Somatosensation: sensory information from the skin and musculoskeletal systems
info from the skin/cutaneous = touch, pain, temperature
info from the musculoskeletal system = proprioception and pain
Information from these receptors travels through a series of neurons (1st, 2nd, 3rd order) to the brain
The speed of information being processed is determined by the following
diameter of axons
axonal myelination
number of synapses
Sensory vs Sensation
Sensory: impulses generated from the original stimuli
Sensory receptors
Tonic Receptors: DO NOT adapt to the stimulus
ex: light on a photoreceptor, pressure, chemoreception (can me overridden, just turn on/off)
Phasic Receptors: ADAPTS to the stimulus, meaning that after a while the stimulus will still be there but not as apparent to the you
ex: some types of pain, noise, vibration …happens just on the “outside”, at the location where your body “touches” the “environment”
Receptors are specialized to respond to only a specific type of stimulus
Mechanoreceptors: respond to touch, pressure, stretch or vibration (goes into the Dorsal Column/Medial Lemniscus pathway)
Chemoreceptors: responds to substances released by cells, including damaged cells after injury or infection
Thermoreceptors: responds to heat or cold
Nociceptors: (subset of somatosensory receptors) stimulation results in the sensation of pain…activated when cell damage/death might occur
ex: pressure (mechanoreceptors) are stimulated by stubbing a toe..the sensation of pain is experienced
Sensation: awareness of the stimuli based on the senses
Somatosensory Peripheral Neurons: sensory axons have 2 axons
Distal: conduct messages from the receptor to the cell body
Proximal: project the message from the cell body into the spinal cord/brainstem
Afferents are classified according to axon diameter: 1a, 1b, 2 or A(beta), A(gamma), C
1a: largest and heavily myelinated, prevalent in areas that need quick reactions…maximum speeds = milliseconds (ex: mechanoreceptors)
1b: next largest found in retina cells
C: the smallest and slowest transmitting axon
Cutaneous Receptors
Cutaneous Innervation ( How big is the receptive field?)
distally = smaller receptive fields
proximally = larger receptive fields
Distal areas of the body have dense areas of receptors in comparison to proximal areas
… it’s how we are able to distinguish b/w 2 closely applied stimuli on our fingertips versus our forearm
Cutaneous Innervation: Somatic Afferent
Cutaneous receptors respond to touch, pressure, vibration, stretch, noxious stimuli, pain and temperature
Touch, is categorized as fine or coarse
Fine touch = A(beta) afferent
Coarse touch = mediated by free endings
These are the receptors are the interface b/w us and our environment
damage to these sensors → determine our perception of pain/feeling
2nd degree burns, the receptors would still be there and sensation/stimulus will be transmitted ( very painful) …unlike if we had 3rd degree burns where it would be deeper then these receptors would not be there and therefore no sensation/stimulus and you would have no feeling (same for deep injury)
During recovery you hope that there would be some regeneration, you’ll have neighboring axons growing into the region but sensation will never be the same
Receptors are modified versions of a cell, capable of producing neurotransmitters/sending a AP
receptors, wrap around hair follicles so the movement of hair = stimulus
Meissner’s & Pacinian’s corpuscle: pressure receptors
Free endings: unmyelinated, slow transmission
Cutaneous Innervation-
Pain: free nerve endings
Temperature: free nerve endings
( ^ travel along the spinothalamic/anterolateral pathway: crossing immediately and travels to the brainstem)
Free nerve endings = A(gamma) & C Afferents
Cutaneous receptors…
innervation of skin by peripheral nerves
contribute to the sense of joint position and movement
motor and sensory nerves travel together
Innervation and Dermatomes…
Dermatomes = innervation of skin by single spinal nerve
Myotome: innervation of muscle by single spinal nerve
^^^They travel together
Muscle Receptors
Somatic Afferents: starts in the muscle
Muscle spindles
Sensory Organs in Muscle Belly
muscle fibers
Sensory fibers
Motor ending
Respond to stretch …change in muscle length and rate of length change = change in input sent out
essentially the sense the amplitude and velocity of change….this is active only at the muscle system, not a lot of input comes in from the CNS, similar to a “stretch reflex” no CNS input needed to respond
1A’s send it quickly (realization that you’re doing something), from Gamma & 2 endings slowly send input
1A: just feeling that the muscle is moving
Gamma motor neurons are what help your muscles stay calibrated, to preform accordingly
Specialized Muscle Fiber
Intrafusal fibers: contract at the ends, the centra; region does NOT contract
