3.8 bybp - oldest fossil prokaryotes
2.0-1.8 bybp - eukaryotic organisms (aerobic)
750 bybp - first Metazoan, oldest fossil of multicellular organism
500 mybp - all animals phylums
500 mybp - 1st vertebras
450 mybp - Chondrichthyes
425 mybp - 1st plants
400 mybp - bony fishes by abundance of calcium and phosphate
360 mybp - Gymnosperms
350 mybp - amphibians, semi-terrestrial
300 mybp - 1st terrestrial vertebras
300 mybp - 1st Amniote Divergence (mammals)
280 mybp - 2nd Amniote Divergence (turtles)
230 mybp - 3rd Amniote Divergence, 1st Thecodont
175 mybp - Caidphyleryx, feathered dinos
150 mybp - Archeopteryx, gliding corp.
125 mybp - Modern Bird (?)