Purpose of Research Report: To provide three key types of information about the study:
What was accomplished
What discoveries were made
How the study connects to existing knowledge
Steps Involved:
Define the Problem
Form a Hypothesis
Collect and Analyze the Data
Draw Conclusions
Communicate Findings
Discourse Community: A group sharing common goals, languages, and knowledge in the field.
Methods for communication include:
Archival publications
Journal articles
Invisible college (informal networks)
E-mail, phone, snail mail
Lab visits
Professional meetings
Goals of Scientific Writing:
Convey information clearly, concisely, and engagingly
Persuade and inform readers
Present a thesis: the central proposition supported by argument
Use precise language and avoid jargon
Ensure correct grammar and spelling
Adhere to APA Style
Maintain objectivity: avoid sexism and racism
Brevity: Avoid unnecessary verbosity.
Felicity: Foster a pleasing writing style.
Noun: Emotion
Verb: To influence
Noun: Result or outcome
Verb: To accomplish
Components of a Research Report:
Clear purpose statement
Review of background literature
Description of research methods used
Summary of results
Discussion and interpretation of findings
Impersonal Style:
Personal pronouns may be used to describe actions taken by the researcher.
Verb Tense:
Past Tense: For specific events in the past.
Present Perfect Tense: For ongoing or unscheduled events.
Reduce Biased Language: Scientific writing should avoid evaluations of groups.
Citations: Required for non-common knowledge facts and prior research findings. Provides author(s) and year of publication for referential integrity.
Cite sources in-text:
In parentheses: If stating a fact or claim in the sentence.
As the subject: Name(s) in the body, with year noted in parentheses.
Importance of Documenting:
Credit ideas of others
Place personal ideas in a broader context
Provide theory information
Avoid plagiarism: cite only what you have read.
Secondary Citations: Should be used cautiously.
Number of Authors:
1 Author: Jones (2017), (Jones, 2017)
2 Authors: Smith and Jones (2016), (Smith & Jones, 2016)
3-5 Authors: Jones, Smith, and Brown (2014), Jones et al. (2014)
6 or More: Jones et al. (2015)
Be selective: Choose only useful references.
Prefer paraphrasing to quoting directly unless essential to preserve meaning.
Author information
Date of publication
Article/book titles
Publication details (journal name for articles, publisher for books)
DOI for online sources
Formatting Requirements:
Double-spaced, one-inch margins, left-aligned, no hyphenation
Indent first line of paragraphs
Use 12-point Times New Roman font
Organization with each section starting on a separate page:
Title page
Running head with abbreviated title and page number
Full paper title
Author name(s) and affiliations
Author note if necessary
Presents proper formatting for the title page as per APA guidelines.
Abstract Components:
Statement of problem or research question
Brief participant description
Research method summary
Summary of results
Statement on conclusions or implications
Illustrates how to format abstract following APA guidelines.
Introduction Components:
General topic introduction
Literature review
Problem or purpose statement with defined variables
Research strategy summary used for hypothesis evaluations.
Provides practical examples of introductions in APA style.
Detailed methodologies including:
Definitions and measurements of variables
Description of how the research was conducted (subsections for
Summary of data and statistical analyses:
Begins after the method section
Provides factual reporting of findings, avoiding discussions.
Model for presenting results in APA format.
Discusses how:
Restates hypothesis
Summarizes results
Interprets implications and applications of results
Begins immediately after results section.
Format guideline for discussion sections in APA style.
Complete listing of references:
Organized alphabetically by last name
New page starting for the reference list
Include DOI where available
Details on specific formatting and organization of references.
Rules for using tables and figures:
Should supplement without duplicating text information.
Mention in text by number and highlight key aspects.
Place tables/figures on separate pages.
Contains detailed information that’s useful but disrupts narrative flow if included in body.
Steps for submission:
Identify appropriate journals
Review submission guidelines
Submit with a cover letter
Be aware that many manuscripts are often rejected.
Differences between presentations:
Papers: Typically require PowerPoint presentations (10-20 minutes)
Posters: Display during sessions for feedback; guidelines provided by organizations.
A proposal outlines a plan for a new study:
Purposes include funding, helping researchers clarify ideas, and gaining committee approval.
Essential components include an outline of the study's objectives, potential findings, and relation to previous research.
Similar to writing a research report but must:
Use future tense
Optional abstract
More extensive literature review
Include combined Results/Discussion or Expected Results sections.