social psych - recall quiz


To preserve the harmony of the group, you keep your dissenting opinions to yourself

Group Polarization

Your opinions become more extreme (polarized) when you're with people who have similar ideas


The loss of self-awareness and self-restraint in group situations that foster anonymity and arousal

Social Loafing

You will put in less effort as part of a group than you would as an individual

Social Facilitation

In a group situation, you do better on tasks that you know well or are easy. You will do worse on tasks that are difficult.

Foot in the Door

You who have agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request.

Door in the Face

You make a large request first, expecting that the person will refuse, making them more likely to agree to a smaller request.

Central Route to Persuasion

You focus on the facts of someone's stance and are persuaded.

Peripheral Route to Persuasion

You are influenced by superficial cues, such as a speaker’s attractiveness or reputation, rather than the content of the message.


The social norm of responding to a positive action with another positive action.

Social Proof

You look at the behavior of others to decide what is appropriate or correct in a given situation.
