England had the ability to make a lot of weapons so they were hard to beat.
The industrial revolution is the massive change in the way we produce goods. Before everything was handmade and made on a small scale. But now there is mass production and they’re distributed all over the world
Prior to industrialization they used the cottage system. This is a system in which people made a small number of products in their homes and generally had a farm for resources. 90% of peoples items were made in the same town.
But this system switched to industrial factorization, and leads to a huge jump in population. Technology improves and people have a lot of children because most the die anyways, but then because of the new tech they live
There was also a huge jump in GDP. A lot more things were getting produced. Goods were produced at a rate never seen before.
The steam engine is the key to the industrialization. It was greatly improved during the time.
One day they put coal in the steam engine and find out that it works better. So it was used with coal instead of wood. Since more steam was coming out the wheel spin faster meaning they can make cloth and make textiles faster. This invention leads to the steam boat and better trains.
The industrial revolution was caused by the agricultural revolution in England in the mid 1700s. The second agricultural revolution happened in England. This was a change in a way we made food.
1st: When we learned how to farm for food
2nd: England in the mid 1700s; change in a way we made food
3rd: In the 1960s food started being produced at ridiculous rates
The reason why it happened in England is because before the 2nd Agricultural Revolution the world was on the brink of starvation. They then learned how to use the dutch plow that would be pulled by an ox and help the under get rich.
The seed drill was also made, It allowed for farmers to plant in rows making it easier to farm.
The silo allowed farmers to store their grain longer creating a larger food supply. Before as soon as grain would get we it would rot, but the silo is very very dry.
Crop rotation was a new technique in which farmers rotated the crops they grew every year to keep the soil replenished. There were gardens that were fallow (empty), where animals would fertilize to give soil nutrients.
All of these tools led to farming being easier. There is more food and more working leading to the population to rise. There is to much labor meaning you could pay the laborers nothing because everyone was desperate for jobs.
The cottage system could not meet the needs for these big cities. There is now the factory system where people mass produced items with steam engines in big buildings.
The British Enclosure acts freed up 6,8 million acres for private farms. Before everyone worked on one big farm, but now that everyone owned different parts on the farm this incentivized profit in farming.
2) London- London became the first truly large city in Europe, full of farmers looking for workers in factories. Due to this London had lots of cheap labor.
3) Patents- The British Government was the first government was the first to grant patents. This gave British citizens the right to collect fees if someone else used their inventions. This motivated the British to innovate.
4) Coal- Coal was necessary to create the steam for the steam engine. They have a lot of coal in England where the industrial revolution began.
5) Guilds were banned- A guild was an association of workers and artisans that oversaw the production of a particular product. They were the basic practice in the 1800s. Their goal was to create equality throughout an industry, They set price and standards, and everyone sells the same things for the same price. Because of this there was no innovation and it was only 1 shoe type available. When they outlawed the guilds people could make better shoes, houses etc.
6) British Capitalism- England monarchy was weak after their civil wars and has a laissez faire attitude towards the market allowing a large industrial class to develop.
7) British Naval Superiority - Since their navy was so good they could sell their goods all over the world. This motivated them to make more goods.
8) Technology - The technology was very advanced. There were science clubs and they would innovate and eventually make the spinning jenny.
Spinning Jenny: It was a wheel that could revolutionized the process of cotton spinning making the process faster.
in 1820 90% of the population was living in extreme poverty. But after the industrial revolution it was only 10%.
But the living conditions were still terrible . With all the people leaving the farms due to technical advancements in farming. There was an overabundance of workers in the cities. This meant the workers had no leverage. Workers often worked up to 18 hour days, six days in a week for 10 cents in a hour. Women and children made 1/3 less than men. Before this woman would never work and take care of children.
Children were forced to work in factories because poor families needed money. Factory owners hired children because they were less likely to complain of poor conditions. They were easy to abuse.
Industrial cities quickly became overcrowded and unsanitary. British industrial cities doubled their population in less than 10 years.
Back to Back terrace housing was built around the factories for the workers. Whole families lived in 1 room. The homes had no bathrooms, heman waste was thrown in alleyways. Living conditions were so bad that the life expectancy was 17. On a farm it was 38
Due to the waste, throughout London there were lots of outbreaks of Cholera. In 1854 a huge outbreak of cholera in London killed over 600 people. John Snow is the one who discovers the water is what is causing the cholera. He finds out that everyone who had the disease drank from the same fountain. After the fountain got shut down people stopped getting cholera.
There was a guy named Karl Marx who wrote a book called Communist Manifesto. He was a social philosopher. Which is the study of society
He was obsessed with the French Revolution. He saw it as the Rich vs Poor/ He believed that a small amount of rich people exploits the poor. He believed the French Revolution was the poors reaction.
When he saw industrialization, he thought it was going to happen again. Industrial capitalism is the idea of the poor people doing cheap labor. The bourgoise was the upperclass who owned the factory. The poor workers were the proletariant.
He says society is about these 2 classes for a long time. In industrial capitalism the richer are getting richer and the poorer are getting poorer. He believes that the poor will explode again like the did during the French Revolution. But this never happens, so he is wrong.
The reason it never happened is because:
Technology improved - They found electricity that is generated by burning fossil fuels instead of using coal.
2) Democracy - The king allows middle class people to have input in society. Other people gave input: child labor laws, workers rights etc.
3) Social Safety Net - Government programs to keep people out of poverty.
Welfare gives you foodstamps, Unemployment, Disability, Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security etc.
When John Marx thought ere were going to overthrow the rich he didn’t predict all the benifits the poor would get.
4) Unions - The unions collectively bargained. Everyone would work together to protect the rights of workers. There are 3 things you can do:
Go on strike - a mass refusal to work
Boycott- A refusal to use or buy any goods from a person or company