King Charles I of Spain - The King who approved Magellan to his expedition going to the Spice Lands.
Antonio Pigafetta - An Italian explorer and chronicler who is best known for his detailed account od Ferdinand Magellan’s expedition, which resulted in the first circumnavigation of the Globe
The First Voyage Around the World - A Journal by Pegafetta thich provides invaluable insights into the voyage of Magellan that took place from 1519 to 1522
Ferdinand Magellan - A portugese explorer who led the 1519-22 Spanish expedition to the East Indies
Sebastian Elcano - Spanish navigator and a explorer who is best known for having to complete the first circumnavigation of the Earth in the ship Victoria on the Magellan expedition to the Spice Island.
- He led the remaining fleet after Magellan died .
Enrique de Malacca - A slave acquired by Magellan in Malacca(Malaysia), he is also the translator of Magellan while they are in the Philippines.
- Historians said that it is possible that he could be the first person to circumnavigate the world due to the evidence that he can talk to the native language of filipinos. Means it is possible that he came from the philippines.
The Treaty of Tordesillas - Was an arrangement between Spain and Portugal that divided the world outside of Europe.
- This treaty gave Spain claim to non-Christian lands west of the demarcation line, while portugal claim to all non-christian lands of the east side.
- It is also the reason why Magellan traveled to the west insted of east to reach the the spice lands.
Note: Ferdinand Magellan set out on August 10, 1519 from Seville, Spain with a fleet of five ships known as the Armada de Moluccas.
The five ships that Magellan commanded during the expedition:
- Trinidad
- San Antionio
- Conception
- Victoria
- Santiago
Note: The only ship who returned from the expedition was the Victoria led by Sebastian Elcano
Note: The mutiny starts when the crew of Magellan primarily Spanish, harbored resentment towards Magellan, because they are led by a Portugese. This resentment also stems from the rivalry between Portugal and Spain
The Strait of Magellan (Estrecho de Magellanes)- Also known as “Estrecho de Todos los Santos” (Strait of All Saints) because he entered it on Nov 1, which is All Saints Day in Spanish.
Mar Pacifico - Named by Magellan, means the “Peaceful Sea”, also known today as the Pacific Ocean.
Note: Magellan travelled across the Pacific Ocean for 99 days. before seeing the Island of Guam.
Acquada da li buoni Segnalli - Was the name given to Homonhon Island by the Magellan-Elcano Expedition, after they landed there and found two springs of fresh water.
Las Islas de San Lazaro - Also known as the St. Lazarus Island, A name given by Magellan to the islands when he reach Homonhon in Samar on the feast day of Saint Lazarus of Bethany.
Rajah - A title that refers to the king or prince, a cheif or a ruler.
Balangay or Balanghai - Is a traditional wooden boat used in the Philippines.
- It was used for trading and cargo transport until colonial era.
The three Rajah befriended by Magellan:
Rajah Kolambu - Ruler of Mazaua (Limasawa) island in the Philippines
Rajah Siagu- Ruler of Butuan and Calaga
Rajah Humabon - The Ruler of Cebu, was later baptized by a Spanish Missionary Father Pedro Valderrama.
Note: After Magellan died, Enrique allegedly collaborated with Rajah Humabon to betray the surviving members for Magelllan’s crew. The chief invited the remaining sailors to a feast where he and his warriors then massacred them.
Note: The original crew of magellan was roughly 270, and only 18 sailors returned to Spain on the ship of Victoria in 1522.