Untitled Flashcards Set

What do families in the community share at breakfast?*

their dreams



Where does Jonas’s mother work?*

the department of justice


How has the setting of the novel affected the personalities of the community?*

It has made them comfortable and accepting of their lives.


Lily is unaware that Jonas is taking pills, but the other family members know he has just started them.  Which type of irony is this?*



Jonas finally CAUGHT HIS FATHER'S EYE  and waved.  Which figurative language device is being used here?*



IF we could hear the thoughts and feelings of both Lily and her mother, which point of view WOULD the novel have?*

3rd person omniscient



Like the Matching of Spouses and the Naming and Placement of new children, the Assignments were SCRUPULOUSLY thought through by the Committee of Elders.  What does “scrupulously” mean?*



Why is Lily anxious to turn 10?*

She will have her hair cut and not have to wear ribbons.


Why are eights given new jackets with pockets?*

to show they are responsible for their belongings

Why didn’t Gabe take part in the ceremony?*

He was labeled “uncertain” and given a year to grow.



What happens if a twelve does not like his or her assignment?*

The only other choice is to be released.


Jonas’s full number is eleven-nineteen.  What does it stand for?*


Eleven is for his age, and he was the nineteenth child born his year.


What is Fiona’s assignment?*

the house of the old


What is Asher’s assignment?*

the recreation center

Why did Jonas become upset when number 20 was called?*

He realized that his number was skipped.


Why does Jonas’s family feel disgraced and embarrassed?*

Jonas’s number was never called.



What does the assignment of the Receiver of Memory involve?*

taking on the memory burdens of the community



What did we learn in these chapters about the “capacity to see beyond”?*

When Jonas looks at certain objects, they appear to change.

Since Jonas’s conflict hasn’t been revealed yet, which part of plot is going on now?*



How is everybody treating Jonas now?*

They are hesitant, almost uncomfortable, around him.


Jonas received a list of instructions for the Receiver.  Which is the last instruction?*

You may lie.


From this moment you are exempted from rudeness.


What does Lily have to be careful about when she is volunteering?*

that she doesn’t call Gabe by his name



What worries Jonas the most about his new position?*

being able to tolerate the pain


Which of these is NOT true about the past Receiver?*

She never returned her comfort object.

