called it the lucifer effect. 

The Minding stage, your role taking with generalized others. Dealing with people who aren't co present with us anymore basically entertaining people who aren’t co present with you. Generalised others are just a vague sense of what somebody else or somewhere else might think. 

Willam James- He said we have as many selves as there are people who have an impression of us, he stood for social self. 

Charles Horton Cooley uses a metaphor that says a looking glass is an old fashioned term for a mirror. He says we see ourselves reflected off of other people, looking glass self. 

Appropriated self- 

Desocialization- is preparing you for your exit in statuses and roles, unlearning the behaviors and roles that are associated within relinquish status. 

Resocialization- this may be necessary if and when socialization doesn't work out as expected, sometimes kids don't turn out the way we hoped and might try to force them to change or put them in jail, boarding school to help them become better as people. 

 Erving Goffman- he's known for his theory of dramaturgy, this is a micro level theory that will add to symbolic interactionism because it deals with face to face interaction. 

The root of the word drama is that we are all actors and are all performing in some kind of way. 

The total institutions  examples-  prisons, mental hospitals (or recovery programs)  and the military.    

You have two populations in about every total institution: the dominant group and the subordinate group. Guards and prisoners

Doctors and patients etc.

The more educated I have become the more ignorant I am, Humility

Ethnomethodology-There are alot of unspoken rules that we only figure out are rules once we have reached them.


Ethnomethodology - Harold Garfinkel (the study of the “taken for granted” world aka culture of a group)

 Embarrassment is the root of what goffman studied.

Breaching experiments> Aligning actions 

Aligning actions examples- The first one is a disclaimer,  sometimes we know in advance that something that we do or say is likely to ruffle some feathers can come across the wrong way.  

Disclaimers are often used to try and minimize the discomfort that will likely occur once you say something bad. Another example of disclaimer is saying the video you are about to see is disturbing. key word (Prior to -disclaimer). 

The second example

 During- Humor, Ignore And tact- when we are in the mix of a breach this is typically when it wasn't planned it just happened so now we are on the fly and we got to restore some decorum now that everyone is laughing. Pretend something didn't happen, tact is this kind of middle ground it's a time and a place to say something. Kids don't have tact. 

(Third example)

 After( account - lie/deny)- when we are asked to account for a breach of some kind after the fact we have a range of accounts we offer. One of the first things we do is lie or deny that we did something. We say it was not me.  

If there is proof or video evidence of you doing something then you cant lie or deny so you use the following three statements. 

This is called vocabularies of motives- when we get to this point, you are asked why did you do that and what was your motive? You have three options. There's anatomy to the vocabulary of motives meaning there are component  parts that are always in a verbal account of some kind. The two component parts are, you have to accept or reject that the behavior that you did was actually bad, stop denying or accept or reject that it was your responsibility  you did it knowingly. Saying someone made you do it.


Behavior. = Bad / Personal Resp.

Excuse- saying someone made you do it even though you did it knowingly just making up stuff.

A / R

Justification*- justify, you accept responsibility but you are saying I did it for you or I did it for god 

Etc. Think of Bill Clinton or Donald trump.

R / A

Apology- Do you accept that the behavior is bad and do accept that it was your fault. 

A / A

*Techniques of Neutralization- this is another example of a list of excuses and justifications. When someone is saying stuff to make it not look as bad as it actually was, to neutralize, to basically say I have a bunch of excuses to try to minimize my guilt.  Techniques of Neutralization are synonymous with vocabularies of motive, both of which are simply attempts to talk your way out of trouble. You will see this when you have kids. 

The Sociology of Emotions- An example if you are swimming in the ocean and you see a fin pop up near you what emotion would you experience fear or anxiety. 

The Sociology of Emotions list:

Emotions vs feelings- There's a difference between the two, Feelings are very private we often 

Keep our feelings to ourselves, When we share our feelings we share them in a form of emotions 

Emotions are public when we express our feelings outward,  crying is the outward expression 

Of inner sadness, laughing is an outward expression of inner humor. These two are connected 

Feelings are inner and emotions are outer. Feelings are very personal we experience them 

Within our life within our self and emotions are very social we often find ourselves going to places 

To be happy together going to concerts, theater shows etc. Feelings are very physiological they

Are different hormones that are involved. Emotions are the names that we have given to our 

Feelings so we can make them public. The movie Inside out is an example.   

