Untitled Flashcards Set

allegory - When a piece of literature or art refers to or could be interpreted as another event in history or motif. This also could be referring to a hidden meaning within a story. Ex. Animal Farm = The Cold War 

• allusion - Brief, intentional reference to a historical, Mythic or literary person, place, event or movement. Ex. He went down the rabbit hole on researching for science = Alice in Wonderland 

• analogy - The comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. Ex. Life is like a box of chocolates-you never know what your gonna get

 • assonance -  The repetition of vowel sounds in consecutive words Ex. His Tender heir might bear his memory 

 • atmosphere - The way an author uses setting, objects, or internal thoughts of a character to create emotion, mood or experiences for the reader. 

 • climax -  The most intense moment of a story marking the turning point for the protagonist. 

 • conflict - Is a struggle between two opposing forces. This includes, Character vs. self, character vs. character and/or character vs. society 

 • epiphany - A character's moment of realization about a situation, person or event. 

• exposition - The section of a story that sets up the background and distinguishing features in the setting.

• falling action - The “fall out” of the climax leading towards the resolution 

 • flashback - an interjected scene that takes place in a story from a past time in the characters life.

 • foreshadowing - a plot element that hints at something to come later in the story, metaphorical clues. 

• hyperbole - An extreme exaggeration for emphatic effect. Ex. I could eat a horse

• imagery - is a literary device used in poetry, and novels that uses language that appeals to at least 1 of the five senses for emphasis. 

• irony - A situation in which what one person expects one thing and recipes another. It has three categories, Verbal, Situational and Dramatic 

Verbal - When a person says one thing but means another (sarcasm). Ex. “I am so excited to be here”

Situational `- Is when the opposite of what we expect to happen happens. Ex. Snow in August 

Dramatic- When the audience or readers of a piece know something the protagonist does not about a situation Ex. Behind the door 

 • juxtaposition - when an author places two things side by side as a way of highlighting their differences. Ex. “Her hands were clammy and frigid”

• metaphor - A comparison NOT using Like or As 

 • mood - The overall feel of a reader gets from a piece of literature. 

• motif - Recurring images, quotes, or concepts that take on a figurative or symbolic meaning throughout the story Ex. Blood, Dreams, Birds, etc. 

 • paradox - a statement that contradicts itself, or that must be both true and untrue at the same time. Ex. There are at least two people in here 

 • parallel structure - Using the same pattern of words or ideas to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. 

• parody - Mimicking the style of another work, artist or genre in an exaggerated way for comedic effect. Ex. Twilight + Vampires Suck

 • pun - A play on words for comedic effect, dad Jokes 

• resolution -The conclusion of a stories plot and the conclusion to a story 

• sarcasm - The use of irony in order to mock or convey contempt toward a person or subject 

 • satire - a way of writing a flaw or failure in society by emphasizing its absurdity 

  • Setting - Time, place and circumstance of a story 

  • Simile - A comparison using like or as Ex. “she was strong like a mountain” 

• stereotype - a mistaken idea or belief about a group of people or thing that may be completely untrue or only partly true 

• suspense - the audiences excited anticipation about the plot or conflict that may be heightened by a violent moment, stressful scene,etc. to draw in a reader. 

• symbolism - when a writer uses one thing to represent something else, often an abstract idea. Ex. Doves = Peace 

 • theme - is the main idea, message or moral of a story 

 • tone - the attitude a narrator or author takes towards a certain subject or idea.

• unity - how well a piece of literature flows from one idea to the next. Often creating a feeling of completion at the end of a novel or story. 

 • voice - the unique style, personality or perspective of a piece of writing
