Individuals have the right to live by their values
Their values inform medical decision making
They need to be informed so they can make choices that best reflect their values
Gold standard of end of life decision making- informed choice
Patients able to make choices based on their values when given proper information
Don’t be too quick in assuming patient understands their options
Silver standard of end of life decision making - advanced directives (living will, Healthcare Power of Attorney/Durable Power of Attorney)
Living wills
List of do and don’t wants
Applicable if a person is unable to make decisions & permanently conscious/terminally ill
Narrow scope of applicability
Lack an “agent” to assess current circumstances and make choices based on them
DPOA/HCPOA- the real silver standard
Designates surrogate to make decisions in event that patient cannot → broader scope of applicability
may or may not have list of do and don’t wants
Designated surrogates need to properly understand, be willing and able to carry out their role
Bronze standard of end of life decision making- non designated surrogates (unfortunately this tends to be most cases)
Identifying proper surrogate
Focusing family member/loved one on surrogate’s role
Consensus among surrogates
Consensus among surrogates and other parties
Some states have hierarchy in finding surrogates:
Legal guardian
Adult son/daughter or majority
brother/sister or majority
Close friend
Problem is that these people may not be the closest person/person who understand the patient most
Fundamental role of surrogate is to help others understand the patient’s values & what the patient would have wanted if they could speak for themselves
Use best interest standard if surrogate isn’t available and patient can’t make decisions