2 types of intrafusal fibers:
Nuclear Bag fibers = clumps of nuclei, helps sense end range
Nuclear Chain fibers = nuclei arranged in single file…helps sense velocity
2 different sensory endings:
Primary endings: (of 1a neurons) wrap around the central region of each intrafusal fiber … detect a quick sense of change b/c they are wrapped around the fiber
Sensory endings: (of 2 afferents) mainly on nuclear chain fibers adjacent to the primary endings
Golgi Tendon Organ
sensitive to tension in tendons
Type 1b afferents transmit sensory information from the Golgi tendon organ
Joint Receptors
ligament receptors
Type 1b afferents ….sensing Tension
Ruffini’s endings
Type 2 afferents …extreme join movements, prevent from reaching end range and going beyond it ( in passive movement)
Paciniform endings
Type 2 afferents
Free Nerve Endings
All contained in the joint capsule
Post knee replacement or surgery, these all get disrupted so there’s a lack of input… this is when individuals express that they don’t trust their knee or “know their knee” feeling
“How are they different?”
Muscle spindles: respond to quick and prolonged stretches…more about time, aids in stretching and passive movement
“How much tension? How much velocity”
Tendon organs: signal the force generated by the muscle contraction or by passive stretch of the tendon…more about amplitude, adjusts muscle tension (quick jump)
input on force & velocity
Joint Receptors: responds to mechanical deformation of joint capsule…”where you are in space”
translation of pressure into 3D formation
these can be override by cognitive function and utilizing other input (ex: vision)
takes in these small sensory inputs and combines them to put together a big picture that we can understand where we are
The information they tell us can be cognitively overridden if we know that what it is saying is not accurate
Golgi tendon organ = protective measures
muscle spindles = optimization
Muscle spindles and TO can work together or independently … how we see it is usually that MM spindles will fire and then as the muscle changes the TO’s will kick in
Conscious Relay Pathways
Information in conscious relay pathways transmit with high fidelity, which means that information is very accurate and detailed orientated
High input → High/detailed recall
Information = location of stimulus and type (pressure, cutaneous, pain, temp)
Course Touch , you know its there and can explain the general size and weight
less localized
C fiber afferents, this is how we can identify a general area and cannot pinpoint a location
Temperature Sensation, Hot and cold
Receptors = specialized free nerve endings (typically more C fibers, they do not have special endings just regular dendrites)
A-delta fibers = carry information in regards COOLING (quick transmission)
C fibers = carry information in regards to HEAT (slow transmission)
*speech therapist utilize cooling techniques, due to the quick transmission*
info does not reach conscious awareness contributes to arousal, provides gross localization (reflexes) and automatic regulation (..still aids in visceral responses)
Muscle Receptors
Pathways to the Brain: Tracts
Tracts = bundle of axons with the same origin and the common termination
named for the origin and where they end
Three types that bring sensory info to the brain….(ascending tracts)
Conscious Relay
Unconscious Relay
All 4 types of somatosensation reaches conscious awareness
travel upward (ascending up the spinal cord)
Dorsal Column (aka Medial Lemniscus): fine touch, vibration & proprioception (travels ipsilateral)
Anterolateral (aka Spinothalamic): pain, temperature, and pressure (travels contralateral)
Anterior and Posterior Spinocerebellar: muscle tension & limb position…plans for movement (travels contralateral)
These are 3 neuron pathways…
1st order neuron = sensory cell picks up the signal, interacts with with environment …ex: free nerve ending, muscle spindle fiber
2nd order neuron = takes the information up to the thalamus
3rd order neuron = takes it to the specific region of the sensory cortex
Divergent Pathways: info is transmitted to many location in brainstem and cerebrum, affects a variety of neurons
ex: aching pain
diffuse response that can interact with the limbic system
When talking about pathways we reference the major neurons (the main highway…not interneurons)
Clinically Important Tracts:
Spinothalamic: pain, temp and pressure…poor localization
Dorsal Column/Medial lemniscal: transmits discriminative touch, proprioception, vibration, 2 pt discrimination to consciousness
Spinocerebellar: relay information about muscle tension, limb position …planning for movements
ALL are IMPORTANT for output motor function
If there were “break” along any of these pathways the information would not reaction conscious sensation ….system is activated but there is a disconnect along the way
In the face….
