MP3 Vocab



Usage in Sentence


Abhor (Verb)

To regard with horror or loathing; to hate deeply

A pacifist is someone who __________ violence in all forms.

Amend (Verb)

To change in a formal way; to change for the better

If you are not doing well in a particular subject, you may want to ________ your way of studying it.

Buffet (Verb)

To slap or cuff; to strike repeatedly; to drive or force with blows; to force one’s way with difficulty

Blinding snowstorms ___________ the barren landmass of Antarctica for months on end.

Chaos (Noun)

Great confusion; disorder

A great many people lost their fortunes and even their lives in the __________ brought on by the French Revolution.

Commodious (Adjective)

Roomy; spacious

No one would expect a tiny studio apartment to have particularly _________ closets. 

Corrosive (Adjective)

Eating away gradually; acid-like; bitterly sarcastic

Sulfuric acid is one of the most _________ substances known to chemistry. 

Discern (Verb)

To see clearly; recognize

It is a jury’s job to __________ the truth by carefully evaluating all the evidence presented at the trial.



Usage in Sentence


Extant (Adjective)

Still existing; not exterminated, destroyed or lost

The paintings of animals and human hands in Spain’s Altamira caves are among the oldest _________ species of Stone Age art.

Implicate (Verb) 

To involve in; to connect with or be related to 

The suspects never stood trial because there was no solid evidence to ______ them in the daring series of robberies. 

Inter (Verb) 

To bury; to commit to the earth

Jewels and other objects once ________ with Egypt’s pharaohs can now be seen in numerous museums all over the world. 

Martinet (Noun)

A strict disciplinarian; a stickler for the rules

When it came to drilling troops, the Revolutionary War general Baron Friedrich von Steuben was something of a ________.

Obviate (Verb)

To anticipate and prevent; to remove; dispose of

Vaccinations can do much to ______ the dangers of childhood illnesses.

Renegade (Noun)

One who leaves a group; a deserter; outlaw

Many a writer has been labeled a _______ for refusing to conform to society’s conventions. 

Reprehensible (Adjective)

Deserving blame or punishment

Stalin eliminated many potential rivals by accusing them of all sorts of _____________ acts that they did not commit. 

Somber (Adjective)

Dark; gloomy; Depressed in spirit

The atmosphere in the locker room of the losing team could best be described as ___________.  

Squalid (Adjective)

Filthy; wretched; debased

Many laws prohibit the types of ________ working conditions found in sweatshops. 

Turbulent (Adjective)

Disorderly; riotous; violent; stormy

Letters and diary entries may reveal a person’s lifelong struggle to gain some control over ______ emotions.

Vociferous (Adjective)

Loud and noisy; compelling attention

Relief agencies regularly make _________ appeals for aid for victims of war, terrorism and natural disasters.

Voluminous (Adjective)

Of great size; numerous; writing or speaking at great length

The task of summarizing the _______ reports issued by government agencies may fall to members of a legislator’s staff. 

Waive (Verb)

To do without; to give up voluntarily; to put off temporarily

The senator agreed to ________ opposition to the proposed bill if some of its more controversial provisions were substantially modified. 

Animosity (Noun) 

Strong dislike; bitter hostility

The deep _________ between the Montagues and Capulets could not prevent Romeo and Juliet from falling in love. 

Apathy (Noun)

A lack of feeling, emotion or interest

I was horrified when the sales force greeted my great idea for an ad campaign with total ____________.

Apprehensive (Adjective)

Fearful or anxious, especially about the future

As the hurricane approached, __________ residents all along the coast prepared for the worst. 

Commend (Verb)

To praise, express approval; to present as worthy of attention; to commit to the care of 

The mayor __________ the young people for their volunteer work at a local hospitals and soup kitchens. 
