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Chapter 2: Electricity

2.1-Current and Circuit Symbols

Current is the flow of Electrical Charge

  • Electric current is a flow of electrical charge.

    • Electrical charge will only flow round a complete circuit if there is a potential difference.

      • The unit of current is the ampere,A.

  • In a single, closed loop the current has the same value everywhere in the circuit.

  • Potential difference is the driving force that pushes the charge round.

    • Its unit is the volt,V

  • Resistance is anything that slows the flow down. Unit:ohm

  • The current flowing through a component depends on the potential difference across it and the resistance of the component

Total Charge through a circuit depends on Current and Time

  • The size of the current is the rate of flow of charge.

  • When current flows past a point in a circuit for a length of time then the charge that has passed is given by this formula

  • Formula: Q=It

  • More charge passes around the circuit when a larger current flows

Learn these Circuit Diagram Symbols

  • You need to be able to understand circuit diagrams and draw them using the correct symbols.

  • Make sure all the wires in your circuit are straight lines and that the circuit is closed.

2.2-Resistance and V=IR

There’s a formula linking Potential Difference and Current

  • Potential Difference=Current x Resistance

You can investigate the factors affecting resistance:

  • The resistance of a circuit can depend on a number of factors, like whether components are in series or parallel, or the length of wire used in the circuit.

  • You can investigate the effect of wire length using the circuit:

    • The Ammeter: Measures the current flowing through the test wire.

      • The ammeter must always be placed in series with whatever you’re investigating

    • The Voltmeter: Measures the potential difference across the test wire.

      • The voltmeter must always be placed in parallel around whatever you’re investigating, NOT around the other bit of the circuit.

  • There can be parallel or series circuits

Measuring the length of wire per resistance:

  • Attach a crocodile clip to the wire level with 0cm on the ruler

  • Attach the second crocodile clip to the wire.

  • Write down the length of the wire between the clips

  • Close the switch, then record the current through the wire and the pd across it

  • Open the switch then move the second crocodile clip.

    • Close the switch again, then record the new length, current and pd

  • Repeat this for a number of different lengths of the test wire

  • Use your measurements of current and pd to calculate the resistance for each length of wire,

    • using R=V/I

  • Plot a graph of resistance against wire length and draw a line of best fit

  • Your graph should be a straight line through the origin, meaning resistance is directly proportional to length

    • the longer the wire, the greater the resistance

  • If your graph doesn’t go through the origin, it could be because the first clip isn’t attached exactly at 0cm, so all of your length readings are a bit out

2.3-Resistance and I-V Characteristics

Ohmic conductors have a constant resistance

  • The resistance of ohmic conductors doesn’t change with the current.

  • At a constant temperature, the current flowing through an ohmic conductor.

  • At a constant temperature. the current flowing through on ohmic conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across it.

  • The resistance of some resistors and components DOES change

  • When an electrical charge flows through a filament lamp, it transfers some energy to the thermal energy store of the filament which is designed to heat up.

    • Resistance increases with temperature, so as the current increases, the filament lamp heats up more and the resistance increases.

  • For diodes, the resistance depends on the direction of the current.

    • They will happily let the current flow in one direction, but have a very high resistance if it is reversed

Three very important I-V Characteristics

  • The term I-V Characteristics refers to a graph which shows how the current flowing through a component changes as the potential difference across it is increased.

  • Linear components have an I-V characteristic that’s a straight line.

  • Non-linear components have a curved I-V characteristic.

  • You can do the experiment by:

  • Set up the test circuit shown in the diagram:

  • Begin to vary that variable resistor.

    • This alters the current flowing though the circuit and the potential difference across the component

  • Take several pair of readings from the ammeter and voltmeter to see how the potential difference across the component varies as the current changes.

    • Repeat each reading twice more to get an average pd at each current

  • Swap over the wires connected to the cell, so the direction of the current is reversed

  • Plot a graph of current against voltage for the component

  • The I-V characteristics you get for an ohmic conductor, filament lamp and diode should look like this:

  • The calculate the resistance you can do: R=V/I

2.4-Circuit Devices

LDR is short for Light Dependence Resistor

  • An LDR is a resistor that is dependent on the intensity of light.

