2.1 Biodiversity

Biodiversity: variety of life on earth

Three Scales of Biodiversity

  1. Genetic Diversity: Genetic variation among individuals in a population

  2. Species Diversity: The number of species in a region or habitat (in a community or ecosystem)

    1. A species can interbreed and produce viable offspring.

  3. Habitat/ Ecosystem Diversity: The variety of habitats that exist within a given region

Environmental Stressors

  • Physical Stress (natural disasters)

  • Wildfires

  • Pollution

  • Thermal stress

  • Radiation

  • Climatic (light, temperature)

  • Biological (predation, competition, parasitism, lack of mates)

Bottleneck Effect: A drastic and sudden reduction in the size of a population leads to a change in the gene pool

  • Can be natural or anthropogenic

Generalist species: can live under a wide range of biotic/abiotic conditions

Specialists species: live under a very narrow range of conditions or feed on one or a very small group of species

Species Richness: # of total species

Species Evenness: abundance of individuals within each species
