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MODULE 1 Guided Notes

1.01 Exploring Life

1.02A Chemistry of Life Honors

1.02 Chemistry of Life

1.03 Earth’s Early Atmosphere

01.01 Biology Notebook: Exploring Life

Page 1: Biology and a World of Science?

What are the different fields of the study of living things?

Zoology – The study of animals

Botany – The study of plants

Ecology – The study of living things in their environment

Microbiology – The study of microscopic organisms

Biochemistry – The study of chemical reactions in living things

Anatomy/Physiology – The study of the human body

Define phenomena.

Phenomena are observable events or occurrences (plural of phenomenon).

Page 2: What is Science?

Describe each fundamental characteristic of science in your own words.


Science tries to answer the observable events of the world by analyzing, observing, and testing ideas.


A testable question has to be asked for science to answer it, using observation and experimentation. Observable and measurable empirical evidence has to be produced in order to be science.


Empirical evidence can be replicated, or reproduced, and verified by other scientists if they conduct the same tests under the same conditions.


When an experiment is repeated and has the same results, the evidence becomes more reliable. Reliability can also come from unbiased evidence.


Science is always changing as experiments allow for new/more observations. Theories can be improved as new and current evidence are combined when new information is discovered.

What type of questions can be answered by science? (Science can only answer testable questions that have observable answers.)

  • If the question is asking about an opinion or a moral value, it cannot be measured using a scientific process.
  • If the answer to the question cannot be tested and observed using a scientific process, it is not considered science.



“What gasses make up the atmosphere of earth?”

“What career should I pursue after I graduate?”

“What are the effects of high winds during a hurricane?”

“Should mining of phosphates be banned?”

Page 3: What is Not Science

Define pseudoscience.

Pseudoscience, or fake science, is any theory, methodology, or practice that doesn’t have scientific foundation.

Give examples of pseudoscience (use the interactive at the bottom of pg 3).

Astrology is the belief that’s the positioning of the starts can determine one’s personality, future, and behavior.

Phrenology is the belief that one’s personality traits are readable by the bumps on their skull.

Page 4: Scientifically Reliable

Describe in your own words why reliability in science is so important.

Reliability is science is important because people need to know real science for the greater good of knowledge, and that knowledge and science needs to be accurate.

What are some questions to ask yourself to determine reliability?

  • Has it been tested and observed many times by more than one group of scientists?
  • Is the study or data completely documented, and does it follow the scientific method?
  • Is the information full of facts and not biased?
  • Is the information purely presented for public knowledge, avoiding having any commercial connections?
  • Does the information come from a third party that is not profiting from the results of the study?
  • Has the study been retested with the same results by other scientists?
  • Are the results reported and published in a scientific journal?

Is the claim reliable?

Why or why not?

Advertisement Claim

This claim is not reliable.

This claim was purely presented for commercial use, wanting someone to buy it, paying someone to present this “science.” Also, when it says results are not typical, you know that it is not reliable because the results aren’t constant.

Experimental Claim

This claim is reliable.

This claim was performed by two different people three times, and all three times the results were very similar.

Page 5: Scientific Processes

Why are scientific investigations so important?

Scientific investigations are important because they help gather information and theories using a non-linear process.



Step one

Ask a question

The purpose of a scientific investigation is what you are trying to find out or the question you are trying to answer.

Step two

Do background research

It is important to find out and research what other scientists have already observed and discovered. Past investigations into your topic may lead to other questions that need answers.

Step three

Form a hypothesis

After obtaining background information, a hypothesis is needed about what you think will happen. Forming a hypothesis involves an understanding of current scientific knowledge and creativity to look at the problem or question in a way that will lead to the predicted outcome.

Step four

Test w/ an experiment

This is where you test your hypothesis to see if you were right or wrong about your outcome prediction. Every experiment has to have (at least) one variable that stays the same, and the other variables can remain the same or controlled. This allows you to see if a controlled change will affect the outcome (which the hypothesis predicts).

Step five

Analyze data

Analyzing data compares known and unknown data values. To make sure the results are valid, the experiment must be repeated several times. Consistent results over time and reproducible by other scientists (under the same conditions) means that an experiment is valid.

Step six


The data analysis will allow the scientist to ask themself whether their hypothesis was correct. Sometimes, the result is obvious. Having an incorrect hypothesis helps lead to new discoveries, and when the results are inconclusive, more research must be completed.

Describe the three types of variables (an event, condition, or factor that can be changed or controlled to study or test a hypothesis in a scientific experiment).

Independent Variable

This is the factor that you decide to change, allowing to focus on only the results of that change.

Dependent Variable

This is the factor that changes because of the independent variable. This is also called the outcome variable.

Controlled Variables

These are the factors that you decide to keep constant. This makes sure that whatever happens to the dependent variable is because of the independent variable.

Corn plant

pH of Liquids


The time in which a corn plant can grow

The liquid in which the pH is tested


The height of the corn plant

The pH of the liquid

Page 6: Scientific Theories and Laws

Why is it important to form a hypothesis at the beginning of an experiment?

It is important to form a hypothesis at the beginning of the experiment because it means that everything that comes after that will be focused on proving that hypothesis.

What is a scientific law?

A scientific law is a description of what we expect to happen in the natural world. They do not attempt to explain why, they just say how.

What is a scientific theory?

A scientific theory is a broad explanation of the natural world that is based on strong scientific support. They can be modified or overturned if new evidence is or discoveries are found.

**Remember that a scientific theory does not become a scientific law; they both tell us different things about a phenomenon, and both can be altered with enough scientific evidence.

Give an example of a theory in science.

Atomic Theory, Big Bang Theory, Theory of Plate Tectonics, Cell Theory, Kinetic Theory

Give an example of a scientific law.

Law of Conservation of Mass, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Law of Gravity, Law of Conservation of Energy

Page 7: Interpreting and Analyzing Data

Why is collecting and analyzing data in a scientific investigation so important?

Data collection gives you the evidence needed to draw conclusions during a scientific investigation.

What is measured on the x-axis of a graph?

The x-axis is the location for the independent variable.

What is measured on the y-axis of a graph?

The y-axis is the location for the dependent variable.

What is the independent variable on this graph?

What is the dependent variable on this graph?

The independent variable is the time in minutes in which the tiger beetle is traveling.

The dependent variable is the distance in kilometers in which the tiger beetle is traveling.

What tips will you use when making graphs? =====>

Remember to add the unit being measured!

Practice questions: Highlight the correct answer

A scientist was studying the stars and their influence on the personalities of 100 people over a four-year period of time. Through his investigation, he determined that people that were born during August were stronger willed and more driven than individuals born in October. People born in October were more relaxed and could better handle stress. Is the scientist’s research considered science?

A. Yes, because the scientist conducted his research for an extended period.

B. Yes, because the scientist followed the scientific method.

C. No, because the scientist conducted his research with 100 people.

D. No, because the scientist followed personalities which is pseudoscience.

Joe is conducting an experiment to determine which liquid will cause bean plants to grow faster. He watered the plants with equal amounts of liquid and measured their height every other day. The plants are in the same pots with different soils and placed in the same location. Will Joe be able to obtain reliable data to write a supported conclusion?

A. Yes, because he is only observing the height of the plant.

B. Yes, because he is consistent with watering the plants.

C. No, because he used different soils.

D. No, because he used only one type of plant.

Tina is getting ready to plan her science fair project. She is interested in doing something with tomato plants. Which of the following could be tested through scientific experimentation?

A. Which variety of tomato plant produces the tomatoes that taste the best?

B. Which variety of tomato plant will look the most attractive in her garden?

C. Which variety of tomato plant will produce the greatest yield in her garden?

D. Which type of fertilizer will produce the tastiest tomatoes?

Which statement is true about scientific theories and laws?

A. A theory can never become a law.

B. If enough evidence is found for theory, it will become a law.

C. Theories have more proof than laws.

D. Only laws are widely accepted by the scientific community.

**Use the quick Links below for fast navigation.

1.01 Exploring Life

1.02A Chemistry of Life Honors

1.02 Chemistry of Life

1.03 Earth’s Early Atmosphere

01.02 Biology Notebook: Chemistry of Life

Page 1: Introduction to Chemistry of Life

Identify the four main types of organic macromolecules.

Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids

What do all these macromolecules have in common?

They all contain carbon atoms, which has a unique ability to repeatedly bond together. This allows them to form large molecules containing long chains, branching structures, or rings. Life’s diversity is based on carbon’s ability to form diverse molecular structure, including these four types of biological macromolecules.

Key Terms: Jot down terms and definitions that are new to you. You will see them used in the lesson.

Hydrophobic: lacking affinity for water, tending to not mix well with water

Page 2: Biological Macromolecules

What is a monomer?

Monomer is a subunit that is combined to make polymers.

What is a polymer?

Polymers are larger molecules, bonding smaller molecules together into chains.

List the four macromolecules and describe the function(s) of each?





Provides the cell with energy



Stores energy



Building blocks, transporting other substances, storage, etc.


Nucleic Acids

Carries genetic information

Page 3: Carbohydrates (sugars)

Define the following terms & provide 2 examples:


2 examples



Define: The smallest type of carbohydrate molecule.

Glucose and Fructose

In addition to providing energy, the carbon atoms in glucose can be used by the cells to build other important molecules, like fatty acids and amino acids. If the monosaccharides are not immediately used by the cells, they can be stored in larger carbohydrate molecules to be used later.


Define: Carbohydrate molecules made up of two monosaccharide molecules, bonded together.

Sucrose (table sugar) and Lactose

Maltose is a disaccharide produced during the digestion of starch. It is made of two glucose molecules.


Define: Carbohydrate polymers made up of hundreds to thousands of monosaccharide units, bonded together.

Starch, Cellulose, Glycogen, Chitin

What are the functions of carbohydrates?

Main source of energy and structural for plants


What is the name of the monomer, or single unit, of a carbohydrate? (Look in the table above)


Describe the function of each carbohydrate, or polysaccharide, below:

Starch- formed by plants to store the large amounts of glucose produced during photosynthesis. Animals break it down into individual glucose molecules, making starch an important food source.