  • In bright light, the resistance falls

  • In darkness, the resistance is highest

  • They have lots of applications

    • including automatic night lights, outdoor lighting and burglar detectors

The resistance of a Thermistor depends on Temperature

  • A thermistor is a temperature dependent resistor

  • In hot conditions, the resistance drops

  • In cool conditions, the resistance goes up

  • Thermistors make useful temperature detectors, temperature sensors and electronic thermostats

You can use LDRs and Thermistors in Sensing Circuits

  • Sensing circuits can be used to turn on or increase the power to components depending on the condition that they are in

  • The circuit on the right is a sensing circuit used to control a fan in a room

  • The fixed resistor and the fan will always have the same potential difference across them

    • The pd of the power supply is shared out between the thermistor and the loop made up of the fixed resistor and the fan according to their resistances

    • the bigger a component’s resistance, the more of the pd it takes

  • As the room gets hotter, the resistance of the thermistor decreases and it takes a smaller share of the pd from the power supply.

  • So the pd across the fixed resistor and the fan rises, making the fan go faster

You can also connect the components across the variable resistor instead.

  • For examples, if you connect a bulb in parallel to an LDR, the pd across both the LDR and the bulb will be high when it’s dark and the LDR’s resistance is high.

  • The greater the pd across a component, the more energy it gets.

  • So a bulb connected across an LDR would get brighter as the room got darker

2.5-Series Circuits

Series Circuits-All or Nothing

  • In series circuits, the different components are connected in a line, end to end, between the +ve and -ve of the power supply

    • except for voltmeters, which are always connected in parallel, but they don’t count as part of the circuit

  • If you remove or disconnect one component, the circuit is broken and they all stop.

  • This is generally not very handy, and in practice very few things are connected in series

  • You can use the following rules to design series circuits to measure quantities and test components

Potential Difference is Shared

  • In series circuits the total pd of the supply is shared between the various components.

  • So the potential difference round a series circuit always add up to equal the source pd:

  • V(total) = V1 + V2 +…

Current is the same everywhere

  • In series circuits the same current flows through all components: R(total) = R1 + R2

  • The size of the current is determined by the total pd of the cells and the total resistance of the circuit

  • I = V / R

Resistance Adds Up

  • In series circuits the total resistance of two components is just the sum of their resistance.

  • This is because by adding a resistor in series, the two resistors have to share the total pd.

  • The potential difference across each resistor is lower, so the current through each resistor is also lower.

  • In a series circuit, the current is the same everywhere so the total current in the circuit is reduced when a resistor is added.

  • This means the total resistance of the circuit increases.

  • The bigger a component’s resistance, the bigger its share of the total potential difference

Cell Potential Difference Adds Up

  • There is a bigger pd when more cells are in series, if they’re all connected the same way.

    • For example when two cells with a potential difference of 1.5V are connected in series they supply 3V between them.

2.6-Parallel Circuits

Parallel Circuits-Independence and Isolation

  • In Parallel Circuits, each components is separately connected to the +ve and -ve of the supply, except ammeters, which are always connected in series.

  • If you remove or disconnect one of them, it will hardly effect the others at all

  • This obviously how most things must be connected, for example in cars and in household electrics.

  • You have to be able to switch everything on and off separately

  • Everyday circuits often include a mixture of series and parallel parts

Potential Difference is the Same Across all Components

  • In parallel circuits all components get the full source pd, so the potential difference is the same across all components

  • This means that identical bulbs connected in parallel will all be at the same brightness

Current is Shared between Branches

  • In parallel circuits the total current flowing around the circuit is equal to the total of all the currents through the separate components

  • In a parallel circuit, there are junctions where the current either splits or rejoins.

  • The total current going into a junction has to equal the total current leaving

  • If two identical components are connected in parallel then the same current will flow through each component

Adding a Resistor in Parallel Reduces the Total Resistance

  • If you have two resistors in parallel, their total resistance is less than the resistance of the smallest of the two resistors

  • This can be tough to get your head around, but think about it like this:

    • In parallel, both resistors have the same potential difference across them as the source

      • This means the ‘pushing force’ making the current flow is the same as the source pd for each resistor that you add

      • But by adding another loop, the current has more than one direction to go in

      • This increases the total current that can flow around the circuit.

        • Using V=IR, an increase in current means a decrease in the total resistance of the circuits

2.7-Investigating Resistance

You can Investigate adding Resistors in series

  • First, you’ll need to find at least four identical resistors

  • Then build the circuit shown on the right using one of the resistors.

    • Make a note of the potential difference of the battery

  • Measure the current through the circuit using the ammeter.

