Electric Potential Energy and Voltage
Key Terms and Concepts
Battery -combination of electrochemical cells connected together(a single electrochemical cell)
Dry cell -the cylinder shaped electrolyte taken in the form of a moist paste
Wet cell- electrolytes that take form in fluid
Terminal -end points of a battery where connection is made
Electrochemical Cell - cell that converts chemical energy into electrical energy stored in charges (typically called cells or batteries)
Energy -ability to do work
Kinetic Energy -energy a moving object possesses due to its motion (measured in joules)
Potential Energy -energy stored within an object (measured in joules)
Acceleration -increased rate or speed of something
Electric Potential Energy -electrical energy stored within a battery
Potential Difference -amount of electric potential energy per one coulomb of charge
Voltmeter -device that measures the amount of potential difference between two locations of charge separation
Electrode -two terminals of a battery
Electrical Energy Sources There are multiple forms that can be used to separate charges and provide electric energy. Here are a few examples.
Friction - rubbing two materials together, work done by rubbing is converted into electrical energy stored into the separate charge
Generators -as the water falls it lands on generator, water field (electro-magnetism)
Thermocouples - consists of a loop of two wires of different metals joined at both ends, if one end is heated or cooled, charge is separated, and potential difference/ voltage is created
Photo-electrochemical cells- when light hits the cell, some of the light energy breaks electrons off the surface of cell
Piezoelectric crystals -when collided against, positive and negative charges are separated on either side of crystal