Cellulose- made up of glucose, a very strong material serving as the primary structural component of plants. Most animals can’t break it down into glucose. It is still important in the food we eat, serving as a dietary fiber helping with digestion.

Glycogen- animals and fungi use this to store excess glucose molecules from their food. Serves as an energy reserve that can be broken down into individual glucose molecules when needed. Athletic endurance relates to the amount of glycogen stored, but even a large amount in an average human can be used in a day if not replenished by carbohydrates.

Chitin- structural, made up of glucose molecules. Different from cellulose because it has amino groups () bonded to the glucose. Found in the exoskeletons of arthropods, such as insects, spiders, lobsters, and crabs. The protective exoskeletons or anything else made of chitin can’t be digested by animals.

Page 4: Lipids

** This is the only macromolecule group that does NOT have repeating structural units, or monomers.

What are the three main categories of lipids?

Fats, Phospholipids, and Steroids

What are the function(s) of lipids, or fats?

Fats are stored in the body in fat deposits, which serve as stored energy for the organism. Fat deposits under the skin can also provide insulation for an animal, while fat surrounding vital organs provides protection and cushion for the organs. Although fats, carbohydrates, and proteins all serve as energy sources, digesting fat macromolecules releases much more energy than an equal amount of the others. One gram of fat can provide about 38 kilojoules of energy, compared to around 17 kilojoules of energy from one gram of carbohydrate or protein.


  • Solid at room temperature


  • Liquid at room temperature
  • Contains fewer hydrogen atoms on carbon chains

How is the structure of phospholipids different from fat?

Phospholipids have 2 fatty acid tails instead of 3, and there is a phosphate group that give the phospholipids a hydrophobic and hydrophilic end.

**Phospholipids make up most of the cell membrane!

Molecular structure of a phospholipid:

Portion of a Cell Membrane

Define hydrophobic.

Lacking affinity for water, tending not to mix well with water

Which part of the phospholipid is hydrophobic?

The fatty acid tails are hydrophobic.

Define hydrophilic.

Has affinity for water, tends to mix well with water

Which part of the phospholipid is hydrophilic?

The glycerol head is hydrophilic.

Look at the images and definitions above. How do the 2 terms (hydrophobic & hydrophilic) change the relationship that phospholipids would have to water flowing through the cell membrane?

Water can’t pass through the phospholipid tails, because they are hydrophobic. The head is hydrophilic, which means that it can be mixed with and touch water (water loving). The liquid inside and out of the cell can’t pass through because of the hydrophobic tail.

Describe the function and molecular structure of a steroid. Give an example of a steroid.


Many steroids are hormones that control a number of the body's metabolic processes.

Molecular structure of a steroid


Cholesterol is the most abundant steroid and is the starting material for most other types of steroids. Cholesterol is found throughout your body and it is important for synthesizing other steroids, such as male and female hormones.

Molecular structure: what atoms does it contain?

The macromolecules in this category all share a similar structure of four linked rings of carbon atoms.

**You’ll notice that the shape of a steroid looks somewhat similar to a carbohydrate, but the rings in a steroid are FUSED. (they look like they are touching each other)

Page 5: Proteins

What function(s) do proteins have in the body? (They have the most diverse set of functions)

They are used for structure, transporting other substances, storage, signaling from one part of an organism to another, movement, and defense against foreign substances.

Proteins can denature. What causes a protein to denature, and would it still be able to function?

Proteins denature when specific conditions, such as temperature and pH, are stable. When they break, chemical reactions can occur within the protein and change the shape of the molecule. After this happens, the protein can no longer do its job or serve it’s function.

How is the structure of proteins related to the function?

Proteins are made up of many amino acids. Even if only one of those acids change or are different, the function of the protein can completely change because it doesn’t have the same structure anymore.

What gives a protein its unique properties?

The number and arrangement of amino acids in the chain determines the properties and functions of the protein.

Choose three protein examples and describe their functions.

Protein Example


  1. Insulin

Hormone for sugar metabolism

  1. Cytochrome c

Enzyme for cell respiration

  1. Hemoglobin

Oxygen transport in blood

What is the monomer, or single building block, of a protein?

The monomer, or building blocks, of protein are amino acids.

Describe the molecular structure of an amino acid.

Molecular structure: what does the shape look like?

As amino acids bond together to form a large protein molecule, it naturally twists and bends into its unique shape.

Molecular structure of an amino acid

Molecular structure: what atoms does it contain?

A carboxyl group (-COOH), an amino group ), one single hydrogen, and an “R” group which is different on every amino acid.

What part of the amino acid makes each one unique?

The side chain/R group is the only part of the molecular structure that varies between the 20 different amino acids that make up a protein. The side chain may contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, or other atoms, and it is always attached to the central carbon atom of the amino acid by a single covalent bond.

Page 6: Enzymes

Define enzymes.

Enzymes are special proteins that increase the rate of a reaction by decreasing the amount of energy needed to get a reaction started.

Which macromolecule group do enzymes belong to?

Enzymes belong to the protein macromolecule group.

Enzymes are catalysts. What is the function of a catalyst?

The function for a catalyst is to increase the speed of a reaction. The molecule doesn’t get used up in the reaction.

The graph below shows a chemical reaction occurring with and without an enzyme.

Using the graph, describe what happens to a chemical reaction with and without an enzyme.

Without an enzyme, there is a lot more energy needed and used when a chemical reaction occurs. With an enzyme, the amount of potential energy needed and used decreases significantly.

**The function of the enzyme depends on its shape. The active site on the enzyme has a certain shape and the substrate that it works upon has the same shape. There are many enzymes with different shapes for their active sites. You can think of it like a lock and key.

Are enzymes reusable when they are in their optimal conditions?


Practice: Enzymes work best in their optimal conditions. To identify an enzyme’s optimal condition when analyzing a graph, look at the peak of the enzyme’s activity and follow that line straight down, as shown below with Enzyme A.

What would the optimal pH be for Enzyme B in this graph? (type your answer in the box below)


Enzymes are also very sensitive to certain environmental conditions. Since they are proteins, they can become denatured. What changes on an enzyme when it becomes denatured? Will it continue to function?

If temperature or pH is altered in a way, the enzyme is denatured and no longer able to speed up the reactions. Another thing that can interfere with an enzyme's ability to speed up a reaction is an enzyme inhibitor. Enzyme inhibitors are substances that bind to an enzyme and change its shape or block its ability to interact with the chemical reaction.

Sometimes the substances in a chemical reaction bind to an active site on the enzyme, helping the reaction to occur faster. An inhibitor may have a similar shape to the substances in the reaction, allowing it to bind to the active site and interfere with the enzyme's function.

Click on the “Environmental Impacts on Enzymes” tab. Enzymes are very sensitive and have optimal conditions that they work well in. There are certain factors that affect the way an enzyme functions. In the chart below, describe how each of the following factors affect an enzyme’s activity. A few of them have been filled in for you. Be sure to mention whether it would denature, slow down, or speed up the enzyme’s activity.

Hot temperatures

Hot temperatures can slow down an enzyme’s activity. If the enzyme undergoes hot temperatures, then it can slow down and denature.

Warm temperatures

Warm temps can speed up an enzyme’s activity (Ex: low grade fevers), but we don’t want them getting too hot!

Cold temperatures

Cold temps slow down an enzyme’s activity. This can be reversed if the enzyme is warmed back up to its optimal temperature, but if the temp continues to drop to freezing it can sometimes denature.

Change in pH

A change in pH can slow down the enzyme’s activity and cause it to denature.

Enzyme Inhibitors

Enzyme inhibitors can block the active site and denature the ability to speed up the reaction. The inhibitors have similar shape to the reaction substances, which allows it to bind and interfere with the speeding up of the chemical reaction.

Concentration of enzymes and substrates

If the amount of enzyme or substrate increases, the activity will be faster. If the amount decreases, the activity will be slower.

Enzymes catalyze biological processes by lowering the activation energy needed for chemical reactions to occur. Without the enzyme, the amount of activation energy increases. When an enzyme is present, the activation energy is less/lowered.

Page 7: Nucleic Acids

What is the function of nucleic acids?

Nucleic acids carry the genetic information needed to build organisms.

What are the two main types of nucleic acids?

  1. DNA
  1. RNA

Describe the structure and function of DNA. Where is DNA found?

DNA contains an organism's genetic information and is usually found within a cell's nucleus.

Describe the structure and function of RNA.

The RNA molecules transport the genetic coding from the DNA to other parts of the cell where proteins are built.

What is the monomer, or single building block, of a nucleic acid?

The monomer of a nucleic acid is a nucleotide.

Describe the monomer of a nucleic acid in the table below.

What are the three main components of a nucleic acid monomer?

Each nucleotide is made up of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphate group.

Molecular Structure

Why are DNA and RNA important?

DNA serves as the master copy of an organism's genes. RNA copies sections of the DNA molecule and then carries the copies outside the nucleus. The genetic instructions provided by these copies direct the construction of protein molecules.

Compare & contrast DNA & RNA: Write DNA, RNA, or BOTH in the box below each characteristic.

Double Stranded

Contain Cytosine & Guanine

Found only in the nucleus




Contains Deoxyribose

Contains Thymine

Made of nucleotides




Contains Uracil

Single Stranded

Contains Ribose




Macromolecules at a Glance

Test your memory! Can you fill in all the boxes in the table below?




Nucleic Acids


(base unit)



Amino Acids



When dissolved in water, like inside a cell, monosaccharide molecules form a ring structure.

Lipid molecules do not mix well with water (hydrophobic).

Proteins can only properly function under specific conditions, such as a small range of temperature and pH.

A DNA molecule is actually made up of two nucleotide chains that spiral around an imaginary axis. This shape is called a double helix.


Store glucose as an energy reserve, sometimes provide structural support for cells.

Can be used to provide energy, insulation, or control of a body’s metabolic functions.