Primary vs secondary emotions- Their are primary emotions according to psychologist and 

Secondary emotions. Psychologist disagree about how many primary emotions there are but the 

Lowest common denominator is 4 primary emotions. What makes a emotion a primary emotion

Is that you can experience it without anybody else around. Primary emotions are not limited to 

Humans mammals have primary emotions as well such as apes, elephants,  dolphins and

Primates. The acronym we can use to remember this by is FASH The F is fear A is anger

S is sadness H is happiness. Love and hate are not considered primary emotions. PRIMARY IS

FASH and secondary is everything else. 

3 basic Pillars of the field

emotional labor (Hochschild)

The Sociology of Emotions- 

Primary vs secondary emotions- REMEMBER PRIMARY EMOTIONS IS WHAT 


YOU DON'T NEED TO BE AROUND ANYBODY these are hard wired. All other 

Emotions would be discussed as primary or social like guilt, shame, envy, hate,

Jealousy and love all of these require other people. Secondary is everything else 

3 basic Pillars of the field- emotions are socially constructed, emotions are socially 

Exchanged and emotions are socially maintained overtime. The phrase 

Emotions are socially constructed means we do our best to come up with names for

Our feelings so we can share with others how we are feeling. Emotions are socially

Exchanged- emotions is a form of communication if a dog is happy they wag their

Tales and we can easily read how an animal feels, We often communicatie how we

Are feeling. Emotions are maintained overtime- Emotions are socially mantainted 

Overtime. Feeling rules and display rules- The display rules are the emotional side

Of things and feeling rules are the feeling side. There are cultural rules to feelings.

There are cultural rules, gendered rules for both feeling and display. There are also

Occupations that require emotional display.

emotional labor (Hochschild)- The sociologist Hochschild coined the term emotional

Labor. Work can be divided between manual labor, mental labor, cerebral labor.

There's a third type of work that requires emotional labor such as waitressing. 

example can be acting like you do like your job or something or repressing your

Emotions it takes work. 

Groups and organizations (meso)- so the middle ground is groups and organizations.  A primary group is small in size and is defined by close personal relationships. The goal of a  primary group is to provide a space where we can be ourselves and express ourselves. Our friends and family are our primary groups. Secondary groups are larger in size its more impersonal or formal relationships. The goal of secondary groups is instrumental meaning we go and participate in a secondary group to accomplish something. Secondary groups are a means to an end. Any volunteer group, work group and education group. 

Leadership: Instrumental vs expressive: - Leadership can be instrumental, what's important for leadership is to recognize that you don't have to be one or the other some of us might have some might have some personality characteristics that make this lean one way or the other you really need to be the leader that your team needs. Sometimes your team is going to need some emotional support so you need to move to the expressive side. Sometimes they need some kind of spark or motivation or tough love. When you are a parent you need to know when to be instrumental and when to be expressive. 

Research on groups list: 

Group size : dyads and triads- This is the smallest of groups, A three person group, They can be characterized with very strong bonds. One of the problems with a dyad is that bonds can be brittle. Triads tend to have weaker bonds than a dyad but because they are weaker triads tend to be durable overtime. 

Bystander Effect:

When my professor asks a question to the class and everyone is waiting on someone else to answer the question and what do we call that when we don't want to assume responsibility in a crowd and the larger the crowd the less responsabile we feel to participate this is called the bystander effect. This used to be called bystander apathy but this is not a good word for what we experience. We care but just don't want to answer the question and hope someone else answers it. 

Asch – group conformity- Asch is known for his group experiments where group 

Conformity was the subject of the study. The line experiment

Milgram – Authority- Milgram is known for his research on authority figures and how

We often acres css to authority figures. Researching  

A confederate is somebody who is in on the experiment working with the researcher

They are a mole, in other words the researcher has confided in this confederate to

Do something that nobody else will know there up to they are the independent 

Variable that the researcher releases into the group to see once they do 

What they are supposed to do, what effect it has on everybody else. 


Sometimes being right is lonely and people who know they are wrong 

But they just like belonging in this group just to get along even if it's a lie. 

A lot of human beings don't like to be the odd person out and the pressure to belong is greater than the pressure to be around. 

