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Chapter 3 - Attitudes & job satisfaction


  • Attitudes: evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people or events.

    • 3 main components of attitudes

      • Cognitive component: opinion or belief segment of an attitude.

        • e.g., “My pay is low”.

      • Affective component: emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.

        • e.g., “I’m angry over how little I’m paid”.

      • Behavioral component: intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something.

        • e.g., “I’m going to look for another job that pays better”.

  • Cognitive dissonance: any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes.

    • e.g., A friend constantly says that French cars are worse than German cars. His father gives him a Renault. He starts saying that the cars are not actually as bad.

  • Moderators of the attitudes-behavior relationship

    • Importance of the attitude

    • Correspondence to behavior

    • Accessibility

    • Social pressures

    • Direct experience with the attitude

  • Main job attitudes

    • Job satisfaction: positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

    • Job involvement: degree to which a person identifies with a job, actively participates in it and considers performance important to self worth.

      • Psychological empowerment: employees’ belief in the degree to which they affect their work environment, their competence, the meaningfulness of their job and their perceived autonomy in their work.

    • Organizational commitment: degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.

      • Affective commitment: emotional attachment to an organization and a belief in its values.

      • Continuance commitment: perceived economic value of remaining with an organization compared to leaving it.

      • Normative commitment: obligation to remain with an organization for moral or ethical reasons.

    • Perceived organizational support (POS): degree to which employees believe an organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being.

    • Employee engagement: employee’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work he/she does.

      • Benefits of employee engagement

        • Higher customer satisfaction

        • More productive

        • Higher profits

        • Lower turnover

        • Fewer accidents

Job satisfaction

  • Measuring job satisfaction

    • Single global rating: “How satisfied are you with your job?” (number between 1-5).

    • Summation score: key elements in a job and asks about employees feelings about each.

      → Both methods are equally valid and both have their pros and cons.

  • How satisfied are people in their jobs?

    • Across Europe and most developed countries people are usually satisfied with their jobs.

    • Satisfaction levels vary a lot depending on which facet of job satisfaction.

  • Causes of job satisfaction

    • Job conditions

    • Pay

    • Personality

      • Core self-evaluations: bottom-line conclusions individuals have about their capabilities, competence and worth as a person.

  • The impact of satisfied and dissatisfied employees on the workplace

    • Employee responses to dissatisfaction

      • Exit: dissatisfaction expressed through behavior directed towards leaving the organization.

      • Voice: dissatisfaction expressed through active and constructive attempts to improve conditions.

      • Loyalty: dissatisfaction expressed by passively waiting for conditions to improve.

      • Neglect: dissatisfaction expressed through allowing conditions to worsen.

    • Outcomes of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction

      • Job satisfaction and job performance → pretty strong correlation, organizations with more satisfied workers are more effective

      • Job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) → moderately correlated

        • People who are satisfied are more likely to engage

        • Workers with certain personality traits are also more likely

        • When people are in a good mood → more likely to take part

      • Job satisfaction and customer satisfaction

        • Satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty

        • Upbeat and friendly employees = happy customers

      • Job satisfaction and absenteeism → moderate to weak

        • Dissatisfied workers are likely to miss work

        • Workers can be satisfied but still want to have some vacation

      • Job satisfaction and turnover → stronger than absenteeism

        • Workers can be offered something better, not necessarily dissatisfied

      • Job satisfaction and workplace deviance

        • Workers who are dissatisfied are likely to act in some way or another

        • They will find a way to “get even” (stealing, slacking, etc.)

Global implications

  • Job satisfaction is a concept that exists everywhere, across all cultures. However, there are still cultural differences in job satisfaction.

    • Western cultures tend to have higher levels of job satisfaction than in Eastern cultures.

      • Reasons: maybe they emphasize positive emotions and individual happiness.

Chapter 3 - Attitudes & job satisfaction


  • Attitudes: evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people or events.

    • 3 main components of attitudes

      • Cognitive component: opinion or belief segment of an attitude.

        • e.g., “My pay is low”.

      • Affective component: emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.

        • e.g., “I’m angry over how little I’m paid”.

      • Behavioral component: intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something.

        • e.g., “I’m going to look for another job that pays better”.

  • Cognitive dissonance: any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes.

    • e.g., A friend constantly says that French cars are worse than German cars. His father gives him a Renault. He starts saying that the cars are not actually as bad.

  • Moderators of the attitudes-behavior relationship

    • Importance of the attitude

    • Correspondence to behavior

    • Accessibility

    • Social pressures

    • Direct experience with the attitude

  • Main job attitudes

    • Job satisfaction: positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

    • Job involvement: degree to which a person identifies with a job, actively participates in it and considers performance important to self worth.

      • Psychological empowerment: employees’ belief in the degree to which they affect their work environment, their competence, the meaningfulness of their job and their perceived autonomy in their work.

    • Organizational commitment: degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.

      • Affective commitment: emotional attachment to an organization and a belief in its values.

      • Continuance commitment: perceived economic value of remaining with an organization compared to leaving it.

      • Normative commitment: obligation to remain with an organization for moral or ethical reasons.

    • Perceived organizational support (POS): degree to which employees believe an organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being.

    • Employee engagement: employee’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work he/she does.

      • Benefits of employee engagement

        • Higher customer satisfaction

        • More productive

        • Higher profits

        • Lower turnover

        • Fewer accidents

Job satisfaction

  • Measuring job satisfaction

    • Single global rating: “How satisfied are you with your job?” (number between 1-5).

    • Summation score: key elements in a job and asks about employees feelings about each.

      → Both methods are equally valid and both have their pros and cons.

  • How satisfied are people in their jobs?

    • Across Europe and most developed countries people are usually satisfied with their jobs.

    • Satisfaction levels vary a lot depending on which facet of job satisfaction.

  • Causes of job satisfaction

    • Job conditions

    • Pay

    • Personality

      • Core self-evaluations: bottom-line conclusions individuals have about their capabilities, competence and worth as a person.

  • The impact of satisfied and dissatisfied employees on the workplace

    • Employee responses to dissatisfaction

      • Exit: dissatisfaction expressed through behavior directed towards leaving the organization.

      • Voice: dissatisfaction expressed through active and constructive attempts to improve conditions.

      • Loyalty: dissatisfaction expressed by passively waiting for conditions to improve.

      • Neglect: dissatisfaction expressed through allowing conditions to worsen.

    • Outcomes of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction

      • Job satisfaction and job performance → pretty strong correlation, organizations with more satisfied workers are more effective

      • Job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) → moderately correlated

        • People who are satisfied are more likely to engage

        • Workers with certain personality traits are also more likely

        • When people are in a good mood → more likely to take part

      • Job satisfaction and customer satisfaction

        • Satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty

        • Upbeat and friendly employees = happy customers

      • Job satisfaction and absenteeism → moderate to weak

        • Dissatisfied workers are likely to miss work

        • Workers can be satisfied but still want to have some vacation

      • Job satisfaction and turnover → stronger than absenteeism

        • Workers can be offered something better, not necessarily dissatisfied

      • Job satisfaction and workplace deviance

        • Workers who are dissatisfied are likely to act in some way or another

        • They will find a way to “get even” (stealing, slacking, etc.)

Global implications

  • Job satisfaction is a concept that exists everywhere, across all cultures. However, there are still cultural differences in job satisfaction.

    • Western cultures tend to have higher levels of job satisfaction than in Eastern cultures.

      • Reasons: maybe they emphasize positive emotions and individual happiness.