Used for a variety of different functions, such as structure, storage, signaling, movement, transporting, and defense substances

Contain the genetic information that codes for the cell’s structure and activities.


Starch, cellulose, glycogen,

Cholesterol, sex hormones, fats

Enzymes, antibodies


Practice questions: Highlight the correct answer.

The building blocks of a carbohydrate are:

A. Fatty acids

B. Nucleotides

C. Monosaccharides

D. Amino acids

Lipids are very diverse as it relates to their function. Which of the following is NOT a function of a lipid?

A. Insulation

B. Structural support

C. Provide energy

D. Control metabolic functions

**Use the quick Links below for fast navigation.

1.01 Exploring Life

1.02A Chemistry of Life Honors

1.02 Chemistry of Life

1.03 Earth’s Early Atmosphere

01.02A Biology Notebook: Chemistry of Life Honors ONLY

Page 1: Macromolecules

What holds macromolecules together?

Macromolecules are held together by chemical bonds. Covalent bonds form between monomers that make up carbohydrates, such as glucose and fructose, in order to build polymers.

Why are macromolecules important to living things?

Macromolecules provide energy and structure to living things and their cells.

Page 2: Carbon Based Molecules

What are organic compounds?

Organic compounds are carbon-based molecules.

Define valence electrons.

A valence electron is an electron located in the outermost occupied energy level in an atom. These are the electrons that participate between chemical bonding between atoms.

What unique ability does carbon have?

A carbon atom can form up to four covalent bonds with other atoms. This can be four single bonds, two single bonds and a double bond, or one single bond and one triple bond.

Describe dehydration synthesis.

The term dehydration synthesis describes any process where two substances bond together by the removal of water. This is the chemical reacting that bonds monomers together to build polymers. During this reaction, water molecules are formed by the atoms that are removed from the monomers.

Define hydrolysis.

The opposite of dehydration synthesis is hydrolysis. This is the chemical reaction that breaks polymers down into smaller monomer units. During this reaction, a water molecule is split into OH and H, which are added back to the monomers as the bond between the monomers is broken.

Describe the structure and function of starch.

Starch molecules are long, straight chains of glucose molecules, where all the glucose molecules are turned the same direction.  Some types of starch do contain some branching in their glucose chains. Starch is the principal polysaccharide used by plants to store glucose, to be used later as an energy source. Plants often store starch in seeds or other specialized organs. When humans consume starch, like rice, beans, wheat, corn, and potatoes, a specific enzyme found in saliva helps break down the starch into individual glucose molecules. This allows the glucose to be absorbed into the bloodstream and distribute it to energy-needing areas.

Describe the structure and function of glycogen.

Glycogen is a branched chain of glucose molecules. The glucose molecules in glycogen are all facing the same direction. The branches in glycogen molecules tend to be shorter and more frequent than any branching that may occur in some starch molecules. Glycogen is the polysaccharide molecule used to store glucose in animals. If some of the glucose from the broken-down starch needed to be stored for later use, they are stored in the glycogen. The excess glucose bonds to the glycogen, forming branches. This allows animals and humans to store glucose primarily in the liver and muscle tissue to have glucose ready to break down energy when needed.

Describe the structure and function of cellulose.

Cellulose is made up of long chains of glucose molecules, bonded together in an alternating manner, where every other glucose is turned in an opposite direction. The way the glucose molecules are arranged allow for a hydrogen bond to form between the cellulose molecules. These series of hydrogen bonds that form between the closely packed cellulose molecules provide a rigid and stable structure, used to give strength to plant cell walls. Cellulose is responsible for the rigidity and strength in leaves, stems, bark, and other plant structures. Cellulose/plant fiber can’t be digested by humans and most animals, passing through the digestive tract without being digested. This helps exercise the digestive track, keeping it healthy and clean.

Describe the structure and function of chitin.

Chitin is a rigid polysaccharide, similar to cellulose in its alternating arrangements of glucose molecules. It differs from cellulose by having amino groups (NH2) bonded to its glucose molecules. Because of its strength, it is used to form the exoskeleton of all arthropods: insects, spiders, lobsters, and crabs. These protective exoskeletons, or anything else made of chitin, cannot be digested by animals.

Page 3: Lipids

Describe the structure and function of fatty acids.

A fatty acid is a long chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms, with a carboxylic acid group on one end of the molecule. The carbon chain is usually between 12 and 18 carbon atoms long, and it may contain single or double bonds between the carbon atoms. Some functions include forming fat molecules, controlling inflammation, brain health and development, maintaining fluidity of cell membranes, and preventing blood clots.

What are the differences between saturated and unsaturated fats?

A fatty acid chain with only single bonds between the carbon atoms is called “saturated,” and a chain that contains some double bonds is called “unsaturated.” Saturated fatty acid chains are straight, which allows them to pack tightly together. Because of this, saturated fats, like the fat found in meat, require a higher temperature to melt. This means they tend to be solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fatty acid chains are “kinked” because they bend where the double or triple bonds are locate in the carbon chain. Unsaturated fats are usually liquid at room temperature and are often called oils.

Describe the structure and function of glycerol.

A glycerol molecule has the formula C3H8O3. Dehydration synthesis occurs in order to attach fatty acid molecules to the glycerol molecule, removing a hydrogen atom from the glycerol molecule and oxygen and hydrogen atoms from the fatty acid to form a water molecule. This process leaves an available location for a covalent bond to form between the glycerol and fatty acid.

Why are steroids important to life? Provide an example of a steroid.

Steroids are important because they play a role in essential biological processes, such as immune response, regulating metabolism, and reproduction. Cholesterol is an important steroid in our bodies because it is used to make most of the other steroids that we need. Our bodies build cholesterol molecules in the liver, and we also acquire it from the food we eat. It is possible to have too much cholesterol in our bodies, which can be unhealthy, but a certain amount of cholesterol is important for our bodies to properly function.

Describe the relationship between cholesterol and testosterone.

Testosterone (hormone) can be made from cholesterol. The structure of testosterone looks like cholesterol, but without the branch stretching out of the polymer. There is also less hydrogen and instead of a hydrogen and oxygen single bond at the bottom, there is a oxygen double bond. The testosterone is the two bottom monomers.

Describe the structure of a phospholipid.

Phospholipids have two fatty acid molecules and one phosphate group bonded to the glycerol molecule. This structure gives phospholipids a hydrophobic end and a hydrophilic end to the molecule.

How do hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends affect the structure and function of phospholipids?

Having hydrophobic and hydrophilic ends to the molecule allow phospholipids to serve as a major component of cell membranes. The phospholipids are arranged in a double layer within the membranes, which allows the hydrophilic ends of the molecules to come in contact with the water inside and outside the cell.

Describe the structure of the cell membrane.

A cell’s membrane is made up of two layers of phospholipids. The hydrophobic fatty acid ends of the molecules face toward the center of the membrane. The phosphate groups on the other ends of the phospholipid molecules are hydrophilic, so they can interact well with the water inside and outside of the cell.

Page 4: Proteins

What are some functions of proteins?

Proteins are used for structural support, movement, signaling from one part of an organism to another, transporting other substances, increasing the rate of chemical reactions, and defense against foreign substances.

How many different amino acids do cells use to build proteins?

Cells build their proteins from 20 different amino acids. There are other amino acids that have important functions within cells, but they are not used to build proteins.

What are the four main components of an amino acid?

1) An amino group

2) A carboxyl group

3) A single hydrogen atom

4) A side chain/“R” Group bonded to the central carbon atom

What is a polypeptide bond and how does it form?

When two amino acids form a bond between the carboxyl group of one and the amino group of another, this bond is called a peptide bond. This bond is formed by dehydration synthesis, and the reaction involves the help of an enzyme.

Describe the shape of a protein molecule. Why is shape so important?

A protein molecule is made up of one or more chains of amino acids twisted and folded in a unique three-dimensional shape. Many proteins form a roughly spherical shape, while some are long and fibrous in shape.

Page 5: Molecular Formula

What are chemical formulas?

This method uses chemical symbols and numbers to tell you which elements are in a compound and how much of each element is present.

List the two parts of a chemical formula.

1) The symbol of each element in a molecule of the substance

2) A  number indicating how many atoms of each element are in each molecule of the substance

What is a subscript in a chemical formula?

A subscript is a small number next to the abbreviated element that shows how many atoms of a specific element there are. For example, O2 means there are two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to each other. (A subscript of 1 is never used because we can assume if an element has no subscript, then there is only one of that element.)

Describe each of the prefixes listed below:






sulfur dioxide (SO2)



nitrogen trifluoride (NF3)



carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)



phosphorus pentachloride (PCl5)



sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)

**Compounds made up of atoms that are ionically bonded do not use prefixes. For example, the compound calcium chloride (CaCl2) contains ionic bonds between calcium and chlorine atoms. You do not need to use the prefix di- to indicate that there are two atoms of chlorine in a molecule of calcium chloride.

Page 6: Lesson Review

Examine the infographic on pg 6. What holds two macromolecules together?

Macromolecules are held together by covalent bonds.

What does glucose and fructose combined form?

The disaccharide Sucrose is formed by glucose and fructose.

Practice Question: Highlight the correct answer

The different properties and functions of carbohydrates, and other biological molecules due to what?

A. Their structures

B. Where they are found

C. They are inorganic molecules

D. Their bonds

_______________________END OF HONORS 1.02A________________________

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1.01 Exploring Life

1.02A Chemistry of Life Honors

1.02 Chemistry of Life

1.03 Earth’s Early Atmosphere

01.03 Biology Notebook: Earth’s Early Atmosphere

Page 1: Origin of Life on Earth

What makes Earth an ideal home for its diverse inhabitants?

Numerous conditions make Earth an ideal home for its diverse inhabitants. For example, it has liquid water, an optimal distance from the sun, and an atmosphere that contains a mix of important elements and molecules.

Page 2: Early Earth

Organize the characteristics of early Earth in the table below:

Temperature? (hot, cold, mild)

Earth was (probably) very hot.