Milgram – Authority- this experiment was controversial  just like he was, The 

Experiment consists of a student being hooked up to a electrical current and the

Disguise of this experiment is weather not people will learn better when there is 

Some fear of negative reinforcement aka electric shock each time you get 

Something wrong will that help students to pay more attention and

Learn better. What was really going on was that they weren't really studying 

The subject or the student to see how well they learn, the real subject was the 

Teacher. They redid this experiment using puppies with real electricity. This

Experiment demonstrates Asch and milgram the things that led to this experiment 

Was the nazi Germany why do people do bad things? 

Conformity to a group pressure and conformity to a authority figure are two different 

Things but they are both conformity. Your own will to the group or your own will to a 

An authority figure. 

Janis – groupthink- This idea of groupthink what he demonstrates is that both 

Of these pressures can exist in the same circumstance you can have 

A situation where both group pressure and authority figures and the 

Pressure they ensued are happening concurrently. An example John F

Kenndy and his failed invasion of the bay of pigs in cuba, He asked his 

Team members their feedback on his plan and no one said anything and as

Soon as someone says that's a great idea then the group pressure begins

To kick in and nobody wants to be the only one to tell John F kennedy he

Is wrong because he is the boss and even though the group knows its a 

Bad idea they will still agree and say yes it's a good idea. When you put an 

Authority figure in a room full of peers everybody looks to the authority 

Figure to chime in with their thoughts. Janis reveals that there are many 

Circumstances where a group can have both the influence of a leader and the

Influence of peer pressure and in both cases you can make very bad decisions.

Formal organizations- there are three types the first is Coercive- you are forced 

To go to these organizations or you can't leave once you are there. Another name for 

These kind of organizations is a total institution one in which you are sent or prevented 

From leaving in a corrosive manner. You can't leave the military it's called a wall or 

Sent to jail and can't leave. 

Normative institutions organizations (Voluntary)- these organizations we volunteer 

At we don't expect to be paid these typically are serving the larger public good such

As homeless shelters and food shelters. 

Utilitarian- are those that are typically places of work where we are putting

In our time and at the end of the week or end of the month we are getting

Paid, Utilitarian means work.

McDonaldization of Society- Mcdonalds is a successful business and the

Movie is the founder. George rizter is behind the concept of the 

McDonaldization of Society. His concern at the time that what was happening

Is people were taking the business model pioneered, then began to take the 

Business model and apply it to the perversion of social services, so you going 

From making a product from mass consumption and then taking the same business

Model and applying it to social services which is not a product its a service

And some social services are more important than a cheeseburger like education 

And healthcare. They make money of off value, Here are the four principles

That define the mcdonalds or fast food business model that is now being 

Adopted by some providers of social services.  Social service providers are 

Beginning to incorporate the fast food principals.    

Bureaucracies (Weber) – characteristics of... Problems of:   Max Weber, If you take science and marry it to work then you get bureaucracies.    Bureaucracies by Weber, he also talked about rationality a lot. Rationality is not only the root principle of science but it's also the root principle of capitalism; it's profit driven, the more we invest the more we get in return. Rationality and science if you put them together you get 

Bureaucracies, this name is not on our notes the name is frederick winslow coined the concept called scientific management is to apply science to the management of the labor source. Not a lot of happy people working in bureaucracies and Weber was not a big fan of bureaucracies. He described bureaucracies in the following way such as The characteristics of and the Problems with or of. He coined the phrase 

The iron cage of Bureaucracies and that Bureaucracies are very rigid there is no wiggle room. You gotta follow the rules all the time.  6-7 characteristics of bureaucracies and 4 or so problems. 


Sex vs Gender vs Sexuality-

 Sex- is a biological category for the most part male or female are your designations which you acquire at birth so that is sex male vs female. It is not completely a biological category for the following reason: when you are born seconds after you are born you are a gender or a sex.    

You can't tell a female or male baby unless they are covered up because one has a penis or one has a vangina. Are your external genitals the only organs that designate males from females? No it's not, there are a lot of internal organs at work.  Can you be born with penis and a uterus yes you can, you can be born with a vagina and a penis, there is a middle category but the center category is entersexual, the condescending term was hermaphrodite. Entersexual the prefix means between. 

