The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37

Introduction to the Cold War

  • The Cold War earned its name because it was characterized by both sides (the United States and the U.S.S.R.) engaged in tense political and ideological rivalry without direct large-scale fighting (though there were proxy wars).

  • This period lasted roughly from 1945 to 1990 and significantly shaped international relations.

Context Post-World War II

  • After WWII, the U.S. and USSR emerged as superpowers; the U.S. boasted atomic weapons and a growing economy, while the USSR suffered heavy losses (20 million deaths).

  • The U.S. sought to secure a capitalist Europe to sell its industrial goods, fearing the spread of communism.

  • The USSR aimed to prevent future invasions by creating pro-communist governments along its borders.

Ideological Conflict

  • The USSR established pro-communist regimes in Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania, Poland) under military occupation, alarming the U.S. about a potential spread of communism.

  • The U.S. introduced the policy of containment, spearheaded by historian George F. Kennan's Long Telegram, aimed at stopping the expansion of Soviet influence.

Goals of Containment

  1. Block further expansion of Soviet power.

  2. Expose the falsities of Soviet pretensions.

  3. Induce a retraction of Kremlin's control and influence.

  4. Foster destruction within the Soviet system.

The Truman Doctrine

  • Announced by President Harry Truman in 1947 to support countries (Greece and Turkey) threatened by communism.

  • The Doctrine set a precedent for U.S. intervention in foreign conflicts to contain communism and laid the groundwork for military alliances against the USSR.

  • A significant aspect was the establishment of security agencies (National Security Council, CIA, Atomic Energy Commission) with autonomy from government oversight.

The Marshall Plan

  • Introduced in 1947 by George Marshall, it aimed to enhance economic stability in Western Europe to counter communism, providing aid to rebuild war-torn countries.

  • This investment helped establish capitalist economies in Europe, significantly boosting production and living standards.

  • Although not part of the Marshall Plan, Japan was also revitalized under U.S. influence after WWII, leading to economic success.

Berlin Crisis and Division of Germany

  • After the war, Germany was divided into East (communist) and West (capitalist), alongside Berlin being split despite it being in East Germany.

  • Stalin cut off access to West Berlin in 1948; the U.S. responded with a coordinated airlift that lasted 11 months, lifting the blockade by 1949.

  • The events underscored the Cold War tensions and the division of European powers into opposing ideological camps.

The Rise of Anticommunism

  • U.S. policies depicted the conflict as a battle between "freedom" and "tyranny," garnering bipartisan support for military expansion and intervention overseas.

  • National security considerations allowed substantial investments in science and infrastructure (e.g., interstate highways) under the guise of maintaining national security.

Domestic Impact of the Cold War

  • The Cold War brought about significant anticommunist sentiments in American politics, impacting domestic policies.

  • Truman's initiatives (like the Fair Deal) faced opposition from groups fearing any semblance of socialism.

  • The Red Scare and the influence of figures like Senator Joseph McCarthy heightened public fears of internal communism, leading to investigations and loyalty reviews.

Espionage and Security Fears

  • Espionage activities (e.g., Klaus Fuchs, Julius Rosenberg) heightened fears, leading to government scrutiny on potential subversives among the American populace.

  • The idea of loyalty became paramount, with the government expecting employees to root out potential threats, fostering a culture of mistrust.

Conclusion: Cold War's Legacy

  • The Cold War redefined America's role in the world, leading to a larger governmental structure focused on national security and interventionism.

  • It significantly altered the understanding of freedom, where security from communism became a central governmental responsibility.

  • The Cold War's impact remains evident in contemporary geopolitical dynamics and America's concept of international relations.
