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Chemistry - Matter

matter - has mass and occupies space, meaning it has volume (a measure of the quantity of matter, density)

phases of matter - solid, liquid, gas

solid - has a definite volume, has a definite shape (atoms are packed together in fixed positions, strong attraction forces between atoms, only vibrate in space)

liquid - has a definite volume, has an indefinite shape (atoms are close together, atoms can overcome attractive forces to flow)

gas - has no fixed volume, has no definite shape (conforms to the volume and shape of a container, can compress to occupy a smaller volume and expand to occupy a larger volume, fairly weak attractive forces)

physical properties - properties that can be measured or judged without changing the basic identity of the substance (color, odor, hardness, density, melting point, boiling point)

pure substance - a pure matter that has a fixed composition and distinct properties (ex: pure gold, 100% water)

element - a substance that cannot be broken down into other substances (ex: iron, copper, oxygen)

compound - two or more elements that are chemically combined in fixed proportions and can be decomposed by chemical means (ex: H20 )

mixture - refers to the combinations of two or more substances in which each substance retains its own chemical identity (can be evenly distributed or unevenly distributed, different states of matter can form mixtures, physically combined, can be mixed in any proportion)

homogenous mixtures - a mixture that is uniform throughout in its consistency

homogenous solution - denoted by (aq), which means aqueous (NaCl(aq))

heterogeneous mixture - a mixture that is not uniform in composition

intensive property - a property that depends on the type of matter in a sample, not the amount of matter (ex. color, density, boiling point)

extensive property - a property that depends on the amount of matter in a sample (ex. mass, volume)

Firewood Burning, chemical or physical change? - chemical

Ice melting, chemical or physical change? - physical

Mass, extensive or intensive? - extensive property

Combustible, extensive or intensive? - Intensive property

Density, Intensive or extensive? - Intensive property

The mass of the chemical was 50 g, Intensive or extensive? - extensive property

the boiling point of ethyl alcohol is 77 C, Intensive or Extensive? - intensive property

baking soda reacting with acetic acid, Chemical or physical change? - chemical property

the solubility of NaCl in water is 40g/100ml of water, Intensive or extensive? - intensive property

the chemical was red, Physical or chemical property? - physical property

Chemistry - Matter

matter - has mass and occupies space, meaning it has volume (a measure of the quantity of matter, density)

phases of matter - solid, liquid, gas

solid - has a definite volume, has a definite shape (atoms are packed together in fixed positions, strong attraction forces between atoms, only vibrate in space)

liquid - has a definite volume, has an indefinite shape (atoms are close together, atoms can overcome attractive forces to flow)

gas - has no fixed volume, has no definite shape (conforms to the volume and shape of a container, can compress to occupy a smaller volume and expand to occupy a larger volume, fairly weak attractive forces)

physical properties - properties that can be measured or judged without changing the basic identity of the substance (color, odor, hardness, density, melting point, boiling point)

pure substance - a pure matter that has a fixed composition and distinct properties (ex: pure gold, 100% water)

element - a substance that cannot be broken down into other substances (ex: iron, copper, oxygen)

compound - two or more elements that are chemically combined in fixed proportions and can be decomposed by chemical means (ex: H20 )

mixture - refers to the combinations of two or more substances in which each substance retains its own chemical identity (can be evenly distributed or unevenly distributed, different states of matter can form mixtures, physically combined, can be mixed in any proportion)

homogenous mixtures - a mixture that is uniform throughout in its consistency

homogenous solution - denoted by (aq), which means aqueous (NaCl(aq))

heterogeneous mixture - a mixture that is not uniform in composition

intensive property - a property that depends on the type of matter in a sample, not the amount of matter (ex. color, density, boiling point)

extensive property - a property that depends on the amount of matter in a sample (ex. mass, volume)

Firewood Burning, chemical or physical change? - chemical

Ice melting, chemical or physical change? - physical

Mass, extensive or intensive? - extensive property

Combustible, extensive or intensive? - Intensive property

Density, Intensive or extensive? - Intensive property

The mass of the chemical was 50 g, Intensive or extensive? - extensive property

the boiling point of ethyl alcohol is 77 C, Intensive or Extensive? - intensive property

baking soda reacting with acetic acid, Chemical or physical change? - chemical property

the solubility of NaCl in water is 40g/100ml of water, Intensive or extensive? - intensive property

the chemical was red, Physical or chemical property? - physical property