Corn plants


The article, titled "Efecto de la aplicación de dos tipos de música en el desarrollo de plantas de maíz (Zea mays L)" by Henríquez G. et al., explores the fascinating relationship between musical exposure and the growth of maize plants, a vital staple crop globally. This unique research was conducted over a four-month period at the Universidad del Zulia in Venezuela, aiming to quantify not just the effects of different musical genres on maize growth but also to understand the underlying physiological mechanisms at play, such as how sound waves can influence plant metabolism. By integrating both scientific inquiry and practical applications, the findings of this study may offer substantial contributions to modern agricultural practices. The significance of this study lies in its potential implications for agricultural practices, as utilizing auditory stimulation to promote better crop growth could enhance food security and sustainability in agriculture, especially in regions facing food scarcity.

Objective of the Study

The primary objective of the study was to investigate how two contrasting musical styles—instrumental music and rock music—impact the growth and health of maize plants. This research sought to analyze several crucial aspects:

  • Vegetal: This aspect focused on key physical growth characteristics of maize seedlings, including stem height, leaf size, and overall vigor. By measuring these parameters, the researchers aimed to determine whether musical exposure could significantly enhance these physical attributes. A robust understanding of these characteristics is critical, as they directly influence the plants' ability to photosynthesize and thus their overall productivity. Furthermore, differences in leaf size and stem strength can directly correlate to the plant’s ability to withstand environmental stresses, leading to greater resilience in changing climates. Moreover, this enhancement in plant growth is vital because it can lead to increased yields, contributing to greater food availability and sustainability for populations reliant on maize as a staple. The potential for improved growth rates due to auditory stimuli highlights the importance of exploring non-traditional methods in agricultural science.

  • Edafic: Soil properties are crucial in plant health; hence, the study evaluated various factors such as soil texture, pH levels, and nutrient content—specifically nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). By understanding these edaphic factors, the researchers aimed to establish correlations between soil conditions and plant development. Successful maize growth requires adequate nutrient availability, which may be impacted by musical exposure. Additionally, they investigated how the absorption of these nutrients might be influenced by musical exposure, which could unveil new practices in soil management and nutritional optimization. This aspect of the study raises intriguing questions about the interplay between environmental factors and physiological responses in crops, providing a broader context for understanding plant health.

  • Musical: The study meticulously examined how different music genres affect the growth dynamics of maize specifically, addressing questions such as whether classical melodies promote calmness that translates to stronger growth, while faster-paced rock music may either stimulate or stress the plants. The aim was to discover which music type could facilitate optimal growth conditions. Previous studies suggested that the characteristics of sound waves, such as frequency and rhythm, might lead to varied growth responses in plants, including changes in cellular processes and stress responses. Hence, analyzing the two contrasting genres in detail becomes vital for understanding their effects on plant physiology, especially how these responses may vary depending on specific growth stages.


Experimental Design

  • Setup: In this study, seeds were sown in plastic bags containing 2 kg of soil to create a controlled environment. This setup minimized external variability that could affect plant development, which is often a challenge in field experiments due to fluctuating weather conditions, pests, and soil composition. The controlled conditions ensured that any growth effects observed could be attributed more directly to the musical exposure rather than other environmental variables. This methodological rigor underpins the validity of the study results, as it reduces the possibility of confounding variables and enhances the credibility of the findings through scientific reproducibility.

  • Groups: The study consisted of three distinct treatment groups, each designed to isolate the effects of musical exposure:

    • Group 1: Control (no music exposure) – serving as the baseline for assessing the impact of musical stimulation on the growth measures. This group's performance allowed researchers to quantify the minimal growth that occurs without musical intervention, offering a clear contrast to the experimental groups and establishing a reference point for evaluating the effects of sound. This control environment is critical for drawing reliable conclusions about the efficacy of auditory stimuli on crop growth.

