hey hey, welcome to this pretty little document of extra resources you can use if you want to slay that chem test on thursday. I have accumulated some worksheets and practice guides to get all the bonding stuff stuck in ur wee litle brain. go crazy.
video resources
naming ionic and molecular compounds → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nijb6UMvZuE
practice resources
naming ionic and covalent bonds wksht → https://docs.google.com/document/d/11df0oJtDnIxrtELRqRkO89v8PNrGZ5rZ1Q1YMtQLlB4/edit
naming ionic and covalent bonds wksht pt. 2 → https://www.gardencity.k12.ny.us/cms/lib/NY01913305/Centricity/Domain/584/Ionic_CovalentNameRace.pdf
lewis dot diagram worksheet → https://learnwithdrscott.com/wp-content/uploads/free-worksheets/Lewis-Dot-Structure-Worksheet.pdf