Focus on motivation within organizational behavior.
Key concepts and strategies for enhancing employee motivation.
Establishing a Pay Structure
Importance of developing a competitive pay structure.
Variable-Pay Programs
Rewarding individuals based on performance metrics.
Flexible Benefits
Customizable benefits packages tailored to individual needs.
Intrinsic Rewards
Employee recognition programs to enhance motivation.
Signals Sent by Rewards
Understanding what rewards signal to employees and the organization.
Job Characteristics Model
Framework for understanding how job aspects affect motivation.
Unions' Role in Job Redesign
Canadian context of job redesign considering union perspectives.
Job Redesign Methods
Techniques for modifying jobs to enhance satisfaction.
Relational Job Design
Encouraging jobs that highlight the impact on beneficiaries.
Alternative Work Arrangements
Options like flextime to accommodate diverse employee needs.
Involvement Programs Examples
Various programs designed to engage employees in decision-making.
Linking Involvement and Motivation
How involvement programs relate to motivational theories.
Integration of Concepts
Overview of how various motivations strategies work together.
Understand types of variable-pay programs and their motivational impact.
Knowledge of how flexible benefits can promote employee motivation.
Recognition of intrinsic rewards' motivational benefits.
Comprehend the Job Characteristics Model's motivational dimensions.
Familiarity with job redesign tactics.
Explain how alternative work arrangements can boost motivation.
Knowledge of employee involvement's role in motivation.
Insight into making organizations more motivating through understanding employee drivers.
Power of Money as a Motivator
Financial rewards are important, but not the sole factor in motivation.
Importance of Meaningful Work
Employees value work that is significant and fulfilling.
Training and Development
Vital for employee retention and satisfaction.
Pay Structure Considerations
Balancing internal equity (job value) and external equity (market competitiveness).
Key Strategic Decision
The organization’s pay level affects employee motivation and retention.
Concept of Variable-Pay
Pay based on individual or organizational performance metrics.
Types of Incentives
Individual-based: Piece-rate pay, merit pay, bonuses.
Organizational-based: Profit sharing, Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs).
Role of Recognition
Immediate recognition influences the repetition of positive behavior.
Expectancy Theory
Performance and reward link is crucial for motivation.
Job Design Importance
Job organization influences employee motivation and productivity through various dimensions.
Job Characteristics Model (JCM)
Five Key Dimensions:
Skill variety
Task identity
Task significance
Designing jobs that directly affect beneficiaries increases motivation.
Flexibility in Work Structure
Options like flextime, job sharing, and telecommuting are essential for employee satisfaction and motivation.
Benefits of Flextime
Reduces absenteeism, increases productivity, and provides greater autonomy.
Definition of Employee Involvement Programs
Active employee participation in decision-making enhances motivation and commitment.
Types of Participation:
Participative management: Shared decision-making.
Representative participation: Small groups participate in decision-making process.
Four Basic Emotional Drives:
Drive to Acquire – Linked to rewards.
Drive to Bond – Promotes teamwork and collaboration.
Drive to Comprehend – High-quality job design.
Drive to Defend – Transparent performance management.
Variable pay and flexible benefits can significantly enhance motivation.
Recognition programs reinforce employee contributions.
The Job Characteristics Model provides a framework for job redesign.
Effective job redesign can lead to increased intrinsic motivation through relational job design and alternative work arrangements.