Two types of sensory papilla in inner ear, two separate channels to transmit vibrations to inner ear, green rods in the eye, pedicellate teeth, two types of multicellular skin glands, levator bulbi muscle.
Cylindrical, segmented bodies, tail short or absent, most fossorial, others aquatic, limbless, lost pectoral and pelvic girdles, blunt head, underhung lower jaw, degenerate eyes.
Caudata or urodela
Low slung bodies, moderate limb length, long tails, broad heads with distinct neck, distinct eyes, about half terrestrial half aquatic, some (aquatic) with reduced limbs.
Completely adapted for saltatory locomotion, short body, broad head, no neck, no tail, well developed limbs, few entirely aquatic.
Many bipedal, flow through respiration system in lungs, urinary system, secrete uric acid.
Mostly quadrupedal, tidal flow in lungs, no muscular diaphragm to aid in ventilation, secrete urea.
Shells, no teeth, no temporal fenestrae, shoulder girdle inside rib cage, neck vertebrae modified for being inside shell, head withdrawal, single copulatory organ in males, all lay eggs on land.
Typically quadrupedal, diapsid or modified diapsid skulls, tendency to shed, cloacal slit is transverse rather than longitudinal.
Lizard-like but not a lizard, unmodified diapsid skull, about 60cm long, ribs with overlapping uncinate processes, gastralia, no male copulatory organ, retain parietal eye covered by scales.
Lizards, snakes, and amphisbaneans, streptostyle - kinetic movements in the skull permitted by rotation of the quadrate bone, paired male copulatory organs, no gastralia, modified diapsid skull, bar of bone below the lower temporal fenetra is lost.
Extant birds and crocodylians.
Birds and their extinct relatives
Larger brain, higher metabolic rate, first very small.
Cranial and postcranial skeleton, parasagittal stance/gait, greater flexion of the vertebral column, steeply angled zygapophyses prevent lateral flexion, hind limbs become more vertical, ilium extends anteriorly and posteriorly, reduced tail, astragulus becomes integrated with the tibia-fibula and calcaneum with the foot, evolution of diphyodonty, dentition with incisors, canines, and molars.
Sprawling posture, endothermic but body temperature is less stable than most therian mammals, very specialized despite primitive mode of reproduction, lay eggs, walk with limbs in a semi-erect posture
Maternal abdominal pouch, foetal yolk sac with the chorion serves as placenta, give birth to underdeveloped young, incubated and nursed after birth in mothers pouch.
Majority of mammals, birth of live young at a more advanced developmental stage, complex connection between mother and feotus