Gender- gender is a little bit bigger than sex, there is still a biological component to gender. This is a biopsychosocial category, the biological part is hormones and chromosomes. Anergtion allows the development of testicals and testosterone and estrogen is a female hormone although men have it as well just not as much. There is a psychological aspect to gender and then a sociological aspect to gender because to this day we can’t agree on how many genders there are. Males were to be masculine and females were to be feminine, feminine males and masculine females were considered to be deviant. A lot of deviants were considered a result of a disease or some kind of biological deformation for much of the 20th century. There is a biological nature to gender and a socialization aspect to gender. 

Sexual identity- this is not determined by your sex or gender it overlaps the two. Sex it was typically to male vs female, androgyny- some people have a balance of masculine and feminine characteristics. 

Sexuality- there was this one size fits all, human beings as a species are omni sexual.

Primary vs secondary sexual characteristics: 

Primary sexual characteristics- this is your genitalia specifically your groin genitalia its your primary characteristics that doctors look at in order to identify your sex at birth. The secondary characteristics emigre at puberty this is when breasts began to form, body hair, testicals etc. 

Primary is what you find at birth and secondary occurs at puberty. 

Did not talk about tertiary 

Theoretical analysis or perspectives: structural functionalists try to explain all of this sex, gender and sexuality, in terms of sexual dimorphism which is a biological theory which basically identifies the fact that men and women have two different body types. dimorphism - DI means two or different and morph is body. The gender roles are also meant to complement each other.  The function of human sexuality is procreation. Anything else is going to lead to jealousy, disease or disorder.  

The conflict perspective-  this would simply ask the question who has the power to define what sex and gender roles and human sexuality is supposed to be. KEY WORD POWER, government officials telling us who we should marry and etc. the double standards with human sexuality. A Lot of people in positions of power who believe that it's ok for men to be promiscuous and women should be chased or virgin.  

SI = how we express / communicate our sex & sexuality: 

How we communicate what sex we are, gender we also communicate through body language and verbal language and in our sexuality we communicate example: we sometimes communicate our sexuality with jewelry such as a wedding ring. 

Androgus- either or like can't determine your gender. 

Deviance vs. Conformity: to get people to conform or to behave, living in the united states we have learned to conform


Deviance- what motivates people to be deviant, why people do really bad things. What comes to mind when you think of deviant behavior- bad behavior, secrets, trouble basically anything negative. John lewis said activism was good trouble, deviant can be bad or just neutral. STRAYING FROM THE NORM

Deviance historically- In the dark or middle ages deviance was explained in a way of sin, if you drink too much you were a sinner, enjoyed sex, lazy etc. the tv show mind hunter.  Genetic (criminal), Sick (medicalization of deviance) Deviance can be minor at times, deviate from the norm.  Pre industrial- medieval, post industrial. 

Some people justify their behavior by saying they are sick like saying I have an addiction or sex addiction like tiger woods.

Pedophile is a crime not a disease it's in the DSL.

 eugenics- mixing the race together black and white. 

Types of Deviance- violations of norms (folkways, mores, laws, taboo)


Street crime (property and violent)

Organized Crime

Victimless crime- include any crime of vice like sex, gambling etc. 

White collar crime- stock, wall street- blue collar is manual labor 

Government / Political crime

Mental / Physical Health

Physical Appearance- body modification- tattoos, piercings, scaring, implants etc. things we do 

To our bodies that make us stand out a little more. 

Deviant Careers / Lifestyles: being naked all the time, an example he gave was being at a home doing family activities. 

Theoretical Perspectives- Three big categories- biological theories is the first one: This gentleman named Cesare Lombroso he was a italian criminologist and he founded the italian school of criminology. He took a very anthropological approach to this, he was known for the theory  physiognomy

theory of phrenology. Phrenology means the bone contour of the skull.  Physiognomy means 

The facial features and ugly people are more likely to be bad people and good looking people with

Symmetrical facial features are to be more involved or civilized, think of hunchback of 

Notre Dame or Beauty and the beast. 

William Sheldon = somatotype = ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph: His theory on 

Somatotypes (soma means body) and he went to prisons and studied the bodies of 

Prisoners and  looked at the weight and muscle.

Ectomorphs are skinny people

Endomorphs are overweight people

Mesomorphs are muscular people and usually people in prison are this.

Extra Y chromosomes- means the extra Y is responsible for testosterone. 

