Balanced budget: when your income is the same as you spending rate
Cartel: A group (of countries) working together to promote economic interests.
Contras: a group trying to overthrow Orlega’s(leader of nicaragua) gov’t
Deficit: when a gov’t spends more money than it takes in
Double digit inflation: Rise in general level of prices by 10% or more
Glasnost: openness in the gov’t in the soviet union, more free speech
Perestroika: Restructures the gov’t and economy, farm/ factory workers have a say in policy, free elections. Privatize industries
Pork barrel legislation: A bill that benefits 1 part of the country
Privatize: to transfer ownership of an industry from gov’t ownership to private ownership
Surplus: income more than spending rate
*Walter mondale- carter's Vice president, ran against reagan in 84
Mohammed reza pahlavi- Shah of iran
Muammer Qaddafi- leader of libya
*Mikhail Gorbaehev- Soviet dictator, made new policies
*John Hinckley- attempted to assassinate reagan
Ronald Reagen- President of the US in 80 and 84
Jimmy Carter- president of the US in 76
James Watt- secretary of interior
*Geraldine Ferraro- ran against reagan as vice president in 84, 1st female to run for vice president in a major party
*Gerald Ford- president from 74 to 76
*Alexander Haig- secretary of state, said he was in charge when reagan was shot, got fired
*Daniel Ortega- leader of nicaragua, marxist
Ayatollah Khomeni- exiled leader of iran, came back when mohammed reza pahlavi left.
*Sandra Day O’Conner- 1st women in supreme court
*Anton Scalia- in supreme court
*Anthony Kennedy- in supreme court
*James brady- shot by john hinckley bullet was meant to shoot reagan
*Menachem Begin- president of Israel
*Anwar Sadat- president of egypt
Short answer questions
Lockerbie, Scotland-
Pan Am flight 103
London to US
Plane exploded over lockerbie scotland
259 passengers killed
11 people on the ground killed
Bomb planted by 2 men from Libya
gorbachev wanted to stop the nuclear arms race
He wanted to meet at Reykjavik
Reagan refuses to give up the idea of star wars/SDI (strategic defense initiative)
Star wars-
US defense missiles blow up soviet missiles in space
Vienne/ Rome-
Terrorists opened fire
20 people killed
5 americans
1- 11 year old girl
Achille Lauro-
Italian cruise ship
One american killed(was in a wheelchair)
Hijackers surrendered
Sent to egypt
Egypt promised to send hijackers to italy
American fighter jets escorted plane to italy
Beirut, Lebanon-
Explosion at US embassy
16 dead
Evil empire-
what US president Reagan called the ussr
Reagan 1st-
1st actor president
1st divorced president
Oldest elected president
Iran contra scandal-
Americans Kidnapped by hezbollah
Hezbollah is funded/ influenced by iran
Influenced hezbollah
1980- 1988 iran- iraq war
Secretly buys weapons from US
Americans were kidnapped in lebanon
Americans sold weapons to iran Secretly/ illegally
Giving money to contra from Iran arms sale
Daniel ortega (leader)
[1820- monroe doctrine: US will defend western hemisphere from enemies]
Contra- trying to take over the Orlega’s gov’t (vocab word)
Money from weapons sales to Iran is given to the contra
Invasion of Grenada-
US invaded Grenada (a caribbean island)
To boost Americas pride/morality
To flex our “military muscle”or to show that we have power