TERMINOLOGY Anatomy: a form of organizing the body parts Physiology: Function of anatomical parts
Anatomical position. Standing position, feet and palms facing Foward (reference position)
Supine lying face upward
prone -lying face downward
Anatomical Directions:
Superior: “towards head" Upper or above
Inferior: "towards Feet* lower or below
Anterior or ventral: front
Posterior or dorsal: back
Medial: Towards the Midline
Lateral: toward Sidle or away from the midline
Proximal: toward or nearest the trunk of the body or nearest the point of origin of one of its parts
Distal: way from or farthest from the trunk or point of origin
Superficial: near surface
Deep: Farther away from the body surface
Body Sections: Planes of the Body
Sagittal: Length-wise plane running, front to back
midsagital -divides the body into 2 equal halves
Frontal: Length-wise plane running, side-to-side (divides anterior and posterior)
Transverse: Horizontal plane or cross-Section (upper | lower portions)
Body Cavities:
Dorsal: 2 sub-compartments
Cranial cavity - Skull and brain
Vertebral Canal - Vertebrae and spinal Cord
Ventral: 2 sub-compartments
Thoracic -==- chest 3 compartments
Pleural - ... contains the lungs
Mediastinum- ...trachea, heart, esophagus, thymusgland
pericardial - - encloses the heart
Abdominopelvic - upper abdomen and lower pelvis (Diaphragm to floor of pelvis)
Abdominal Cavity - - - Stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, Kidneys, majority of Small intestine process, pancrease
Pelvic cavity ---encloses hipbone, urinary bladder, lower colon, internal reproductive organs
Organs within a cavity are called viscera
diaphragm thin muscle separates thoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity
Body Regions:
Abdominopelvic Cavity: 9 regions
Upper Regions: above 9** rib
Right Hypochondriac
Left Hypochondriac
B. Middle Regions: below gth rib and above top of hip bones
Right lumbar
Left lumbar
Lower Regions: below top of hip bones
Right iliac (inguinal)
left iliac (inguinal)
Mediastinum: separates thoracic into right and left sides