Desired Learning Outcome
Explain different theories and principles in technology use.
Discuss systematic teaching approaches.
Incorporate theories and Bloom’s Taxonomy in unit plans.
Explain Dale’s Cone of Experience.
Identify technology types in education.
Understand evaluating technology and instructional materials.
Discuss authentic assessment.
Learning is cognitive, emotional, and environmental.
Emphasizes how people process information and prior knowledge.
Learning is active; knowledge is constructed through experience.
Social interaction is key in knowledge building.
Focuses on observable behaviors as a measure of learning.
Fosters structured teaching methods aligning goals, curricula, and assessments.
Incorporates various instructional strategies and evaluation methods.
Framework for educational objectives; categorized into cognitive domains:
Revised taxonomy includes knowledge dimension and cognitive process dimension.
Visual representation of experiences and retention rates:
10% of what read, 20% of what heard, etc.
Emphasizes the importance of direct, purposeful experiences.
Traditional View: Technology as a teacher delivering knowledge.
Constructivist View: Technology as a tool for active, collaborative learning.
Uses technology for personalized, project-based, and inquiry-based learning.
Encourages students to actively engage and take responsibility for their learning.
Develops critical thinking through questioning, and hands-on activities.
Involves students in complex questions, requiring collaboration.
Results in interdisciplinary projects with real-world implications.
Assessment: Systematic process to gauge knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Evaluation: Focuses on measuring outcomes and the effectiveness of instruction.
Both require criteria and evidence for assessment effectiveness.
Measures the application of skills in real-life contexts.
Encourages critical thinking and practical problem-solving.
Example formats include performance tasks, portfolios, and observations.
Includes media, machines, hardware, and applications for learning.
Covers synchronous/asynchronous learning models and various learning environments.
Embraces approaches to foster collaboration and communication in learning.