
  • Nucleus - this contains the genetic material (DNA) of the organism and controls the cellā€™s activities.

  • Cytoplasm - the liquid that makes up most of the cell in which chemical reactions happen. This is mainly water.

  • Cell membrane - a flexible outer layer that surrounds the cell and controls which substances can pass into and out from it.

  • Mitochondria - tiny parts of cells floating in the cytoplasm where energy is released from glucose from food. The mitochondria, found in the cell cytoplasm, are where most respiration happens.

  • Cell wall: a tough outer layer of the cell, which contains cellulose to provide strength and support to the plant.

  • Vacuole: a space inside the cytoplasm that contains a watery liquid called cell sap. It keeps the cell firm.

  • Chloroplasts: structures found in the cells of green parts of plants only (leaves and stems) which contain a green pigment called chlorophyll in which photosynthesis occurs.