Chemical castrations- against males in prison 

Psychology - Mental / Emotional stress: mental stress, psychosomatic.

Sociological-  Structural functionalism – pathology (normal) : it takes a biological 

Approach, they believe that a lot of deviance is biological and pathological. 

structural Anomie and strain Theory (Merton): Structural point of view is anomie

We are deviant when rules break down, think of titanic movie. 

 Conflict perspective-

Who has the power to define and enforce what is deviance, immorality, and criminality. 

Sometimes diseases are invented to control an entire population of people like


Hysteria- women can be controlled by this if you are hysterical or upset you might be 

Diagnosed with hysteria and the cure for this is hysterectomy. 



 20th centruy is industrial 

Feral Children- these children can be victims of child abuse, when you think of feral think of a child that is denied food, shelter etc. Feral means wild. Characteristics of...How do they differ from “normal” children?

Purpose of socialization:

The development of self and development of the culture and society. 

The development of self: George Hebrt Mead he was the person behind symbolic interactionism. Social self, self concept or self image. 

This idea of role taking or the ability to put yourself in someone else's point of view develops very early on and it has this four stage process according to mead. The order is infants from 0-1 years old then a little bit beyond are going to be stuck in the imitation stage and the imitation stage is where they interact with their significant others which would be their parents or primary caregivers. The second stage is play where kids use their imagination and kids talk to friends or people in their life who are less significant people. The third stage is the game stage is that games have rules but play doesn't, teaching them how to take turns. Rules narrow the possibilities down for each player. Here's what  Role taking is in a sentence: it's the ability to anticipate how somebody will respond to your behavior before you ever engage in that behavior in order to determine the most appropriate behavior.  

All social scientists tend to list 4 agents of socialization who serve as the primary people responsible for socializing new humans into our species but also socializing immigrants into this society and culture. These agents of socialization appear in chronological order. The first three are parents, teachers and peers. The fourth agent of socialization is the media you got video media , social media, audio media, digital media. The difference between the first three and number 4 is that the first three are a lot more interactive. The media is much more passive.  

The false belief task/ theory of mind: one is going to be the Sally Anne test and then one is going to be the smarties task (The candy). 

New Chapter:

Socialization (Mirco)

Know your psychologists! What are they most known for...personality, morality?

  1. Sigmund Freud-Personality development was his area of focus and the age range is early childhood. There are 3 life stages all happening between 0 and 6, 

The first stage is the oral stage; this is the breast feeding stage. The most important thing in this stage is trust. The infant learns how to trust, especially trusting the parent to provide comfort. The second stage is the Anal stage or potty training stage. The third stage is the psycosexual stage this happens around age 5 or 6 this is where you form your sexual identity. There is a myth that girls go through the electra complex. This complex tranlates to peins envy which means girls discover when a guy has different body parts as them. He says we have three components to our personality. The outward component means we chose to show ourselves online. Your outward personality can be your ego. Within the ego are two competing drives, one is the ID and the ID is all of the animal-like biological drives such as sleep drive, hunger drive and sexual drive. A super ego is kind of equivalent to culture. The purpose of socialization is the development of ourself and another purpose is to learn about our society and culture so we can navigate within it. 

  1. Albert Bandura- he's a psychologist and he also studied early childhood development. He was interested in aggression, when you think of him think of bo bo dolls. Kids pick up on every little thing, kids pick up on violence by watching adults, kids model what adults do.

  1. Lawrence Kohlberg/Carol Gilligan- Lawrence Kohlberg and his student Carol Gilligan. Lawrence studied moral development and is forced on adolescence, he studied on boys at an all boys school first for this study. Carol Gilligan wrote a book called in a different voice this was all in the 1970’s. 

  1. Jean Piaget- He is interested in Cognitive development. He has four stages of cognitive development. The first stage is Sensorimotor Stage  is early childhood, The second stage is preoperational stage where they are starting to learn symbols and language, The third stage is Concrete operational is when they are capable of communicating and the last stage is Formal operational which is adulting. 0-18.

  1. Eirk Erikson- he was a psychologist who made the case that socialization occurs throughout the life course. He has 8 stages but don't need to know any of them; they run throughout the life course. 

 Feral Children- The word Feral means wild, children that were raised by animals or children that have wandered off or have gotten lost.  Another example is when the parents don't want their children and lock them up and basically don't take care of them.
