
Theories and Principles in Technology-Driven Lessons

  • Desired Learning Outcome

    • Explain different theories and principles in technology use.

    • Discuss systematic teaching approaches.

    • Incorporate theories and Bloom’s Taxonomy in unit plans.

    • Explain Dale’s Cone of Experience.

    • Identify technology types in education.

    • Understand evaluating technology and instructional materials.

    • Discuss authentic assessment.

Major Learning Theories

  • Cognitivism

    • Learning is cognitive, emotional, and environmental.

    • Emphasizes how people process information and prior knowledge.

  • Constructivism

    • Learning is active; knowledge is constructed through experience.

    • Social interaction is key in knowledge building.

  • Behaviorism

    • Focuses on observable behaviors as a measure of learning.

Systematic Approach to Teaching

  • Fosters structured teaching methods aligning goals, curricula, and assessments.

  • Incorporates various instructional strategies and evaluation methods.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

  • Framework for educational objectives; categorized into cognitive domains:

    1. Knowledge

    2. Comprehension

    3. Application

    4. Analysis

    5. Synthesis

    6. Evaluation

  • Revised taxonomy includes knowledge dimension and cognitive process dimension.

Dale’s Cone of Experience

  • Visual representation of experiences and retention rates:

    • 10% of what read, 20% of what heard, etc.

    • Emphasizes the importance of direct, purposeful experiences.

Roles of Technology in Education

  • Traditional View: Technology as a teacher delivering knowledge.

  • Constructivist View: Technology as a tool for active, collaborative learning.

  • Uses technology for personalized, project-based, and inquiry-based learning.

Inquiry-Based Learning

  • Encourages students to actively engage and take responsibility for their learning.

  • Develops critical thinking through questioning, and hands-on activities.

Project-Based Learning

  • Involves students in complex questions, requiring collaboration.

  • Results in interdisciplinary projects with real-world implications.

Evaluating Technology and Instructional Materials

  • Assessment: Systematic process to gauge knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

  • Evaluation: Focuses on measuring outcomes and the effectiveness of instruction.

  • Both require criteria and evidence for assessment effectiveness.

Authentic Assessment

  • Measures the application of skills in real-life contexts.

  • Encourages critical thinking and practical problem-solving.

  • Example formats include performance tasks, portfolios, and observations.

Types of Educational Technology

  • Includes media, machines, hardware, and applications for learning.

  • Covers synchronous/asynchronous learning models and various learning environments.

  • Embraces approaches to foster collaboration and communication in learning.