Protective atmosphere? (yes or no)

The earth was constantly bombarded with comets and asteroids. (no)

Presence of water? (yes or no)

Earth cooled enough for the surface to solidify and for water vapor to fall as rain. This allowed permanent oceans to form. (yes)

Presence of oxygen? (yes or no)

There was little to no oxygen. (no)

Atmospheric gases (list)

The atmosphere was primarily made up of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen. There may have been tiny amounts of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen cyanid.

What are organic molecules?

Organic molecules are carbon-based molecules. Some are small, simple molecules, while others are long, branching molecules containing hundreds of atoms.

Why are scientists interested in the origin of organic molecules?

Organic molecules are important to life on Earth, so scientists are very interested in the origin of the very first organic molecules.

What hypothesis did Oparin & Haldane propose for the origin of the first organic molecules?

Theories suggested that earth was able to build small organic molecules from inorganic molecules in the atmosphere. The spontaneity of the chemical reactions was thought to occur because of the limited amount of oxygen and large amounts of energy provided. The scientists argued that the greater amounts of oxygen gas is why we don’t observe these reactions today, because oxygen interferes with the reactions that would form carbon-based organic molecules.

There was a high amount of energy on early Earth. What caused this?

UV radiation and lightning provided the atmosphere with large amounts of energy.

What are two examples of organic molecules that scientists think first formed?

Theories suggest that some of the first organic molecules formed on Earth may have been amino acids and nucleotides (monomer of DNA/RNA).

Why can’t the reactions that occurred on early earth happen on modern Earth?

Because of the great amounts of oxygen gas in the atmosphere, we can’t observe these reactions today. Oxygen interferes with the reactions that would form carbon-based organic molecules.

Page 3: Chemical Experiments

What hypothesis did Miller and Urey want to test?

In 1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey of the University of Chicago tested the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis by simulating Earth's early atmospheric conditions in a laboratory.

What did the experiment produce?

Their experiment produced a variety of amino acids and other small organic molecules.

What did they add to represent Earth’s early atmosphere?

The gas mixture used to represent the early atmosphere contained water (H2O), hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4), and ammonia (NH3).

Look at the image below. What was formed at the end of the experiment?

Miller and Urey discovered 21 amino acids and other organic molecules present in the liquid.

Click the “Sources of Energy” tab. Name 3 energy sources that scientists say may have caused these reactions to occur.

Oparin and Haldane proposed that lightning and the intense radiation that penetrated the thin primitive atmosphere provided the energy needed for these reactions. Other scientists propose that deep-sea vents may have provided the energy and chemical molecules needed to form the first organic compounds.

Page 4: Chemical Evolution

Read the “Organic Molecules” tab. If the first organic molecules did not form on early Earth, where did other hypotheses suggest that they may have come from?

It is possible that some of these organic molecules arrived on the early Earth on meteorites and comets from space. Scientists have found organic compounds, including amino acids, in modern meteorites that have landed on Earth. 

Read the “Building Larger Organic Compounds” tab. How did large organic molecules form without the presence of enzymes?

Scientists have observed that chemical bonds sometimes form between small organic compounds on hot surfaces. Scientists speculate that ocean water containing small organic molecules, like those formed in the Miller-Urey experiment, splashed onto hot sand, clay, or rock. As the water evaporated on the hot surface, the small organic compounds could have bonded together. Although they have not been able to build large protein molecules in this way, scientists have been able to form smaller chains of amino acids using this method.

Read the “Early Genetic Material” tab. What do all living organisms contain?

All living organisms contain genetic information, stored in DNA and RNA molecules, which directs the functions of cells. The general coding and structure of these molecules is universally shared by all organisms. 

Explain the RNA world hypothesis. (Be sure to explain the significance of RNA)

Some scientists hypothesize that some of the first large organic molecules to form and self-replicate were RNA molecules, with DNA molecules forming much later. This is called the RNA world hypothesis. These early RNA molecules were probably smaller than the RNA molecules in our cells today. They would have contained the codes for building specific protein molecules from the amino acids present on Earth at that time. Proteins are necessary components of all living cells.

Define catalyst.

A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of reaction without undergoing any permanent change.

Explain what helps RNA catalyze.

One important reaction that RNA helps to catalyze is the building of new RNA molecules. Before this discovery was made, the long-held view was that only proteins could serve as biological catalysts.

All organisms have a Universal Genetic Code. What does that mean?

If RNA is able to self-catalyze, this means that early RNA molecules may have been able to self-replicate without the help of other molecules. If early RNA molecules were able to copy themselves to build new RNA molecules, this helps to explain why all organisms share the same genetic code.

Page 5: Early Cells

Describe the earliest cells.

These early single-celled organisms were prokaryotes, a small simple type of cell that lacks a true nucleus. These cells lived and evolved on Earth all alone for 2 billion years. They have continued to evolve and flourish on a changing Earth, and in turn they have played an important role in the changes taking place.

Did the first prokaryotic cells need oxygen on early Earth? Would they be considered aerobic or anaerobic?

The first prokaryotic cells lived on an Earth that had little to no oxygen in its atmosphere. This means that the chemical processes that occurred within the cells, providing energy necessary to keep them alive and functioning, did not require oxygen.

How did the first prokaryotic cells obtain energy?

These cells were heterotrophs that had to obtain their energy by taking in nutrients as food.

Define heterotroph. (click on the word in your lesson to see the definition)

Heterotrophs are organisms that must eat or consume other organisms, plants, animals, or both, to get energy.

What did the early cells use as a food source?

Scientists speculate that their food was the rich assortment of organic molecules thought to be present in the ocean water at that time.

List the four types of cells found today that scientists believe are similar to the early cells on Earth and one interesting fact about each.


Interesting Fact


Single celled organisms that produce methane (CH4) in a form of anaerobic respiration. They are common in wetlands, marine sediment, and in the guts of many animals.


Single-celled organisms that live at extremely high temperatures, between 45 and 80 degrees Celsius (113 and 176 degrees Fahrenheit). They can be found in hot springs and deep-sea vents. Scientists believe thermophilic bacteria may have been some of the first cells on Earth.


Organisms that thrive in environments with very high concentrations of salt. Many conduct photosynthesis. They can be found in places with salt concentrations five times greater than that of the ocean, such as the Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea.


Photosynthetic prokaryotes that live in the water. They are the most abundant bacteria on the planet and release large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. Even though these bacteria cells are very small, they often grow together in large colonies that can be seen with the naked eye. Cyanobacteria can be found in almost every conceivable environment, from oceans to fresh water to moist soil. These photosynthetic cells are essential to ocean ecosystems, serving as the autotrophs at the base of many marine food chains.

What does fossil evidence show us about the earliest and most abundant autotrophic cells?

Fossil evidence shows that the earliest and most abundant autotrophic cells were ancestors of modern-day cyanobacteria. They are considered to be one of the largest and most important groups of bacteria on Earth today. 

What are cyanobacteria and why are they important?

 Their ancestors were just as important to the evolution of Earth because they released large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide gas as a reactant and gives off oxygen gas as a product.

As cyanobacteria and other autotrophs increased, how did the atmosphere change?

As the number of cyanobacteria and other autotrophs increased on Earth over millions of years, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere also increased.

What became the dominant life forms on the planet as the oxygen became more abundant?

The aerobic autotrophs and heterotrophs became the dominant life forms on the planet and evolved into all of the diversity of life now visible on Earth.

Page 6: Formation of Microspheres

What is a microsphere?

Microspheres are tiny bubbles filled with groups of molecules, able to maintain an internal environment different from their surroundings. Microspheres are tiny bubbles filled with groups of large organic molecules; they can form under very specific conditions.

Microspheres are not cells, but they do have similar characteristics. Identify the characteristics of microspheres.

Microspheres are not cells, but they do share some characteristics with cells. These bundles of molecules can maintain an internal environment different from the surroundings outside the bubble. They also have a simple way of storing and releasing energy.

How do microspheres grow and what happens when it reaches an unstable size?

These bundles of molecules expand by absorbing additional molecules until they reach an unstable size, and then they split into smaller microspheres. This division is not true reproduction or cell division, but it may be a precursor (predecessor) to it.

How does the hypothesis of microspheres build on the RNA world hypothesis and the universal genetic code?

If RNA molecules could self-replicate, it would mean that whenever a microsphere split, the early genetic coding in the RNA would pass to the newly formed microspheres. This could be a predecessor to how cells pass on their genetic information today and may help explain why all organisms share a universal genetic code.

What fossils have scientists found that date back to 3.5 billion years?

Scientists have found fossils of microscopic bacterial cells in rocks that are more than 3.5 billion years old. They believe that Earth’s atmosphere contained very little oxygen at the time, so these bacterial cells were probably able to survive without it.

How long ago did photosynthetic bacterial cells become common?

2.2 billion years ago

Practice question: Highlight the correct answer

If there was not an increase in cyanobacteria in early Earth, what would have happened to Earth’s early atmosphere?

A. The amount of oxygen would have increased, causing an increase in aerobic autotrophs and heterotrophs

B. The amount of oxygen would have increased, causing a decrease in aerobic autotrophs and heterotrophs.

C. The amount of oxygen would have decreased, causing an increase in aerobic autotrophs and heterotrophs.

D. The amount of oxygen would have decreased, causing a decrease in aerobic autotrophs and heterotrophs.

Which best describes the atmosphere of the early Earth?

A. Little or no oxygen, mostly carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen

B. Little or no carbon dioxide, mostly oxygen, water vapor, and nitrogen

C. Little or no water vapor, mostly oxygen and carbon dioxide, with some nitrogen

D. Large amounts of hydrogen cyanide, low amounts of carbon dioxide and oxygen

**Use the quick Links below for fast navigation.

1.01 Exploring Life

1.02A Chemistry of Life Honors

1.02 Chemistry of Life

1.03 Earth’s Early Atmosphere

Once you have finished all assignments in Module 1, it’s time to complete your 1.04 DBA (discussion based assessment) with your teacher. The DBA is open-note, but your lesson cannot be open. You will receive your exam password after completing the DBA. Make your appointment!


