Acid deposition primary air pollutants
SO₂ (Sulfur dioxide) NOx (Nitrogen oxides)
Photochemical smog primary pollutants (reactants)
NOx (Nitrogen oxides) VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)
Chemicals that deplete stratospheric ozone
CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons) Halons Methyl bromide
Cars produce these (primary) air pollutants
CO (Carbon monoxide) NOx (Nitrogen oxides) VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) PM (Particulate Matter)
Power plants/industries produce these (primary) air pollutants
SOx (Sulfur oxides) NOx (Nitrogen oxides) CO₂ (Carbon dioxide) PM (Particulate Matter) Mercury
Impact of SOx
Contributes to acid rain Respiratory problems
Impact of NOx
Forms acid rain Leads to photochemical smog Respiratory issues
Impact of PM (PM-10 and PM-2.5)
Causes respiratory and cardiovascular diseases Reduces visibility (haze) Can penetrate deep into lungs and bloodstream
Impact of CO₂
Major greenhouse gas contributing to global warming Ocean acidification
Impact of CO
Binds to hemoglobin, reducing oxygen transport in blood Can be fatal at high levels
Impact of VOCs
Contributes to photochemical smog Can cause respiratory and neurological problems
Impact of Lead
Neurotoxin (damages brain development, especially in children) Can accumulate in bones and organs
Impact of tropospheric O₃ (ground-level ozone)
Causes respiratory problems (asthma, lung damage) Damages crops and ecosystems
Impact of Mercury
Bioaccumulates in food chains (toxic to fish and humans) Causes neurological damage
Source of SOx
Power plants & industries (burning fossil fuels)
Source of NOx
Transportation Power plants & industries
Source of CO
Transportation (incomplete combustion in cars)
Source of CO₂
Power plants & industries Transportation
Source of VOCs
Transportation (vehicle emissions) Industrial processes Household products (paints, solvents)
Source of Lead
Industrial processes Previously in gasoline (still a concern in some areas)
Source of Mercury
Power plants (burning coal) Industrial processes