module 17 & 18 vocab

Demography: The study of human populations and population trends.

Demographer: A scientist in the field of demography.

Immigration: The movement of people into a country or region, from another country or region.

Emigration: The movement of people out of a country or region.

Crude birth rate (CBR): The number of births per 1,000 individuals per year.

Crude death rate (CDR): The number of deaths per 1,000 individuals per year.

Net migration rate: The difference between immigration and emigration in a given year per 1,000 people in a country.

Life expectancy: The average number of years that an infant born in a particular year in a particular country can be expected to live, given the current average life span and death rate in that country.

Infant mortality: The number of deaths of children under 1 year of age per 1,000 live births.

Child mortality: The number of deaths of children under age 5 per 1,000 live births.

Environmental justice: The study of the disproportionate exposure to environmental hazards experienced by people of color, recent immigrants and people of lower socio-economic backgrounds; and is both an academic field and a social movement.

Age structure diagram: A visual representation of the number of individuals within specific age groups for a country, typically expressed for males and females.

Population pyramid: An age structure diagram that is widest at the bottom and smallest at the top, typical of developing countries.

Developing countries: Countries with relatively low levels of industrialization and income.

Developed countries: Countries that have relatively high levels of industrialization and income.

Population momentum: Continued population growth after growth reduction measures have been implemented.

Total fertility rate (TFR): An estimate of the average number of children that each woman in a population will bear throughout her childbearing years.

Family planning: The regulation of the number or spacing of offspring through the use of birth control.

Replacement-level fertility: The total fertility rate required to offset the average number of deaths in a population in order to maintain the current population size.

Doubling time: The number of years it takes a population to double.

Rule of 70: A method which dictates that by dividing the number 70 by the percentage population growth rate we can determine a population's doubling time.

Theory of demographic transition A theory that states that a country moves from high to lower birth and death rates as development occurs and that country moves from a preindustrial to an industrialized economic system.

IPAT equation: A conceptual representation of the three major factors that influence environmental Impact: Population of humans, Affluence, Technology.