MODULE 1 Guided Notes

1.01 Exploring Life

1.02A Chemistry of Life Honors

1.02 Chemistry of Life

1.03 Earth’s Early Atmosphere

01.01 Biology Notebook: Exploring Life

Page 1: Biology and a World of Science?

What are the different fields of the study of living things?

Zoology – The study of animals

Botany – The study of plants

Ecology – The study of living things in their environment

Microbiology – The study of microscopic organisms

Biochemistry – The study of chemical reactions in living things

Anatomy/Physiology – The study of the human body

Define phenomena.

Phenomena are observable events or occurrences (plural of phenomenon).

Page 2: What is Science?

Describe each fundamental characteristic of science in your own words.


Science tries to answer the observable events of the world by analyzing, observing, and testing ideas.


A testable question has to be asked for science to answer it, using observation and experimentation. Observable and measurable empirical evidence has to be produced in order to be science.


Empirical evidence can be replicated, or reproduced, and verified by other scientists if they conduct the same tests under the same conditions.


When an experiment is repeated and has the same results, the evidence becomes more reliable. Reliability can also come from unbiased evidence.


Science is always changing as experiments allow for new/more observations. Theories can be improved as new and current evidence are combined when new information is discovered.

What type of questions can be answered by science? (Science can only answer testable questions that have observable answers.)

  • If the question is asking about an opinion or a moral value, it cannot be measured using a scientific process.
  • If the answer to the question cannot be tested and observed using a scientific process, it is not considered science.



“What gasses make up the atmosphere of earth?”

“What career should I pursue after I graduate?”

“What are the effects of high winds during a hurricane?”

“Should mining of phosphates be banned?”

Page 3: What is Not Science

Define pseudoscience.

Pseudoscience, or fake science, is any theory, methodology, or practice that doesn’t have scientific foundation.

Give examples of pseudoscience (use the interactive at the bottom of pg 3).

Astrology is the belief that’s the positioning of the starts can determine one’s personality, future, and behavior.

Phrenology is the belief that one’s personality traits are readable by the bumps on their skull.

Page 4: Scientifically Reliable

Describe in your own words why reliability in science is so important.

Reliability is science is important because people need to know real science for the greater good of knowledge, and that knowledge and science needs to be accurate.

What are some questions to ask yourself to determine reliability?

  • Has it been tested and observed many times by more than one group of scientists?
  • Is the study or data completely documented, and does it follow the scientific method?
  • Is the information full of facts and not biased?
  • Is the information purely presented for public knowledge, avoiding having any commercial connections?
  • Does the information come from a third party that is not profiting from the results of the study?
  • Has the study been retested with the same results by other scientists?
  • Are the results reported and published in a scientific journal?

Is the claim reliable?

Why or why not?

Advertisement Claim

This claim is not reliable.

This claim was purely presented for commercial use, wanting someone to buy it, paying someone to present this “science.” Also, when it says results are not typical, you know that it is not reliable because the results aren’t constant.

Experimental Claim

This claim is reliable.

This claim was performed by two different people three times, and all three times the results were very similar.

Page 5: Scientific Processes

Why are scientific investigations so important?

Scientific investigations are important because they help gather information and theories using a non-linear process.



Step one

Ask a question

The purpose of a scientific investigation is what you are trying to find out or the question you are trying to answer.

Step two

Do background research

It is important to find out and research what other scientists have already observed and discovered. Past investigations into your topic may lead to other questions that need answers.

Step three

Form a hypothesis

After obtaining background information, a hypothesis is needed about what you think will happen. Forming a hypothesis involves an understanding of current scientific knowledge and creativity to look at the problem or question in a way that will lead to the predicted outcome.

Step four

Test w/ an experiment

This is where you test your hypothesis to see if you were right or wrong about your outcome prediction. Every experiment has to have (at least) one variable that stays the same, and the other variables can remain the same or controlled. This allows you to see if a controlled change will affect the outcome (which the hypothesis predicts).

Step five

Analyze data

Analyzing data compares known and unknown data values. To make sure the results are valid, the experiment must be repeated several times. Consistent results over time and reproducible by other scientists (under the same conditions) means that an experiment is valid.

Step six


The data analysis will allow the scientist to ask themself whether their hypothesis was correct. Sometimes, the result is obvious. Having an incorrect hypothesis helps lead to new discoveries, and when the results are inconclusive, more research must be completed.

Describe the three types of variables (an event, condition, or factor that can be changed or controlled to study or test a hypothesis in a scientific experiment).

Independent Variable

This is the factor that you decide to change, allowing to focus on only the results of that change.

Dependent Variable

This is the factor that changes because of the independent variable. This is also called the outcome variable.

Controlled Variables

These are the factors that you decide to keep constant. This makes sure that whatever happens to the dependent variable is because of the independent variable.

Corn plant

pH of Liquids


The time in which a corn plant can grow

The liquid in which the pH is tested


The height of the corn plant

The pH of the liquid

Page 6: Scientific Theories and Laws

Why is it important to form a hypothesis at the beginning of an experiment?

It is important to form a hypothesis at the beginning of the experiment because it means that everything that comes after that will be focused on proving that hypothesis.

What is a scientific law?

A scientific law is a description of what we expect to happen in the natural world. They do not attempt to explain why, they just say how.

What is a scientific theory?

A scientific theory is a broad explanation of the natural world that is based on strong scientific support. They can be modified or overturned if new evidence is or discoveries are found.

**Remember that a scientific theory does not become a scientific law; they both tell us different things about a phenomenon, and both can be altered with enough scientific evidence.

Give an example of a theory in science.

Atomic Theory, Big Bang Theory, Theory of Plate Tectonics, Cell Theory, Kinetic Theory

Give an example of a scientific law.

Law of Conservation of Mass, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Law of Gravity, Law of Conservation of Energy

Page 7: Interpreting and Analyzing Data

Why is collecting and analyzing data in a scientific investigation so important?

Data collection gives you the evidence needed to draw conclusions during a scientific investigation.

What is measured on the x-axis of a graph?

The x-axis is the location for the independent variable.

What is measured on the y-axis of a graph?

The y-axis is the location for the dependent variable.

What is the independent variable on this graph?

What is the dependent variable on this graph?

The independent variable is the time in minutes in which the tiger beetle is traveling.

The dependent variable is the distance in kilometers in which the tiger beetle is traveling.

What tips will you use when making graphs? =====>

Remember to add the unit being measured!

Practice questions: Highlight the correct answer

A scientist was studying the stars and their influence on the personalities of 100 people over a four-year period of time. Through his investigation, he determined that people that were born during August were stronger willed and more driven than individuals born in October. People born in October were more relaxed and could better handle stress. Is the scientist’s research considered science?

A. Yes, because the scientist conducted his research for an extended period.

B. Yes, because the scientist followed the scientific method.

C. No, because the scientist conducted his research with 100 people.

D. No, because the scientist followed personalities which is pseudoscience.

Joe is conducting an experiment to determine which liquid will cause bean plants to grow faster. He watered the plants with equal amounts of liquid and measured their height every other day. The plants are in the same pots with different soils and placed in the same location. Will Joe be able to obtain reliable data to write a supported conclusion?

A. Yes, because he is only observing the height of the plant.

B. Yes, because he is consistent with watering the plants.

C. No, because he used different soils.

D. No, because he used only one type of plant.

Tina is getting ready to plan her science fair project. She is interested in doing something with tomato plants. Which of the following could be tested through scientific experimentation?

A. Which variety of tomato plant produces the tomatoes that taste the best?

B. Which variety of tomato plant will look the most attractive in her garden?

C. Which variety of tomato plant will produce the greatest yield in her garden?

D. Which type of fertilizer will produce the tastiest tomatoes?

Which statement is true about scientific theories and laws?

A. A theory can never become a law.

B. If enough evidence is found for theory, it will become a law.

C. Theories have more proof than laws.

D. Only laws are widely accepted by the scientific community.

**Use the quick Links below for fast navigation.

1.01 Exploring Life

1.02A Chemistry of Life Honors

1.02 Chemistry of Life

1.03 Earth’s Early Atmosphere

01.02 Biology Notebook: Chemistry of Life

Page 1: Introduction to Chemistry of Life

Identify the four main types of organic macromolecules.

Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids

What do all these macromolecules have in common?

They all contain carbon atoms, which has a unique ability to repeatedly bond together. This allows them to form large molecules containing long chains, branching structures, or rings. Life’s diversity is based on carbon’s ability to form diverse molecular structure, including these four types of biological macromolecules.

Key Terms: Jot down terms and definitions that are new to you. You will see them used in the lesson.

Hydrophobic: lacking affinity for water, tending to not mix well with water

Page 2: Biological Macromolecules

What is a monomer?

Monomer is a subunit that is combined to make polymers.

What is a polymer?

Polymers are larger molecules, bonding smaller molecules together into chains.

List the four macromolecules and describe the function(s) of each?





Provides the cell with energy



Stores energy



Building blocks, transporting other substances, storage, etc.


Nucleic Acids

Carries genetic information

Page 3: Carbohydrates (sugars)

Define the following terms & provide 2 examples:


2 examples



Define: The smallest type of carbohydrate molecule.

Glucose and Fructose

In addition to providing energy, the carbon atoms in glucose can be used by the cells to build other important molecules, like fatty acids and amino acids. If the monosaccharides are not immediately used by the cells, they can be stored in larger carbohydrate molecules to be used later.


Define: Carbohydrate molecules made up of two monosaccharide molecules, bonded together.

Sucrose (table sugar) and Lactose

Maltose is a disaccharide produced during the digestion of starch. It is made of two glucose molecules.


Define: Carbohydrate polymers made up of hundreds to thousands of monosaccharide units, bonded together.

Starch, Cellulose, Glycogen, Chitin

What are the functions of carbohydrates?

Main source of energy and structural for plants


What is the name of the monomer, or single unit, of a carbohydrate? (Look in the table above)


Describe the function of each carbohydrate, or polysaccharide, below:

Starch- formed by plants to store the large amounts of glucose produced during photosynthesis. Animals break it down into individual glucose molecules, making starch an important food source.

