Respiratory Class Notes

Pulmonary ventilation: Moving air in and out of the lungs

External respiration: Diffusion of gases (O2 and CO2) between lungs and blood; O2 in, CO2 out

Internal respiration: Diffusion of gases between blood and tissues; CO2 in, O2 out

Cellular respiration: Sugar + Oxygen —> Carbon dioxide + water + ATP

Respiratory system regulates pH of blood —> NOT O2 !!!!

Hyperventilation = not enough CO2; not enough carbonic acid→Respiratory alkilosis

Why breathe using nose, not mouth?

  • Filters coarse materials using VIBRISSAE (Nose hairs)

  • Warms incoming hair (nose can warm the hair)

    • Cold air can damage thin membrane

  • Adds moisture

CONCHAE: Inside the nasal cavity; mixes up incoming air → Helps trap smaller particles that made it past the hairs

PHARYNGOTYMPANIC TUBE: Connection between nasal cavity and middle ear