    • Group 2: Music (instrumental) – exposed to tranquil and soothing instrumental music believed to promote plant growth and well-being. Music selections included compositions known for their calming effects, comprising elements like gentle melodies and harmonious structures. The specific selection of music included compositions that have previously been shown to have beneficial effects on plant development in prior studies, creating an ideal auditory environment conducive to growth. Notably, instrumental music is thought to create a relaxing atmosphere that may reduce stress responses in plants, possibly enhancing their overall health and growth capacity. The benefits of such music could extend to creating a more favorable environment for root development, an essential aspect of plant health.

    • Group 3: Music (rock) – subjected to energetic rock music to assess whether its more aggressive sound had a different growth effect than that of instrumental music. This group illuminated the contrasting effects of more stimulating auditory experiences on plant development. Rock music, characterized by its fast tempo and strong beats, was chosen to evaluate how plants reacted to more chaotic auditory stimuli. This group served as a counterbalance to the soothing tones provided to Group 2, allowing researchers to explore the spectrum of sound's influence on growth.

  • Duration: Over the course of four months, growth measurements were taken bi-weekly to capture and document various developmental stages effectively. This rigorous data collection protocol ensured comprehensive insights into the growth patterns relative to sound exposure. Measurements included stem height, leaf count, and leaf size, allowing researchers to track how plants responded to their respective musical treatments. By evaluating growth metrics at defined time intervals, the research aimed to provide a detailed analysis of how music played a role throughout the plants' growth cycles. Special attention was also paid to the timing of music exposure in relation to critical growth stages of the plants; this focus aimed to determine if certain stages are more responsive to musical stimulation, which could have implications for optimizing the timing of musical exposure in agricultural practices.

  • Irrigation: Standardized irrigation methods were implemented across all treatment groups to ensure uniform water distribution before the music was played. The scientists utilized precision watering techniques to mitigate discrepancies in moisture availability, which is a crucial factor in plant health. Water amounts were carefully adjusted based on individual growth requirements, taking into account parameters such as leaf area and stem height, to optimize growth conditions for all plants. Additionally, this critical aspect of the methodology aimed to alleviate any additional stress factors that could skew the results, ensuring that the effects observed were primarily due to musical exposure rather than variations in watering practices or soil moisture levels. This attention to detail emphasizes the researchers' commitment to methodological integrity, reflecting a robust experimental design that enhances the reliability of conclusions drawn from the data.

Variables Measured

  • Vegetal Indicators: Detailed measurements were conducted focusing on the height of the stem and the dimensions of leaves. These parameters are critical indicators of plant health and vigor, serving as proxies for overall growth and productivity. The data gathered were recorded meticulously, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the collected data. Monitoring these indicators regularly allowed researchers to observe growth trends and adapt the study as needed, identifying any potential anomalies in growth patterns that could arise from external influences other than music. The regularity of these measurements ensures that subtle variations in growth can be evaluated effectively, providing a comprehensive assessment of how musical influences may correlate with changes in plant morphology and physiological health.

  • Edafic Indicators: Soil attributes underwent comprehensive and thorough analysis, with a focus on texture classification, variations in pH, and nutrient composition (N, P, K). This in-depth examination aimed to correlate these vital soil characteristics with plant health and growth outcomes. A thorough soil analysis is crucial because it helps identify the fundamental requirements for optimal growing conditions. The relationship between soil health and plant nutrition cannot be understated; healthy soil fosters strong plants, and thus, a detailed understanding of edaphic factors is essential for sustainable agriculture. It was essential to ensure a robust foundation for the plants from which to thrive; the nutrient availability in the soil directly impacts overall plant performance, and identifying these relationships could pave the way for more effective agricultural strategies in the future.

  • Musical Influence: The specific genre of music delivered to each treatment group was closely monitored, with careful attention to volume and duration of exposure. This meticulous control ensured that any observed effects on plant growth could be accurately attributed to the musical treatment rather than being confounded by auxiliary environmental factors, such as variations in sunlight or temperature. By holding these variables constant, the research aimed to isolate the impact of sound on plant physiology, a crucial goal in understanding the potential benefits of incorporating music into agricultural practices. Understanding these nuances is crucial in refining agricultural methodologies aimed at optimizing crop yields, highlighting the importance of integrating sound as a variable in plant health research. The consistent monitoring of how different music affects physiological responses in plants could pave the way for more holistic approaches to agriculture, ensuring that future studies continue to investigate the potential benefits of sound in the agricultural landscape.


