Air Masses, fronts and Winds

The four different kinds of air masses depend on :: moisture content and temperature

Weather refers to :: the condition of the atmosphere at a given place and time

Air masses are :: Large bodies of air that move across land

Different types of weather are brought in by :: Air masses

A front is where :: Two different kinds of air masses interact

Moisture content can be :: Continental or maritime

Temperature can be :: Tropical or polar

Cold air moves :: faster

Warm air moves :: slower

Land breezes occur during the :: night

Sea breezes occur during the :: day

A cold front occurs when :: A cold air mass is moving in to replace a warm air mass

Cold fronts result in :: violent weather

A warm front occurs when :: A warm air mass is moving towards a cold air mass

Warm fronts result in :: Gentle rain, cirrus clouds, and humid temperatures

A stationary front occurs when :: A warm air mass and cold air mass meet and do not move

Stationary fronts result in :: Gentle rain, cirrus clouds, and humid temperatures

An occluded front occurs when :: A cold air mass catches up to a warm air mass, trapping it between the two cooler masses

Occluded fronts result in :: Mild rain or snow
