In Thai there are particular words for:
เมื่อวานนี้ (mûuea-waan-níi) ➤ "yesterday"
พรุ่งนี้ (phrûng-níi) ➤ "tomorrow"
วันนี้ (wan-níi) ➤ "this day" or “today”
To say "this week," "this month," or "this year," we simply add the adjective "this," นี้ (níi), to the unit of time.
ปีนี้ (bpii níi) ➤ “this year”
To say "last week," "last month," or "last year," we add the word "before," ก่อน (gàawn), to the unit of time.
อาทิตย์ก่อน (aa-thít gàawn) ➤ “last week”
To say "next week," "next month," or "next year," we add the word "in front," หน้า (nâa), to the unit of time.
เดือนหน้า (duuean nâa) ➤ “next month”
Thai | Romanization | "English” |
เมื่อวานนี้ | (mûuea-waan-níi) | "yesterday" |
วันนี้ | (wan-níi) | "today" |
พรุ่งนี้ | (phrûng-níi) | "tomorrow" |
อาทิตย์ก่อน | (aa-thít gàawn) | "last week" |
อาทิตย์นี้ | (aa-thít níi) | "this week" |
อาทิตย์หน้า | (aa-thít nâa) | "next week" |
เดือนก่อน | (duuean gàawn) | "last month" |
เดือนนี้ | (duuean níi) | "this month" |
เดือนหน้า | (duuean nâa) | "next month" |
ปีก่อน | (bpii gàawn) | "last year" |
ปีนี้ | (bpii níi) | "this year" |
ปีหน้า | (bpii nâa) | "next year" |
To say that an action occurred a certain number of days, weeks, months, or years ago, the formula is: Number + Time Unit + ที่แล้ว (thîi láaeo)
เขามาเมืองไทยห้าเดือนที่แล้ว (khǎo maa muueang-thai hâa duuean thîi láaeo)
➤ "He came to Thailand five months ago."
ฉันดูหนังตลกมากสามวันที่แล้ว (chǎn duu nǎng dtà-lòk mâak sǎam wan thîi láaeo)
➤ "I saw a really funny movie three days ago."
To say that an action is going to occur a certain number of days, weeks, months, or years in the future, the formula is: อีก (ìik) + Number + Time Unit
อีกสองปีผมจะซื้อบ้านเอง (iik sǎawng bpii phǒm jà súue bâan eeng)
➤ "In two years, I will buy my own house."
อีกสี่วันจะเป็นวันเกิดของคุณแม่ (ìik sìi wan jà bpen wan-gòoet khǎawng khun-mâae)
➤ "In another four days, it will be Mother's birthday."
เคย (khooei)
This is an adverb that means "ever" or “once”
It comes right before a verb to say whether the subject has ever done that action.
ผมเคยกินเนื้อจระเข้ (phǒm khooei gin núuea jaaw-rá-khêe)
➤ "I have eaten crocodile meat."
We can also use it in the negative sense to say that the subject has never done something:
เขาไม่เคยกินหมา (khǎo mâi khooei gin mǎa)
➤ "He has never eaten dog."
ว่าแต่ (wâa dtàae)
We use it at the beginning of a sentence, much like an English speaker might begin a sentence with "As for…” ; “Anyway…” ; “What about…” to make the transition more smooth.
เมื่อ (mûuea)
When used as a preposition, เมื่อ (mûuea) means "when" or "at the time of." We can use it to place an action at a specific time.
ผมพบเขาเมื่อเช้านี้ (phǒm phóp khǎo mûuea cháao níi)
➤ "I met him this morning."
We can also use it to place the time of some event in relative terms based on some condition.
เมื่อเขามาฉันจะไป (mûuea khǎo maa chǎn jà bpai)
➤ "I’ll leave when she comes."
Pai, in the province of Mae Hong Son, has grown quite famous among both international and domestic tourists.
Several tourists travel there for the hot springs, waterfalls, trekking to hill-tribe settlements, rafting on rubber or bamboo rafts, and jungle elephant rides.
As the number of backpacking visitors has expanded, an art community with numerous small restaurants, cafes, and shops has developed.
It is also a highly popular resort for Bangkok residents who want cooler temperatures.