Cellulose- made up of glucose, a very strong material serving as the primary structural component of plants. Most animals can’t break it down into glucose. It is still important in the food we eat, serving as a dietary fiber helping with digestion.

Glycogen- animals and fungi use this to store excess glucose molecules from their food. Serves as an energy reserve that can be broken down into individual glucose molecules when needed. Athletic endurance relates to the amount of glycogen stored, but even a large amount in an average human can be used in a day if not replenished by carbohydrates.

Chitin- structural, made up of glucose molecules. Different from cellulose because it has amino groups () bonded to the glucose. Found in the exoskeletons of arthropods, such as insects, spiders, lobsters, and crabs. The protective exoskeletons or anything else made of chitin can’t be digested by animals.

Page 4: Lipids

** This is the only macromolecule group that does NOT have repeating structural units, or monomers.

What are the three main categories of lipids?

Fats, Phospholipids, and Steroids

What are the function(s) of lipids, or fats?

Fats are stored in the body in fat deposits, which serve as stored energy for the organism. Fat deposits under the skin can also provide insulation for an animal, while fat surrounding vital organs provides protection and cushion for the organs. Although fats, carbohydrates, and proteins all serve as energy sources, digesting fat macromolecules releases much more energy than an equal amount of the others. One gram of fat can provide about 38 kilojoules of energy, compared to around 17 kilojoules of energy from one gram of carbohydrate or protein.


  • Solid at room temperature


  • Liquid at room temperature
  • Contains fewer hydrogen atoms on carbon chains

How is the structure of phospholipids different from fat?

Phospholipids have 2 fatty acid tails instead of 3, and there is a phosphate group that give the phospholipids a hydrophobic and hydrophilic end.

**Phospholipids make up most of the cell membrane!

Molecular structure of a phospholipid:

Portion of a Cell Membrane

Define hydrophobic.

Lacking affinity for water, tending not to mix well with water

Which part of the phospholipid is hydrophobic?

The fatty acid tails are hydrophobic.

Define hydrophilic.

Has affinity for water, tends to mix well with water

Which part of the phospholipid is hydrophilic?

The glycerol head is hydrophilic.

Look at the images and definitions above. How do the 2 terms (hydrophobic & hydrophilic) change the relationship that phospholipids would have to water flowing through the cell membrane?

Water can’t pass through the phospholipid tails, because they are hydrophobic. The head is hydrophilic, which means that it can be mixed with and touch water (water loving). The liquid inside and out of the cell can’t pass through because of the hydrophobic tail.

Describe the function and molecular structure of a steroid. Give an example of a steroid.


Many steroids are hormones that control a number of the body's metabolic processes.

Molecular structure of a steroid


Cholesterol is the most abundant steroid and is the starting material for most other types of steroids. Cholesterol is found throughout your body and it is important for synthesizing other steroids, such as male and female hormones.

Molecular structure: what atoms does it contain?

The macromolecules in this category all share a similar structure of four linked rings of carbon atoms.

**You’ll notice that the shape of a steroid looks somewhat similar to a carbohydrate, but the rings in a steroid are FUSED. (they look like they are touching each other)

Page 5: Proteins

What function(s) do proteins have in the body? (They have the most diverse set of functions)

They are used for structure, transporting other substances, storage, signaling from one part of an organism to another, movement, and defense against foreign substances.

Proteins can denature. What causes a protein to denature, and would it still be able to function?

Proteins denature when specific conditions, such as temperature and pH, are stable. When they break, chemical reactions can occur within the protein and change the shape of the molecule. After this happens, the protein can no longer do its job or serve it’s function.

How is the structure of proteins related to the function?

Proteins are made up of many amino acids. Even if only one of those acids change or are different, the function of the protein can completely change because it doesn’t have the same structure anymore.

What gives a protein its unique properties?

The number and arrangement of amino acids in the chain determines the properties and functions of the protein.

Choose three protein examples and describe their functions.

Protein Example


  1. Insulin

Hormone for sugar metabolism

  1. Cytochrome c

Enzyme for cell respiration

  1. Hemoglobin

Oxygen transport in blood

What is the monomer, or single building block, of a protein?

The monomer, or building blocks, of protein are amino acids.

Describe the molecular structure of an amino acid.

Molecular structure: what does the shape look like?

As amino acids bond together to form a large protein molecule, it naturally twists and bends into its unique shape.

Molecular structure of an amino acid

Molecular structure: what atoms does it contain?

A carboxyl group (-COOH), an amino group ), one single hydrogen, and an “R” group which is different on every amino acid.

What part of the amino acid makes each one unique?

The side chain/R group is the only part of the molecular structure that varies between the 20 different amino acids that make up a protein. The side chain may contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, or other atoms, and it is always attached to the central carbon atom of the amino acid by a single covalent bond.

Page 6: Enzymes

Define enzymes.

Enzymes are special proteins that increase the rate of a reaction by decreasing the amount of energy needed to get a reaction started.

Which macromolecule group do enzymes belong to?

Enzymes belong to the protein macromolecule group.

Enzymes are catalysts. What is the function of a catalyst?

The function for a catalyst is to increase the speed of a reaction. The molecule doesn’t get used up in the reaction.

The graph below shows a chemical reaction occurring with and without an enzyme.

Using the graph, describe what happens to a chemical reaction with and without an enzyme.

Without an enzyme, there is a lot more energy needed and used when a chemical reaction occurs. With an enzyme, the amount of potential energy needed and used decreases significantly.

**The function of the enzyme depends on its shape. The active site on the enzyme has a certain shape and the substrate that it works upon has the same shape. There are many enzymes with different shapes for their active sites. You can think of it like a lock and key.

Are enzymes reusable when they are in their optimal conditions?


Practice: Enzymes work best in their optimal conditions. To identify an enzyme’s optimal condition when analyzing a graph, look at the peak of the enzyme’s activity and follow that line straight down, as shown below with Enzyme A.

What would the optimal pH be for Enzyme B in this graph? (type your answer in the box below)


Enzymes are also very sensitive to certain environmental conditions. Since they are proteins, they can become denatured. What changes on an enzyme when it becomes denatured? Will it continue to function?

If temperature or pH is altered in a way, the enzyme is denatured and no longer able to speed up the reactions. Another thing that can interfere with an enzyme's ability to speed up a reaction is an enzyme inhibitor. Enzyme inhibitors are substances that bind to an enzyme and change its shape or block its ability to interact with the chemical reaction.

Sometimes the substances in a chemical reaction bind to an active site on the enzyme, helping the reaction to occur faster. An inhibitor may have a similar shape to the substances in the reaction, allowing it to bind to the active site and interfere with the enzyme's function.

Click on the “Environmental Impacts on Enzymes” tab. Enzymes are very sensitive and have optimal conditions that they work well in. There are certain factors that affect the way an enzyme functions. In the chart below, describe how each of the following factors affect an enzyme’s activity. A few of them have been filled in for you. Be sure to mention whether it would denature, slow down, or speed up the enzyme’s activity.

Hot temperatures

Hot temperatures can slow down an enzyme’s activity. If the enzyme undergoes hot temperatures, then it can slow down and denature.

Warm temperatures

Warm temps can speed up an enzyme’s activity (Ex: low grade fevers), but we don’t want them getting too hot!

Cold temperatures

Cold temps slow down an enzyme’s activity. This can be reversed if the enzyme is warmed back up to its optimal temperature, but if the temp continues to drop to freezing it can sometimes denature.

Change in pH

A change in pH can slow down the enzyme’s activity and cause it to denature.

Enzyme Inhibitors

Enzyme inhibitors can block the active site and denature the ability to speed up the reaction. The inhibitors have similar shape to the reaction substances, which allows it to bind and interfere with the speeding up of the chemical reaction.

Concentration of enzymes and substrates

If the amount of enzyme or substrate increases, the activity will be faster. If the amount decreases, the activity will be slower.

Enzymes catalyze biological processes by lowering the activation energy needed for chemical reactions to occur. Without the enzyme, the amount of activation energy increases. When an enzyme is present, the activation energy is less/lowered.

Page 7: Nucleic Acids

What is the function of nucleic acids?

Nucleic acids carry the genetic information needed to build organisms.

What are the two main types of nucleic acids?

  1. DNA
  1. RNA

Describe the structure and function of DNA. Where is DNA found?

DNA contains an organism's genetic information and is usually found within a cell's nucleus.

Describe the structure and function of RNA.

The RNA molecules transport the genetic coding from the DNA to other parts of the cell where proteins are built.

What is the monomer, or single building block, of a nucleic acid?

The monomer of a nucleic acid is a nucleotide.

Describe the monomer of a nucleic acid in the table below.

What are the three main components of a nucleic acid monomer?

Each nucleotide is made up of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphate group.

Molecular Structure

Why are DNA and RNA important?

DNA serves as the master copy of an organism's genes. RNA copies sections of the DNA molecule and then carries the copies outside the nucleus. The genetic instructions provided by these copies direct the construction of protein molecules.

Compare & contrast DNA & RNA: Write DNA, RNA, or BOTH in the box below each characteristic.

Double Stranded

Contain Cytosine & Guanine

Found only in the nucleus




Contains Deoxyribose

Contains Thymine

Made of nucleotides




Contains Uracil

Single Stranded

Contains Ribose




Macromolecules at a Glance

Test your memory! Can you fill in all the boxes in the table below?




Nucleic Acids


(base unit)



Amino Acids



When dissolved in water, like inside a cell, monosaccharide molecules form a ring structure.

Lipid molecules do not mix well with water (hydrophobic).

Proteins can only properly function under specific conditions, such as a small range of temperature and pH.

A DNA molecule is actually made up of two nucleotide chains that spiral around an imaginary axis. This shape is called a double helix.


Store glucose as an energy reserve, sometimes provide structural support for cells.

Can be used to provide energy, insulation, or control of a body’s metabolic functions.

Used for a variety of different functions, such as structure, storage, signaling, movement, transporting, and defense substances

Contain the genetic information that codes for the cell’s structure and activities.


