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AP PSYCH 2.6 The Brain

Parts of the Brain


  • Handles automatic function

  • Controls primal processes

  • Everything essential for life


  • At base of the brainstem

  • Responsible for breathing and heart beating


  • Handles muscle movement

  • Basic movement control

  • Reflex

  • Involuntary movement

  • Arousal

  • Helps communicate between the cerebellum and forebrain

Reticular Formation

  • A nerve network in the brainstem

  • Controls arousal

  • Damage to this causes narcolepsy


  • "Little Brain" at rear of brainstem

  • Coordinates voluntary movement and balance

  • Implicit/procedural memory like walking

Limbic System

  • Neural structures between brainstem and cerebellum

  • Associated with primal emotions like fear and aggression

  • Drives for food and sex


  • 2 bean sized neural clusters

  • Emotions such as fear and anger

    • All emotions to an extent


  • Sensory switchboard/call center

  • On top of brainstem

  • Directs messages to sensory areas

  • Transmits replies to the cerebellum and medulla


  • Directs maintenance activities like eating, drinking, body temperature

  • Control of emotions

  • Stimulates or inhibits pituitary gland


  • Works with amygdala to regulate emotions

  • Primary function is moving short term memories to long term

Cerebral Cortex

  • Intricate fabric of interconnected neural cells that cover the hemispheres

Frontal Lobe

  • Reasoning, planning, emotions, problem solving, impulse control

  • Parts of speech

  • Movement

Parietal Lobe

  • Movement, orientation

  • Recognition, perception, understanding

Temporal Lobe

  • Perception, memory

  • Speech, facial recognition

  • Auditory stimuli

Occipital Lobe

  • Visual processing


AP PSYCH 2.6 The Brain

Parts of the Brain


  • Handles automatic function

  • Controls primal processes

  • Everything essential for life


  • At base of the brainstem

  • Responsible for breathing and heart beating


  • Handles muscle movement

  • Basic movement control

  • Reflex

  • Involuntary movement

  • Arousal

  • Helps communicate between the cerebellum and forebrain

Reticular Formation

  • A nerve network in the brainstem

  • Controls arousal

  • Damage to this causes narcolepsy


  • "Little Brain" at rear of brainstem

  • Coordinates voluntary movement and balance

  • Implicit/procedural memory like walking

Limbic System

  • Neural structures between brainstem and cerebellum

  • Associated with primal emotions like fear and aggression

  • Drives for food and sex


  • 2 bean sized neural clusters

  • Emotions such as fear and anger

    • All emotions to an extent


  • Sensory switchboard/call center

  • On top of brainstem

  • Directs messages to sensory areas

  • Transmits replies to the cerebellum and medulla


  • Directs maintenance activities like eating, drinking, body temperature

  • Control of emotions

  • Stimulates or inhibits pituitary gland


  • Works with amygdala to regulate emotions

  • Primary function is moving short term memories to long term

Cerebral Cortex

  • Intricate fabric of interconnected neural cells that cover the hemispheres

Frontal Lobe

  • Reasoning, planning, emotions, problem solving, impulse control

  • Parts of speech

  • Movement

Parietal Lobe

  • Movement, orientation

  • Recognition, perception, understanding

Temporal Lobe

  • Perception, memory

  • Speech, facial recognition

  • Auditory stimuli

Occipital Lobe

  • Visual processing