Satellites enable passing to and from geographically separated locations
Multiple Access = Satellites ability to multiplex signals from numerous terminals in a variety of ways
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)
First access method to be developed (oldest)
Terminals separated by frequency inside of channels allocated bandwidth
Between frequencies is guard bands which minimize crosstalk by spacing out users (25MHz spacing)
Advantageous to support connection oriented applications
Inefficient for satellites total capacity due to users not constantly utilizing their frequency
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
Assigns terminals dedicated time slots on a channels bandwidth
Time slot acts as the guard band to prevent interference
To employ, stringent timing and network controls must be in place
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
Operates as spread spectrum technique
Uses Pseudorandom noise codes to separate its users
All terminals transmit at same time over same frequency
Receiving terminal actively looks for specific coded waveform
200 KHz
Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA)
Uses wider frequency bands than CDMA for higher throughput for data transmission
Input signals are digitized and transmitted in coded spread spectrum mode
A 5MHz wide carrier is used
Asynchronous allowing more flexibility in the allocation resources
Operate on first come first serve basis
Allocated to users on as needed basis
After communication, frequency is returned to pool where it can be used by next user