Law/Act/Policy | Date Approved | Full Name/Description |
Republic Act 7305 | March 26, 1992 | Magna Carta Of Public Health Workers |
Presidential Decree No. 856 | December 23, 1975 | Code On Sanitation |
Republic Act 8749 | June 23, 1999 | An Act Providing For A Comprehensive Air Pollution Control Policy And For Other Purposes |
Republic Act No. 6675 | September 13, 1988 | Generics ACt of 1988 |
Republic Act No. 10606 | June 19, 2013 | “National Health Insurance Act Of 1995″ |
Republic Act No. 7719 | May 5, 1994 | National Blood Services Act Of 1994 |
Republic Act No. 11332 | April 26, 2019 | "Law On Reporting Of Communicable Diseases" |
Republic Act No. 9994 | February 15, 2010 | “An Act To Maximize The Contribution Of Senior Citizens To Nation Building, Grant Benefits And Special Privileges And For Other Purposes” |
Republic Act No. 9165 | June 7, 2002 | The Dangerous Drugs Act Of 1972 |
Republic Act No. 9502 | June 6, 2008 | An Act Providing For Cheaper And Quality Medicines |
Save The Children |
| Is The World's Leading Independent Children's Organization - Has Been Working In The Philippines For Over Three Decades And Is Dedicated To Helping Children. They Protect And Support Children In Need. They Save Lives In Emergencies. They Speak Up For Children's Rights. They Share A Global Vision And Strategy For Creating Better Lives For Children In The Philippines And Across The World. |
Ra 9262 Violence Against Women |
| Any Act Of Gender-Based Violence That Results Or Is Likely To Result In Physical, Sexual Or Psychological Harm Or Suffering To Women Including Threats Or Such Acts, Coercion Or Arbitrary Deprivation Of Liberty Whether Occurring In Public Or Private Life. Gender-Based Violence Is Any Violence Inflicted On Women Because Of Their Sex. |
Disaster Risk Reduction & Disaster Risk Management |
| The Policy Objective Of Anticipating And Reducing Risk Is Called Disaster Risk Reduction (Drr). Although Often Used Interchangeably With Drr, Disaster Risk Management (Drm) Can Be Thought Of As The Implementation Of Drr, Since It Describes The Actions That Aim To Achieve The Objective Of Reducing Risk. |
Republic Act 7600 | June 2, 1992 | "The Rooming-In And Breast-Feeding Act Of 1992" |
Republic Act No. 10354 | December 21, 2012 | “The Responsible Parenthood And Reproductive Health Act Of 2012″ |
Republic Act No. 10152 | June 21, 2011 | “Mandatory Infants And Children Health Immunization Act Of 2011” |
Republic Act No. 10666 | July 21, 2015 | “Children’s Safety On Motorcycles Act Of 2015” |
Republic Act No. 10821 | May 18, 2016 | Children’s Emergency Relief and Protection Act |
Presidential Decree 603 |
| The Child And Youth Welfare Code |
Republic Act No. 9211 | June 23, 2003 | Tobacco Regulation Act Of 2003 |