natural resources
us government support
transportation systems
growing labor force
more regional specialization made mass production and mass consumption possible (lumber mill, furniture)
Railroads, because they stimulated the coal, petroleum, and iron/steel industries.
mass consumption among railroads
railroad lines offered special rates and rebates
pooling and consolidation failed to help over-speculation
helped business grow
small businesses were being bought by massive corporations
passed in 1887
forbade pools, rebates, and other monopolistic practices
established the ICC
investigated complaints and unreasonable rates
manipulate stock markets and company policies to line their own pockets
natural resources
us government support
transportation systems
growing labor force
more regional specialization made mass production and mass consumption possible (lumber mill, furniture)
Railroads, because they stimulated the coal, petroleum, and iron/steel industries.
mass consumption among railroads
railroad lines offered special rates and rebates
pooling and consolidation failed to help over-speculation
helped business grow
small businesses were being bought by massive corporations
passed in 1887
forbade pools, rebates, and other monopolistic practices
established the ICC
investigated complaints and unreasonable rates
manipulate stock markets and company policies to line their own pockets