The Forebrain LOCATION the front/ top of the brain

The Forebrain FUNCTION Perception, conscious awareness, cognition, and voluntary action (some examples)

The Midbrain LOCATION between fore and hind brain (centre)

The Midbrain FUNCTION Motor control, eye movement, processing of vision and hearing

The Hindbrain LOCATION back of the head (where the spinal cord meets the brain)

The Hindbrain FUNCTION Controls vital functions: respiration and heart rate

Thalamus LOCATION in the forebrain, deep to cerebrum, just superior to the hypothalamus

Thalamus FUNCTION relay station for sensory and motor impulses, pain

Hypothalamus LOCATION in the forebrain, directly above the pituitary gland and below the thalamus

Hypothalamus FUNCTION regulates: blood pressure/temp /hunger/thirst/sex.

Cerebrum LOCATION Forebrain. Forms the bulk of the brain's mass.

Cerebrum FUNCTION centre for voluntary muscle movement, memory, logic and personality

Cerebral Cortex LOCATION forebrain, the cerebrum

Cerebral Cortex FUNCTION Higher thinking, language, memory, thought, learning, emotion, personality

Corpus Callosum LOCATION Forebrain, in the Cerebrum, above the Thalamus, under the cortex

Reticular Formation LOCATION Midbrain

Reticular Formation FUNCTION Co-ordination, functions for survival like arousal and alertness

Medulla Oblongata LOCATION Hindbrain: lower part of the brain stem

Medulla Oblongata FUNCTION Controls involuntary movements, breathing, cardiac, swallowing, sneezing

Cerebellum LOCATION hindbrain: 'mini brain'

Cerebellum FUNCTION Balance, posture, co-ordination, muscle memory, walking, writing (all voluntary but automatic tasks)

Brocas Area FUNCTION and LOCATION Produce speech and understand grammatical structures and sentences.

Located in the frontal lobe (near primary motor cortex) most ppls left hemisphere

Primary Motor Corex FUNCTION and LOCATION Located: precentral gyrus (folded region), marks end of the frontal lobe. both hems

Function: left hem controls right side of the body, other way around too. Done throught control of skeletal muscles (voluntary movement)

Primary Sensory Cortex FUNCTION and LOCATION L: strip (post-central gyrus) starting parietal lobe

F: the ability to perceive touch, pressure, pain, temperature

Primary Auditory Cortex FUNCTION and LOCATION L: top of the temporal lobe

F: receive and process auditory information

Wernickies Area FUNCTION and LOCATION L: back of the left temporal lobe

F: Understanding written and spoken language

Primary Visual Cortex FUNCTION and LOCATION L: back of the occipital lobe, both hems

F: Visual information, assembles bits of visual info into a whole 'picture'

Electroencephalogram (EEG) An amplified recording of the waves of electrical activity that sweep across the brain's surface. These waves are measured by electrodes placed on the scalp.

(consciousness, sleep and meditative)

Functional Magnetic Resonance Image (FMRI) A technique for revealing blood flow in the brain, which also shows brain activity by tracking oxygenation levels and increased blood flow.

Doesn't expose you to radiation

Computerised Tomography Scan (CT scan) X-ray procedure that creates cross section images, shoots narrow beams of xray, rotates around the patient. The data is passed to a computer ot create a digital image of the brain structure.

Used to detect abnormal brain structures

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain-imaging method using radio waves and magnetic fields of the body to produce detailed images of the brain

Frontal Lobe Higher mental ability (personality, problem solving, organising, planning, reasoning, selective attention, decision making, behaviour and emotional processing)

contains: peripheral cortex, brocas Area and Primary motor cortex

Temporal Lobe speech, hearing, language, learning, differentiate between sounds and smells. RIGHT SIDE: visual, non-verbal memory, LEFT SIDE: verbal memory.

Contains Wernickes area + primary auditory cortex

Occipital Lobe Recognising shapes, colours, assign meaning and process visual information

contains Primary Visual cortex

Parietal Lobe Control of sensory input, touch, temperature, orientation. controls judgement of texture weight and size and shape.

Contains Primary sensory cortex


Sensory stimuli from the right side, motor control of the right side

speech, language, comprehension, analysis and calculations, time and sequence, recognise words, letters, numbers


Sensory stimuli from left side, motor control of left side

creativity, spacial ability, context/perception, recognistion of paces, places, objects.

corpus callosum FUNCTION connects left and right hemispheres of the brain