Starch, cellulose, glycogen,

Cholesterol, sex hormones, fats

Enzymes, antibodies


Practice questions: Highlight the correct answer.

The building blocks of a carbohydrate are:

A. Fatty acids

B. Nucleotides

C. Monosaccharides

D. Amino acids

Lipids are very diverse as it relates to their function. Which of the following is NOT a function of a lipid?

A. Insulation

B. Structural support

C. Provide energy

D. Control metabolic functions

**Use the quick Links below for fast navigation.

1.01 Exploring Life

1.02A Chemistry of Life Honors

1.02 Chemistry of Life

1.03 Earth’s Early Atmosphere

01.02A Biology Notebook: Chemistry of Life Honors ONLY

Page 1: Macromolecules

What holds macromolecules together?

Macromolecules are held together by chemical bonds. Covalent bonds form between monomers that make up carbohydrates, such as glucose and fructose, in order to build polymers.

Why are macromolecules important to living things?

Macromolecules provide energy and structure to living things and their cells.

Page 2: Carbon Based Molecules

What are organic compounds?

Organic compounds are carbon-based molecules.

Define valence electrons.

A valence electron is an electron located in the outermost occupied energy level in an atom. These are the electrons that participate between chemical bonding between atoms.

What unique ability does carbon have?

A carbon atom can form up to four covalent bonds with other atoms. This can be four single bonds, two single bonds and a double bond, or one single bond and one triple bond.

Describe dehydration synthesis.

The term dehydration synthesis describes any process where two substances bond together by the removal of water. This is the chemical reacting that bonds monomers together to build polymers. During this reaction, water molecules are formed by the atoms that are removed from the monomers.

Define hydrolysis.

The opposite of dehydration synthesis is hydrolysis. This is the chemical reaction that breaks polymers down into smaller monomer units. During this reaction, a water molecule is split into OH and H, which are added back to the monomers as the bond between the monomers is broken.

Describe the structure and function of starch.

Starch molecules are long, straight chains of glucose molecules, where all the glucose molecules are turned the same direction.  Some types of starch do contain some branching in their glucose chains. Starch is the principal polysaccharide used by plants to store glucose, to be used later as an energy source. Plants often store starch in seeds or other specialized organs. When humans consume starch, like rice, beans, wheat, corn, and potatoes, a specific enzyme found in saliva helps break down the starch into individual glucose molecules. This allows the glucose to be absorbed into the bloodstream and distribute it to energy-needing areas.

Describe the structure and function of glycogen.

Glycogen is a branched chain of glucose molecules. The glucose molecules in glycogen are all facing the same direction. The branches in glycogen molecules tend to be shorter and more frequent than any branching that may occur in some starch molecules. Glycogen is the polysaccharide molecule used to store glucose in animals. If some of the glucose from the broken-down starch needed to be stored for later use, they are stored in the glycogen. The excess glucose bonds to the glycogen, forming branches. This allows animals and humans to store glucose primarily in the liver and muscle tissue to have glucose ready to break down energy when needed.

Describe the structure and function of cellulose.

Cellulose is made up of long chains of glucose molecules, bonded together in an alternating manner, where every other glucose is turned in an opposite direction. The way the glucose molecules are arranged allow for a hydrogen bond to form between the cellulose molecules. These series of hydrogen bonds that form between the closely packed cellulose molecules provide a rigid and stable structure, used to give strength to plant cell walls. Cellulose is responsible for the rigidity and strength in leaves, stems, bark, and other plant structures. Cellulose/plant fiber can’t be digested by humans and most animals, passing through the digestive tract without being digested. This helps exercise the digestive track, keeping it healthy and clean.

Describe the structure and function of chitin.

Chitin is a rigid polysaccharide, similar to cellulose in its alternating arrangements of glucose molecules. It differs from cellulose by having amino groups (NH2) bonded to its glucose molecules. Because of its strength, it is used to form the exoskeleton of all arthropods: insects, spiders, lobsters, and crabs. These protective exoskeletons, or anything else made of chitin, cannot be digested by animals.

Page 3: Lipids

Describe the structure and function of fatty acids.

A fatty acid is a long chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms, with a carboxylic acid group on one end of the molecule. The carbon chain is usually between 12 and 18 carbon atoms long, and it may contain single or double bonds between the carbon atoms. Some functions include forming fat molecules, controlling inflammation, brain health and development, maintaining fluidity of cell membranes, and preventing blood clots.

What are the differences between saturated and unsaturated fats?

A fatty acid chain with only single bonds between the carbon atoms is called “saturated,” and a chain that contains some double bonds is called “unsaturated.” Saturated fatty acid chains are straight, which allows them to pack tightly together. Because of this, saturated fats, like the fat found in meat, require a higher temperature to melt. This means they tend to be solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fatty acid chains are “kinked” because they bend where the double or triple bonds are locate in the carbon chain. Unsaturated fats are usually liquid at room temperature and are often called oils.

Describe the structure and function of glycerol.

A glycerol molecule has the formula C3H8O3. Dehydration synthesis occurs in order to attach fatty acid molecules to the glycerol molecule, removing a hydrogen atom from the glycerol molecule and oxygen and hydrogen atoms from the fatty acid to form a water molecule. This process leaves an available location for a covalent bond to form between the glycerol and fatty acid.

Why are steroids important to life? Provide an example of a steroid.

Steroids are important because they play a role in essential biological processes, such as immune response, regulating metabolism, and reproduction. Cholesterol is an important steroid in our bodies because it is used to make most of the other steroids that we need. Our bodies build cholesterol molecules in the liver, and we also acquire it from the food we eat. It is possible to have too much cholesterol in our bodies, which can be unhealthy, but a certain amount of cholesterol is important for our bodies to properly function.

Describe the relationship between cholesterol and testosterone.

Testosterone (hormone) can be made from cholesterol. The structure of testosterone looks like cholesterol, but without the branch stretching out of the polymer. There is also less hydrogen and instead of a hydrogen and oxygen single bond at the bottom, there is a oxygen double bond. The testosterone is the two bottom monomers.

Describe the structure of a phospholipid.

Phospholipids have two fatty acid molecules and one phosphate group bonded to the glycerol molecule. This structure gives phospholipids a hydrophobic end and a hydrophilic end to the molecule.

How do hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends affect the structure and function of phospholipids?

Having hydrophobic and hydrophilic ends to the molecule allow phospholipids to serve as a major component of cell membranes. The phospholipids are arranged in a double layer within the membranes, which allows the hydrophilic ends of the molecules to come in contact with the water inside and outside the cell.

Describe the structure of the cell membrane.

A cell’s membrane is made up of two layers of phospholipids. The hydrophobic fatty acid ends of the molecules face toward the center of the membrane. The phosphate groups on the other ends of the phospholipid molecules are hydrophilic, so they can interact well with the water inside and outside of the cell.

Page 4: Proteins

What are some functions of proteins?

Proteins are used for structural support, movement, signaling from one part of an organism to another, transporting other substances, increasing the rate of chemical reactions, and defense against foreign substances.

How many different amino acids do cells use to build proteins?

Cells build their proteins from 20 different amino acids. There are other amino acids that have important functions within cells, but they are not used to build proteins.

What are the four main components of an amino acid?

1) An amino group

2) A carboxyl group

3) A single hydrogen atom

4) A side chain/“R” Group bonded to the central carbon atom

What is a polypeptide bond and how does it form?

When two amino acids form a bond between the carboxyl group of one and the amino group of another, this bond is called a peptide bond. This bond is formed by dehydration synthesis, and the reaction involves the help of an enzyme.

Describe the shape of a protein molecule. Why is shape so important?

A protein molecule is made up of one or more chains of amino acids twisted and folded in a unique three-dimensional shape. Many proteins form a roughly spherical shape, while some are long and fibrous in shape.

Page 5: Molecular Formula

What are chemical formulas?

This method uses chemical symbols and numbers to tell you which elements are in a compound and how much of each element is present.

List the two parts of a chemical formula.

1) The symbol of each element in a molecule of the substance

2) A  number indicating how many atoms of each element are in each molecule of the substance

What is a subscript in a chemical formula?

A subscript is a small number next to the abbreviated element that shows how many atoms of a specific element there are. For example, O2 means there are two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to each other. (A subscript of 1 is never used because we can assume if an element has no subscript, then there is only one of that element.)

Describe each of the prefixes listed below:






sulfur dioxide (SO2)



nitrogen trifluoride (NF3)



carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)



phosphorus pentachloride (PCl5)



sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)

**Compounds made up of atoms that are ionically bonded do not use prefixes. For example, the compound calcium chloride (CaCl2) contains ionic bonds between calcium and chlorine atoms. You do not need to use the prefix di- to indicate that there are two atoms of chlorine in a molecule of calcium chloride.

Page 6: Lesson Review

Examine the infographic on pg 6. What holds two macromolecules together?

Macromolecules are held together by covalent bonds.

What does glucose and fructose combined form?

The disaccharide Sucrose is formed by glucose and fructose.

Practice Question: Highlight the correct answer

The different properties and functions of carbohydrates, and other biological molecules due to what?

A. Their structures

B. Where they are found

C. They are inorganic molecules

D. Their bonds

_______________________END OF HONORS 1.02A________________________

**Use the quick Links below for fast navigation.

1.01 Exploring Life

1.02A Chemistry of Life Honors

1.02 Chemistry of Life

1.03 Earth’s Early Atmosphere

01.03 Biology Notebook: Earth’s Early Atmosphere

Page 1: Origin of Life on Earth

What makes Earth an ideal home for its diverse inhabitants?

Numerous conditions make Earth an ideal home for its diverse inhabitants. For example, it has liquid water, an optimal distance from the sun, and an atmosphere that contains a mix of important elements and molecules.

Page 2: Early Earth

Organize the characteristics of early Earth in the table below:

Temperature? (hot, cold, mild)

Earth was (probably) very hot.

