atomic number
definition - distance between nucleas and the outermost orbital
increase down group
decrease across a period
density increase from g1 → to middle of the table
general decrease from middle to group 8
period 3 has higher density than group 2
metals increase across period
non metals decrease across a period
decrease down group
non-metals increase down groups
of metals increase across period
non metals decrease across period
decrease down group
non metals increase down groups
= melting point = boiling point
definition - ionization energy of an element is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom to form a cation.
higher ie means that it is more difficult to remove an electron
IE increase across periods ( an extra proton and electron means that their is higher attraction froce)
new period means less IE (electrons are added to a new shell further from the nucleus = weaker electrostatic forces)
Metal - cation
Non-Metal - anion
the energy change when an electron is added to a gaseous atom to form an anion.
defintion - the energy change when an electron is added to a gaseous atom to form an anion.
increases across period (metal lower than non metal)
electron affinties of halogens are highest (accepting an electron = attain noble gas config. of noble gas next to them)
definition - the ability of an atom in a compound to attract the bonding electron pair(s)
nonmetals greedier
increase from 1 → then restarts
determined by no of valence electron that need to be lost or gained to obtain fill outer shell
loss of electrons = postive cation
gain electron = negative anion
reacts vigirously with water
increase down
very reactive
low IE
less reactive than group one as more energy needed to remove second electron
varied react in water
increase down group
form diatomic molecules
reacts group 1 to form salts
decreases down group
low meltings, boiling points
room temp
first two gas, third liquid, last black solid
colourless, green-yellow, red-brown, purple-black
full outer shell → unreactive
low boiling point
gases at room temp