Non-Probability Sampling Methods

  1. You are more likely to see this in qualitative work

    • Availability/ convincing sampling

      • If your goal with your research is not to be generalizable, you can use convincing sampling. As the name implies, you are creating an available or convenient sample.

      • Just keep in mind that it will have some limitations, and you should be transparent about those. This is a non-random sampling method.

        • Selective-bias: This occurs when the sample is not representative of the population due to the subjective nature of the selection process, which can lead to skewed results.

      • Example: surveying students from a class

      • Why use it?

        • You want to gather some basic opinion information, and the sample makeup may not matter that much for your research purposes.

    • Quota sampling

      • It is a technique where researchers ensure equal representation of various subgroups within a population, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of different perspectives.

    • Purposive sampling

    • Snowball sampling
