3.1.1 - Chocoholics? Dietary Change and Public Health

This phenomenon of buying unhealthier food is common around the world - could have chosen any country, Could have chosen any product

There has been a Global change in what everyone consumes

It’s part of an overall dietary change towards a more “western diet” (also an issue in richer nations)

  • refined cereals, processed meat, edible oil and sugar

  • Associated with greater health risks

Used to have the Mediterranean diet

  • fish, olive oils

  • More healthy

  • Mediterranean countries are moving towards a more Western diet

Should we do anything about that? Textbook says yes

  • there has been things suggested but not much has been put into practice

    1. Health Canada Healthy Plate (Public Health Campaigns)

      • government led info campaigns

      • Alcohol guidelines in Canada

    2. More obvious Labelling on foods

      • required packaging labels

      • Ex cigarettes have to say how bad they are for you

    3. (Haven’t done) Create a tax on things that are unhealthy

      • some countries have implemented it

      • Public health officials believe it is a good idea

      • May lead to taxation of the poor as poor people spend more on sugary snacks

      • A tax that’s easy to avoid

More arguments against this tax (Philosophical) Opposition by those with a material (economic) or ideological opposition too then”nanny” (interventionist) state

  • fund Research disputing the science connecting specific food to poor health

  • The state should not be telling us what we should or should not eat - nanny/interventionist state

  • People can make their own choices - very well funded by the same people who are doing funded research doubting the health defects of the product

  • Tax on the poor

Prices drive our diet depending on where one lives
