Half filled orbital theory applies to : Au - Gold, Mo- Molybedenum, Cu-copper, Ag-silver, Cr -chromium, W- Tungsten
where in the atom is the proton and neutron : in the nucleus
where in the atom is the electron : around the nucleus, in the orbitals bc opposite charges attract
crest : the very top of a wavelength
trough : the very bottom of a wavelength
amplitud : the length from either trough or crest from the middle
wavelength : the distance between each wavelength
atom : smalletes unit of matter that retains chemical properties
Isotope: variation of an atom that has a differenct mass, but the same chemical property bc of a diff amnt of neutrons
Ion: atim with imbalanced charge
cation : positive, subtract from electron
anion: negative, add to electron
variable and unit for speed : c and m/s
variable and unit for frequency : v and Hz
variable and unit for energy : E and J
where the atomic mass goes in symbol notation : upper left
where atomic number does in symbol notation : bottom left
where charge goes in symbol notation : upper right
alpha decay : 4/2 He
beta decay : 0/-1 e
shape, # of orbitals, # of electrons for S : sphere, 1 , 2
shape, # of orbitals, # of electrons for P : dumbbell, 3, 6
shape, # of orbitals, # of electrons for d : clover, 5, 10
shape, # of orbitals, # of electrons for F : flower, 7, 14
energy level 1 : s, 1 orbital, 2 electrons
energy level 2 : s,p , 4 orbitals, 8 electrons
energy level 3 : s,p,d, 9 orbitals, 18 electrons
energy level 4 : s,p,d,f, 16 orbitals, 32 electrons
Aufbau rule : electrons occupy obital of the lowers orbital energy first
Pauli Exclusion principle: orbital can only hold two eectrons which spin in opposite directions (occupy empty orbitals before pairing up)
Hund’s rule : electrons fill orbitals of the same energy one at a time before doubling up
alpha ray: alpha decay is 4/2 He - cannot penetrate most matter, can be stopped by paper
beta decay : 0/-1 e - can be stopped by clothing, can cause radiation damage, like skin burns
gamma : has a lot of penetrating power, very dangerous, only stopped by very dense material, like lead
fusion: combines nucleus which release energy, release more energy than fission, in nucleus
fission: splits nucles, creates a lot of energy, involves nucleus
how many nm in 1 m : 10^9
atomic mass = : protons and neutrons
charge = : protons - electrons
atomic number = : protons
in a table, next to the name you put, : the atomic mass
average atomic mass unit: amu
average atomic mass formula : relative abundance x mass number + etc
what do you do to the percent before the equation in average atomic mass : divide by 100
sigfig rule for multiplication : least amount of sigfigs
sigfig rule for addition and subtraction: least amount of decimal places
to solve half life : find the amount of half lives that is occuring, then multiply that as an exponent to 1/2 and then solve
all electromagnetic waves travel : at the speed of light
ground state: lowest energy in electron
excited state: electron at higher energy level
ground state to excited : photon absorbed
excited state to ground : photon emmited