In terms of discriminative touch, it works the same way with the trigeminal nerve. There is just a shorter distance for the information to travel to the brainstem (short first order neuron), no spinal cord interaction
1st order….
trigeminal nerve
2nd order…
from the brainstem, specifically the pons
3rd order….
from the pons to the cerebral cortex
Dorsal Column/Medial Lemniscus
Splits into 2 portions, this is where we will see the 1st order neurons run to
Gracilis region: lower limb, runs centrally
Cuneatus region: upper limbs, run laterally
This will correlate to understanding where you will see side effects of damage to the spinal cord (tumor, injury, etc…)
2nd order neuron…
will cross at the midline (MEDULLA) and ascend to the thalamus
3rd order neuron…
from the thalamus (VPL) to the cortex
Conscious Relay Pathways
Provide input on …
Discriminative Touch: Localization of touch & vibration, discriminate b/w 2 closely spaced points touching the skin
Conscious Proprioception: movements and relative position of body parts
Stereognosis: ability to use touch & proprioception info to identify object…( happens at the cortical level ) dealing w/ sensation and aids in multitasking
Pathways to the Brain
High fidelity transmission (good accuracy)→ provides accurate details regarding location of stimulation
allows info to be arranged in a somatotopic map…cortex is split up into regions that correlate to specific body region
there’s communication b/w these areas
Places that you need to discern fine movements → large portion of brain contributed to it
Sensory Homunculus, based on receptive field mapping
high fidelity area = larger assigned regions
low fidelity areas ( larger limbs w/ low amount of innervation) = smaller assigned region
Somatosensory areas of the Cortex
Primary sensory cortex…1st order neuron: discriminates among size, texture or shape of object
Somatosensory association areas**….referring to the 3rd order neuron** : analyze info from the primary sensory area & thalamus
provides stereognosis and memory or tactile/spatial environment…gives/connects meaning to what you’re feeling
Anterior Lateral Pathway
3 neuron system:
1st: brings info into the dorsal horn, synapses and crosses immediately (synapsing immediately = allows for a quick response)
starts in the skin, from limb to spinal cord (dorsal root ganglion)
A-delta neuron (slower fiber)
2nd: crosses at the midline and goes from the spinal to the thalamus
synapses in spinal cord, starts in the dorsal horn and goes up to the thalamus
cross of info occurs via anterior white commissure (mini highway for information to cross)
3rd: thalamus to cerebral cortex
starts in the VPL of the thalamus to the primary/secondary sensory cortices
disruption along the pathway → misinterpretation of information or no sensation in general (dependent on where it occurs)
crosses at the spinal level
transmits the following…
crude touch
Supplemental Trigeminal Nerve Sensation
Trigeminal Nerve: Sensory & Motor (B1 top - B3 bottom/taste)
responsible for sensation from face and head…pain, blink reflex etc…
Communicates with spinal cord for head reflexes (specifically C2-C5)
information comes in synapses at spinal nucleus and to the thalamus
There is always communication to the spinal cord because there are so many reflexes & muscles involved in keeping our head upright/stable (proprioception)
“adds on” to the dorsal column/medial lemniscus for Touch and Proprioception
“adds on” to the anterolateral System for Pain and Temp…more sensation
primarily ipsilateral ( all moves together initially, right info goes to the left side)
still 3 neuron pathway … the nerve is above the medulla so it doesn’t follow the typical “travel rules”
Other sensory pathways….primarily pain, emotional and postural responses. Slow pathways…
