@@This will lead to the accumulation of favorable traits over generations@@
@@Represent possible evolutionary relationships@@
^^Sister taxa^^: Share an immediate common ancestor
^^Basal taxon/outgroup:^^ Diverges early in the groupâs history, near the whole group´s common ancestor
^^Monopholyetic group:^^ Branch and every subsequent taxon
^^Paraphyletic group:^^ A monophyletic group that leaves out a taxon
^^Polyphyletic group:^^ Group of different taxa with a different common ancestor
^^Population^^: A group of individuals of the same species in the same area that produce viable and fertile offspring
@@HW allele frequency:@@ Dominant allele frequency + recessive allele frequency = 1 (p + q = 1)
@@HW genotype frequenc@@y: Homozygous dominant frequency (p²) + Heterozygous frequency (2pq) + Homozygous recessive frequency (q²) = 1, (p² + 2pq + q² = 1)
@@REQUIREMENTS:@@ No mutations, random mating, no natural selection, very large population, no gene flow
@@Mechanisms of evolution@@ are mutation, gene flow, non-random mating, genetic drift, and natural selection
^^Genetic drift:^^ Change in allele frequency due to random chance
^^Founder effect:^^ Few individuals are isolated from the larger population, creating a new and less genetically varied gene pool (part of genetic drift)
^^Bottleneck effect:^^ Drastic population reduction due to a sudden environmental change, gene pool after the event will be different (part of genetic drift)
^^Gene flow:^^ movement of alleles among populations between gametes
^^Fitness^^: An individual´s reproductive success/how many offspring it´s able to produce
^^Directional selection^^: Conditions favor 1 end of the phenotypic range
^^Disruptive selection:^^ Conditions favor individuals at both ends of the phenotypic range
^^Stabilizing selection:^^ Conditions favor individuals in the middle of the phenotypic range
^^Sexual selection^^: Natural selection for mating success
As @@geo divide@@ interrupts gene flow, @@intrinsic barriers@@ (barriers that make 2 species sexually incompatible) such as genetic differences or sexual selection arise
^^Polyploidy:^^ Offspring receive an extra set(s) of chromosomes due to errors during cell division. Creates a reproductive barrier.
^^Habitat differentiation:^^ Species develop by using different resources in their geographical area and slowly separating from the initial species
^^Sexual selection^^
^^Adaptive Radiation^^: One species diversifies into multiple species to fill empty ecological niches
@@Gram + bacteria@@ has thick simpler walls high in peptidogylcan
@@Gram - bacteria@@ has a thin peptidoglycan wall between possibly toxic outer membrane and inner membrane
^^Transduction:^^ movement of genes between prokaryotes via phages (viruses that infect bacteria)
^^Conjugation^^: Genetic material transferred directly between prokaryotes
^^Transformation^^: A bacteria takes up a piece of DNA in its environment