Evidence from police recorded crime figures suggests that young people are more likely to offend than adults.
Gender differences can be seen in youth offending, males aged 10-17 found to be responsible for 20% of all police recorded crime in young women responsible only 4% .
Juvenile offenders are more likely than adult offenders to receive a caution rather than a conviction
Western societies lack initiation ceremonies that mark a change to adulthood- thus they lack a clear sense of role and status.
Youth is a confusing period of transition- lots of changes , choices and hormone imbalance
Leisure time is spent with peers who suffer the same crisis and hence adopt delinquent subcultures.
Subcultural Functionalism
Youth suffer from Status Frustration and hence find Alternative Status Hierarchies- support with Sewell
Cloward& Ohlin
Illegitimate Opportunity Structure ( criminal, conflict and retreatism) - support with Nightingale and/or Bourgois
Young w/c males have main concerns which are at odds with value consensus; they value: toughness; smartness; trouble; excitement; automy; fatalism- support with Sugarman.
Neo Marxism
Criminals are not passive puppets they are deliberately striving to change capitalism
Young people have a low status in capitalism.
Youth subcultures are a way to resist in inequalities of capitalism.
De-industrialisation and consumerism led young people to adopt styles of dress which made statements about their situations e.g skinheads and the crisis of masculinity.
Punk clothing was a form of political protest.
New Right
Wilson& Herrstein
Practical reasons why many teenagers commit more crime than adults:
-They have more energy and drive but fewer economic and social opportunities to achieve their desire for money and sex than adults
-They are increasingly independent of adults who might have imposed or reinforced conventional standards
-They spend time with peers who value independent or defiant behaviour
-They are less likely to defer gratification.
-They spend time with peers who value independent or defiant behaviour.
Deviant labels are applied by those in power (moral entrepreneurs) to those with lower status.
Youth can be seen to have a low status in society and hence labelled negatively by teachers , police and the media.
These negative labels can be internalised and become a master status.
Top 5 Sociological reasons young people commit crime
1 Labelling theory = Young people more likely to be labelled negatively by the teachers