spinoemotional tract
These cross at the spinal level and travel to other regions of the brain…travel with other pain pathways
These pathways can end in…
Spinoemotional → cingulate cortex
Spinomesencephalic → brainstem (postural responses)
spinoreticular → midbrain
These pathways will transmit slowly to non-discrete regions (subconscious, you know something is wrong versus a specific identification)
Anterior Lateral Pathway (spinothalamic)
Unconscious relay pathway to the cerebellum
proprioceptive and movement-related information to the cerebellum (accurate but subconscious) → adjustments to movement and posture
High fidelity, fast, accurate and subconscious
…where else do we see high fidelity …in the primary sensory cortex (conscious pathway)
Medial Pain system
divergent pathway (visceral pain, like a stomach ache)
slow pain, NOT localized, low fidelity
information is not somatopoically organized
Ascending projection neurons:
Spinomesencephalic → Midbrain, postural response
carries nociceptive information
controls turning/control of head
activates descending tracts that control pain…so you can turn and look at where the pain is coming from
Spinoreticular → Reticular Formation, postural response
modulates arousal, attention and sleep cycles…on top of postural response
in a patient who’s comatose, if you can get them upright & applying pressure under their feet then you can increase their arousal/attention level & postural responses ( very night & day response when on/off)
Spinolimbic → Limbic region, emotional response
responsible to automatic movement & emotional response to pain…response we cant really control
transmits slow pain information
Tracts are parallel ascending tracts
Unconscious relay tracts to the cerebellum, transmit info from proprioceptors and info about activity in spinal interneurons
allows for unconscious adjustments to posture and movements
info is important for complicated movements, unconscious tracts work as “quick fine tuners”
adjusts movements in size/strength by utilizing sensory info & proprioception
High fidelity pathways transmit info from muscles, tendons & joints → cerebellum (subconscious )
These pathways split into 2…
Posterior Spinocerebellar pathway: transmits info from the legs and lower half of the body
1st order neuron: thoracic and upper lumbar spinal cord
large group comes from your spine and is constantly adjusting your spine
stays on the same and crosses (both sides sending info)
2nd order neuron: (are specific) cell body = Nucleus dorsalis and the axon ascends as the spinocerebellar tract
damage would stop info traveling to the cerebellum
Cuneocerebellar (anterior) pathway: transmits info from the arms and upper half of the body
The Cerebellum has Internal Feedback tracts, which means that information doesn’t make it to the cerebral cortex so the cerebellum communicates directly with spinal cord. Making subconscious adjustments/corrections…(little brain has it’s own cortex)
Anterior spinocerebellar tract: transmits info from the thoracolumbar spinal cord
Rostro-spinocerebellar tract: transmits info from the cervical spinal cord to the cerebellum (same side)
Internal feed back from the lateral/ventral horns of the spinal cord communicate directly w/ cerebellum
“Emotional” contribution of pain from regions of the brain in response to nociceptive signals
So the initial pain/ nociceptive signal from the spinal cord travels to thalamus and from there the somatosensory cortexes this same signal travels (low fidelity) to another region of the thalamus then to the cingulate cortex (also receives indirect stimulus from the somatosensory cortex) & amygdala (limbic system) from here all of this travels to the prefrontal cortex (cognitive center) → this is why we can have a HUGE emotional response to pain