    • Use this to calculate the resistance of the circuit using R=V/I

  • Add another resistor, in series with the first

  • Again, measure the current through the circuit and use this and the potential difference of the battery to calculate the overall resistance of the circuit

  • Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you’ve added all of your resistors

  • Plot a graph of the number of resistors against the total resistance of the circuit

Or in Parallel

  • Using the same equipment as before, build the same initial circuit

  • Measure the total current through the circuit and calculate the resistance of the circuit using R=V/I

  • Next, add another resistor, in parallel with the first

  • Measure the total current through the circuit and use this and the potential difference of the battery to calculate the overall resistance of the circuit

  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you’ve added all of your resistors

  • Plot a graph of the number of resistors in the circuit against the total resistance

Your results should match the Resistance Rules

  • You should find that adding resistors in series increases the total resistance of the circuit

  • The more resistors you add, the larger the resistance of the whole circuit

  • When you add resistors in parallel, the total current through the circuit increases-so the total resistance of the circuit has decreased

  • The more resistors you add, the smaller the overall resistance becomes

  • These results agree with what you’ve learnt about resistance in series and parallel circuits.

2.8-Electricity in the Home

Mains supply is ac, Battery supply is dc

  • There are two types of electricity supplies- alternating current(ac) and direct current(dc)

  • In ac supplies the current is constantly changing direction. Alternating currents are produced by alternating voltages in which the positive and negative ends keep alternating

  • The UK mains supply is an ac supply at around 50Hz

  • By contrast, cells and batteries supply direct current

  • Direct current is a current that is always flowing in the same direction. It’s created by a direct voltage.

Most cables have Three Separate Wires

  • Most electrical appliances are connected to the mains supply by three-core cables.

  • This means that they have three wires inside them, each with a core of copper and a coloured plastic coating.

  • The colour of the insulation on each cable shows its purpose

  • The colours are always the same for every appliance. This is so that it is easy to tell the different wires apart.

  • You need to know the colour of each wire, what each of them is for and what their pd is:

    • LIVE WIRE=brown. The live wire provides the alternating potential difference(about 230V) from the mains supply

    • NEUTRAL WIRE=blue. The neutral wire completes the circuit-when the appliance is operating normally, current flows through the live and neutral wires, at 0V

    • EARTH WIRE=green and yellow. It is for protecting the wiring, and for safety-it stops the appliance casing from becoming live.

      • It doesn’t usually carry a current-only when there’s a fault. It’s also at 0V

The Live Wire can give you an Electric Shock

  • You body is at 0V.

  • This means that if you touch the live wire-a large potential difference is produced across your body and a current flows through you.

  • This causes a large electric shock which could injure or even kill you

  • Even if a plug socket or a light switch is turned off there is still a danger of an electric shock.

  • A current isn’t flowing but there’s still a pd in the live wire.

    • If you made contact with the live wire, your body would provide a link between the supply and the earth, so a current would flow through your body

  • Any connection between live and earth can be dangerous.

    • If the link creates a low resistance path to earth, a huge current will flow, which could result in a fire.

2.9-Power of Electrical Appliances

Energy is Transferred from Cells to other Sources

  • You know that a moving circuit transfers energy.

  • This is because the charge does work against the resistance of the circuit

  • Electrical Appliances are designed to transfer energy to components in the circuit when a current flows

  • Of course, no appliance transfers all energy completely usefully.

  • The higher the current, the more energy is transferred to the thermal energy stores of the components.

  • You can calculate the efficiency of any electrical appliance

Energy transferred depends on the Power

  • The total energy transferred by an appliance depends on how long the appliance is on for and its power

  • The power of an appliance is the energy that is transfers per second.

  • So the more energy it transfers on a given time, the higher its power

  • The amount of energy transferred by electrical work is given by:

    • Energy Transferred(J)= power(W) x time(s)

  • Appliances are often given a power rating-they’re labelled with the maximum safety power that they can operate at.

  • You can usually take this to be their maximum operating power

  • The power rating tells you the maximum amount of energy transferred between stores per second when the appliance is in use

  • This helps customers choose between models-the lower the power rating, the less electricity an appliance uses in a given time and so the cheaper it is to run

  • But, a higher power doesn’t necessarily mean that it transfers more energy usefully.

  • An appliance may be more powerful than another, but less efficient, meaning that it might still only transfer the same amount of energy to useful stores.

2.10-More on Power

Potential Difference is Energy Transferred per Charge Passed

  • When an electrical charge goes through a change in potential difference, then energy is transferred

  • Energy is supplied to the charge at the power source to ‘raise’ it through a potential

  • The charge gives up this energy when it ‘falls’ through any potential drop in components elsewhere in the circuit.

  • Formula=E = QV

  • Energy Transferred= Charge flow x potential difference

  • That means that a battery with a bigger pd will supply more energy to the circuit for every coulomb of charge which flows around it,

    • because the charge is raised up ‘higher’ at the start

Power also depends on Current and Potential Difference

  • As well as energy transferred in a given time, the power of an appliance can be found with

  • Power=Potential Difference x Current P=VI

  • You can also find the power if you don’t know the potential difference

  • P=I(2)R

2.11-The National Grid

Electricity is distributed via the Nation Grid

  • The national grid is a giant system of cables and transformers that covers the UK and connects power stations to consumers

  • The national grid transfers electrical power from power stations anywhere on the grid to anywhere else on the grid where it’s needed

Electricity production has to meet demand

  • Throughout the day, electricity usage changes.

