great depression and new deal review

1.         What were the important causes of the Great Depression?

2.         Why did people call shantytowns “Hooverville’s”?

3.         What groups of people were apart of the Bonus Army that marched on Washington?

4.         What were the effects of the Great Depression?

5.         What administration was responsible for creating new jobs and putting people to work?

6.         What Act was created to raise prices of farm products?

7.         What did John Steinbeck write his novel about?

8.         Due to frustration with Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression, Hooverville’s became the name of what?

9.         What did Herbert Hoover believe there should be during the Great Depression?

10.   How did high tariffs on overseas goods affect the Great Depression?

11.   What time period was the photo “Migrant Mother” taken place?

12.   What happened during The New Deal?

13.   What were the causes of the Great Depression?

14.   What were the major causes of the Dust Bowl?

15.   What years did the Great Depression take place?

16.   What date did the Stock Market crash?

17.   How did President Hoover respond to the Bonus Army?

18.   What group of people helped build dams to provide electric power to seven southern states?

19.   What event signifies the end if the Roaring 20s?

20.   What happened during the Stock Market “crash”?

21.   What is the Dust Bowl?

22.   Why did the economy fall in the late 1920s?

23.   What required corporations to provide truthful information on all stock offerings?

24.   Why was the Securities and Exchange Commission created?

25.   What did the Tennessee Valley Authority do?

26.   What established the National Labor Relations Board to settle disputes between employers and employees?

27.   What provides pension for retired works and their spouses?

28.   Was the Agricultural Drought a cause of the Great Depression? Why or why not?

29.   Describe the American economy in the late 1920s?

30.   What did President Hoover do in response to the Great Depression?

31.   What was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s plan for dealing with the Great Depression?

32.   Where did Franklin D. Roosevelt plan to take the executive branch of the federal government?

33.   Which New Deal program flight wildfires and created wildfire breaks?

34.   What were the effects of the dust storms in the 1930s?

35.   How did the attitudes towards the federal government shift during the Great Depression?

36.   How did the public react to President Franklin Roosevelt’s “court-packing” plan?

37.   What New Deal agency created dams that produced hydroelectricity?

38.   What was a long term result of the New Deal?

39.   What impact did government policies have on the Rise and fall of the unemployment rate?

40.   What does the Wizard of Oz have to do with the late 1930s?