Growth Measurements

The analysis unveiled noteworthy differences in growth characteristics among the groups:

  • Control Group: The average height measured 18.75 cm, indicating limited growth in the absence of any auditory stimulation. This result demonstrates the plants' unenhanced development under control conditions, emphasizing the potential benefits of musical exposure. The limited growth in this group suggests that external factors are critical for optimal plant development.

  • Instrumental Music Group: Remarkable growth was observed, with this group achieving an impressive average height of 35.50 cm. This marked a substantial increase of 189% over control plants, highlighting the significant benefits of musical exposure. Furthermore, plants in this group exhibited a vibrant green color, which can be an indicator of high chlorophyll content and overall plant health, suggesting improved photosynthesis and vigorous development. This indicates that the right type of musical exposure can create an environment conducive to physiological enhancements.

  • Rock Music Group: This group also exhibited improved yields, reaching an average height of 26.25 cm, which represents a 140% growth increase compared to the control. Additionally, leaf measurements revealed that the instrumental music group had both longer and wider leaves, enhancing photosynthetic potential and overall plant health. This finding suggests broader implications for growth optimization in agriculture and highlights the positive potential of using music as an innovative agricultural tool.

Soil Analysis

Soil samples underwent thorough and systematic examination to assess their physical and chemical attributes:

  • The soil types utilized in the experiment demonstrated adequate physical characteristics, including good drainage and aeration, essential for healthy plant growth. Nutrient profiles required for maize development were also conducive to robust growth as they provided a balanced foundation for the plants’ nutritional needs. A thorough soil analysis is crucial because it helps identify the fundamental requirements for optimal growing conditions.

  • While nutrient levels for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N, P, K) were observed to be on the lower end, they were consistent with regional soil profiles. This finding indicates the importance of music exposure in driving growth results rather than solely relying on the inherent quality of the soil. The importance of understanding external factors, such as musical influence, in agricultural practices is emphasized, especially as it pertains to nutrient management, leading to thoughtful approaches in enhancing soil health for better crop productivity.

Musical Impact

The study elucidates the significant positive impact that both types of music had on plant growth:

  • Instrumental music was noted to yield exceptionally higher results, enhancing cellular growth and structural robustness in maize plants. This finding aligns with previous scholarly works, including studies by Retallack (1973), which proposed that mellow and soothing musical styles foster beneficial environments for plant development. In contrast, the more aggressive music genres have shown potential inhibitory effects on growth. Understanding how different sound frequencies resonate with plant cells can refine agricultural methodologies that aim to optimize crop yields. Incorporating sound into agricultural practices could pave the way for more efficient and sustainable farming techniques.


The findings of this research suggest a clear and positive correlation between musical exposure and growth rates in maize plants. Specifically, instrumental music was found to foster superior growth compared to rock music, prompting significant implications for integrating music into agricultural practices and crop management strategies based on the relationship observed in this study. The research results encourage a re-evaluation of conventional agricultural practices in light of innovative techniques that could be employed to enhance plant growth, pointing towards a modernized approach to farming that utilizes both established and novel methods.


The article concludes with pertinent recommendations advocating for the practical application of music in cultivation settings such as nurseries and community gardens to optimize plant growth effectively. Moreover, by prioritizing research on music's influence on various plant species, the agricultural community can potentially tap into an underutilized resource that benefits both crop yields and soil health. Future explorations into diverse types of music and varied plant species could lead to a broader understanding of the physiological impacts music may have on growth and health, ultimately enhancing food production and sustainability within agricultural contexts. These investigations could result in innovative and sustainable agricultural methodologies that harness musical influence for enhanced crop yields, potentially transforming traditional farming practices to embrace this novel approach, contributing to a more sustainable agricultural landscape.