Protective atmosphere? (yes or no)

The earth was constantly bombarded with comets and asteroids. (no)

Presence of water? (yes or no)

Earth cooled enough for the surface to solidify and for water vapor to fall as rain. This allowed permanent oceans to form. (yes)

Presence of oxygen? (yes or no)

There was little to no oxygen. (no)

Atmospheric gases (list)

The atmosphere was primarily made up of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen. There may have been tiny amounts of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen cyanid.

What are organic molecules?

Organic molecules are carbon-based molecules. Some are small, simple molecules, while others are long, branching molecules containing hundreds of atoms.

Why are scientists interested in the origin of organic molecules?

Organic molecules are important to life on Earth, so scientists are very interested in the origin of the very first organic molecules.

What hypothesis did Oparin & Haldane propose for the origin of the first organic molecules?

Theories suggested that earth was able to build small organic molecules from inorganic molecules in the atmosphere. The spontaneity of the chemical reactions was thought to occur because of the limited amount of oxygen and large amounts of energy provided. The scientists argued that the greater amounts of oxygen gas is why we don’t observe these reactions today, because oxygen interferes with the reactions that would form carbon-based organic molecules.

There was a high amount of energy on early Earth. What caused this?

UV radiation and lightning provided the atmosphere with large amounts of energy.

What are two examples of organic molecules that scientists think first formed?

Theories suggest that some of the first organic molecules formed on Earth may have been amino acids and nucleotides (monomer of DNA/RNA).

Why can’t the reactions that occurred on early earth happen on modern Earth?

Because of the great amounts of oxygen gas in the atmosphere, we can’t observe these reactions today. Oxygen interferes with the reactions that would form carbon-based organic molecules.

Page 3: Chemical Experiments

What hypothesis did Miller and Urey want to test?

In 1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey of the University of Chicago tested the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis by simulating Earth's early atmospheric conditions in a laboratory.

What did the experiment produce?

Their experiment produced a variety of amino acids and other small organic molecules.

What did they add to represent Earth’s early atmosphere?

The gas mixture used to represent the early atmosphere contained water (H2O), hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4), and ammonia (NH3).

Look at the image below. What was formed at the end of the experiment?

Miller and Urey discovered 21 amino acids and other organic molecules present in the liquid.

Click the “Sources of Energy” tab. Name 3 energy sources that scientists say may have caused these reactions to occur.

Oparin and Haldane proposed that lightning and the intense radiation that penetrated the thin primitive atmosphere provided the energy needed for these reactions. Other scientists propose that deep-sea vents may have provided the energy and chemical molecules needed to form the first organic compounds.

Page 4: Chemical Evolution

Read the “Organic Molecules” tab. If the first organic molecules did not form on early Earth, where did other hypotheses suggest that they may have come from?

It is possible that some of these organic molecules arrived on the early Earth on meteorites and comets from space. Scientists have found organic compounds, including amino acids, in modern meteorites that have landed on Earth. 

Read the “Building Larger Organic Compounds” tab. How did large organic molecules form without the presence of enzymes?

Scientists have observed that chemical bonds sometimes form between small organic compounds on hot surfaces. Scientists speculate that ocean water containing small organic molecules, like those formed in the Miller-Urey experiment, splashed onto hot sand, clay, or rock. As the water evaporated on the hot surface, the small organic compounds could have bonded together. Although they have not been able to build large protein molecules in this way, scientists have been able to form smaller chains of amino acids using this method.

Read the “Early Genetic Material” tab. What do all living organisms contain?

All living organisms contain genetic information, stored in DNA and RNA molecules, which directs the functions of cells. The general coding and structure of these molecules is universally shared by all organisms. 

Explain the RNA world hypothesis. (Be sure to explain the significance of RNA)

Some scientists hypothesize that some of the first large organic molecules to form and self-replicate were RNA molecules, with DNA molecules forming much later. This is called the RNA world hypothesis. These early RNA molecules were probably smaller than the RNA molecules in our cells today. They would have contained the codes for building specific protein molecules from the amino acids present on Earth at that time. Proteins are necessary components of all living cells.

Define catalyst.

A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of reaction without undergoing any permanent change.

Explain what helps RNA catalyze.

One important reaction that RNA helps to catalyze is the building of new RNA molecules. Before this discovery was made, the long-held view was that only proteins could serve as biological catalysts.

All organisms have a Universal Genetic Code. What does that mean?

If RNA is able to self-catalyze, this means that early RNA molecules may have been able to self-replicate without the help of other molecules. If early RNA molecules were able to copy themselves to build new RNA molecules, this helps to explain why all organisms share the same genetic code.

Page 5: Early Cells

Describe the earliest cells.

These early single-celled organisms were prokaryotes, a small simple type of cell that lacks a true nucleus. These cells lived and evolved on Earth all alone for 2 billion years. They have continued to evolve and flourish on a changing Earth, and in turn they have played an important role in the changes taking place.

Did the first prokaryotic cells need oxygen on early Earth? Would they be considered aerobic or anaerobic?

The first prokaryotic cells lived on an Earth that had little to no oxygen in its atmosphere. This means that the chemical processes that occurred within the cells, providing energy necessary to keep them alive and functioning, did not require oxygen.

How did the first prokaryotic cells obtain energy?

These cells were heterotrophs that had to obtain their energy by taking in nutrients as food.

Define heterotroph. (click on the word in your lesson to see the definition)

Heterotrophs are organisms that must eat or consume other organisms, plants, animals, or both, to get energy.

What did the early cells use as a food source?

Scientists speculate that their food was the rich assortment of organic molecules thought to be present in the ocean water at that time.

List the four types of cells found today that scientists believe are similar to the early cells on Earth and one interesting fact about each.


Interesting Fact


Single celled organisms that produce methane (CH4) in a form of anaerobic respiration. They are common in wetlands, marine sediment, and in the guts of many animals.


Single-celled organisms that live at extremely high temperatures, between 45 and 80 degrees Celsius (113 and 176 degrees Fahrenheit). They can be found in hot springs and deep-sea vents. Scientists believe thermophilic bacteria may have been some of the first cells on Earth.


Organisms that thrive in environments with very high concentrations of salt. Many conduct photosynthesis. They can be found in places with salt concentrations five times greater than that of the ocean, such as the Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea.


Photosynthetic prokaryotes that live in the water. They are the most abundant bacteria on the planet and release large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. Even though these bacteria cells are very small, they often grow together in large colonies that can be seen with the naked eye. Cyanobacteria can be found in almost every conceivable environment, from oceans to fresh water to moist soil. These photosynthetic cells are essential to ocean ecosystems, serving as the autotrophs at the base of many marine food chains.

What does fossil evidence show us about the earliest and most abundant autotrophic cells?

Fossil evidence shows that the earliest and most abundant autotrophic cells were ancestors of modern-day cyanobacteria. They are considered to be one of the largest and most important groups of bacteria on Earth today. 

What are cyanobacteria and why are they important?

 Their ancestors were just as important to the evolution of Earth because they released large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide gas as a reactant and gives off oxygen gas as a product.

As cyanobacteria and other autotrophs increased, how did the atmosphere change?

As the number of cyanobacteria and other autotrophs increased on Earth over millions of years, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere also increased.

What became the dominant life forms on the planet as the oxygen became more abundant?

The aerobic autotrophs and heterotrophs became the dominant life forms on the planet and evolved into all of the diversity of life now visible on Earth.

Page 6: Formation of Microspheres

What is a microsphere?

Microspheres are tiny bubbles filled with groups of molecules, able to maintain an internal environment different from their surroundings. Microspheres are tiny bubbles filled with groups of large organic molecules; they can form under very specific conditions.

Microspheres are not cells, but they do have similar characteristics. Identify the characteristics of microspheres.

Microspheres are not cells, but they do share some characteristics with cells. These bundles of molecules can maintain an internal environment different from the surroundings outside the bubble. They also have a simple way of storing and releasing energy.

How do microspheres grow and what happens when it reaches an unstable size?

These bundles of molecules expand by absorbing additional molecules until they reach an unstable size, and then they split into smaller microspheres. This division is not true reproduction or cell division, but it may be a precursor (predecessor) to it.

How does the hypothesis of microspheres build on the RNA world hypothesis and the universal genetic code?

If RNA molecules could self-replicate, it would mean that whenever a microsphere split, the early genetic coding in the RNA would pass to the newly formed microspheres. This could be a predecessor to how cells pass on their genetic information today and may help explain why all organisms share a universal genetic code.

What fossils have scientists found that date back to 3.5 billion years?

Scientists have found fossils of microscopic bacterial cells in rocks that are more than 3.5 billion years old. They believe that Earth’s atmosphere contained very little oxygen at the time, so these bacterial cells were probably able to survive without it.

How long ago did photosynthetic bacterial cells become common?

2.2 billion years ago

Practice question: Highlight the correct answer

If there was not an increase in cyanobacteria in early Earth, what would have happened to Earth’s early atmosphere?

A. The amount of oxygen would have increased, causing an increase in aerobic autotrophs and heterotrophs

B. The amount of oxygen would have increased, causing a decrease in aerobic autotrophs and heterotrophs.

C. The amount of oxygen would have decreased, causing an increase in aerobic autotrophs and heterotrophs.

D. The amount of oxygen would have decreased, causing a decrease in aerobic autotrophs and heterotrophs.

Which best describes the atmosphere of the early Earth?

A. Little or no oxygen, mostly carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen

B. Little or no carbon dioxide, mostly oxygen, water vapor, and nitrogen

C. Little or no water vapor, mostly oxygen and carbon dioxide, with some nitrogen

D. Large amounts of hydrogen cyanide, low amounts of carbon dioxide and oxygen

**Use the quick Links below for fast navigation.

1.01 Exploring Life

1.02A Chemistry of Life Honors

1.02 Chemistry of Life

1.03 Earth’s Early Atmosphere

Once you have finished all assignments in Module 1, it’s time to complete your 1.04 DBA (discussion based assessment) with your teacher. The DBA is open-note, but your lesson cannot be open. You will receive your exam password after completing the DBA. Make your appointment!