  • Power stations have to produce enough electricity for everyone to have it when they need it

  • They can predict the most electricity will be used through.

  • Demand increases when people get up in the morning and when it starts to get dark.

  • Popular events on TV also cause peak in demand

  • Power stations often run at well below their maximum power output, so there’s spare capacity to cope with high demand, even if there’s an unexpected shut down of other stations

  • Lots of smaller power stations that can start up quickly are also kept in standby just incase

The national grid uses a high pd and a low current

  • To transmit the huge amount of power needed, you need either a high potential difference or a high current

  • The problem with a high current is that you lose loads of energy as the wires heat up and is transferred into thermal energy of the surroundings

  • It’s much cheaper to boost the pd really high, 400,000V, and keep the current as low as possible

  • For a given power, increasing the pd decreases the current, which decreases the energy lost by heating the wires and the surroundings.

  • This makes the national grid an efficient way of transferring energy

Potential difference is changed by a transformer

  • To get the voltage up for efficient transmission we use transformers

  • Transformers all have two coils, a primary coil and a secondary coil joined with an iron coil

  • Potential difference is increased using a step-up transformer.

  • They have more turns on the secondary coil than the primary coil.

    • As the pd is increased by the transformer, the current is decreased

  • The pd then reduced again at the local consumer end using a step-down transformer.

  • They have more turns on the primary coil than the secondary

  • The power of a primary coil is given by power=pd x current.

  • Transformers are nearly 100% efficient, so the power in primary coil = power in secondary coil.

  • This means that:

    • P.d. across secondary coil x current in secondary coil = p.d across primary coil x current in primary coil

2.12-Static Electricity

Build-up of static is caused by friction

  • When certain insulating materials are rubbed together, negatively charged electrons will be scraped off one and dumped on the other

  • This will leave the materials electrically charged, with a positive static charge on one and an equal negative static charge on the other

  • Which way the electrons are transferred depends on the two materials involved

    • The classic examples are polythene and acetate rods being rubbed with a cloth duster

Only electrons move- never positive charges

  • But +ve and -ve electrostatic charges are only ever produced by the movement of electrons.

  • The positive charges definitely do not move.

  • A positive static charge is always caused by electrons moving away elsewhere.

  • The material that loses the electrons loses some negative charge, and is left with an equal positive charge.

Too much static causes sparks

  • As electric charge builds on an object, the potential difference between the object and the earth increases

  • If the potential difference gets large enough, electrons can jump across the gap between the charged object and the earth

    • this is the spark

  • They can also jump to any earthed conductor that is nearby-which is why you can get static shocks getting out of a car.

  • A charge builds up on the car’s metal frame, and when you touch the car, the charge travels through you to earth

  • This usually happens when the gap is fairly small

Like charges repel, opposite charges attract

  • When two electrically charged objects are brought close together they exert a force on one another

  • Two things with opposite electric charges are attracted to each other, while two things with the same electric charge will repel each other

  • These forces get weaker the further apart the two things are

  • These forces will cause the objects to move if they are able to do so.

    • This is known as electrostatic attraction/repulsion and is a non-contact force

  • One way to see this force is to suspend a rod with a known charge from a piece of string.

  • Placing an object with the same charge nearby will repel with rod-the rod will move away from the object.

  • An oppositely charged object will cause the rod to move towards the object

2.13-Electric Fields

Electric charges create an electric field

  • An electric field is created around any electrically charged object

  • The closer to the object you get, the stronger the field is

  • You can show an electric field around an object using field lines.

    • For example, you can draw the field lines for an isolated, charged sphere:

  • Electric field lines go from positive to negative

  • They’re always at a right angle to the surface

  • The closer together the line, the stronger the field is

Charged objects in a electric field feel a force

  • When a charged object is placed in the electric field of another object, it feels a force

  • This force causes the attraction or repulsion

  • The force is caused by the electric fields of each charged object interacting with each other

  • The force on an object is linked to the strength of the electric field it is in

  • As you increase the distance between the charged objects, the strength of the field decreases and the force between them gets smaller

Sparking can be explained by electric fields

  • Sparks are caused when there is a high enough potential difference between a charged object and the earth

  • A high potential difference causes a strong electric field between the charged object and the earthed object

  • The strong electric field causes electrons in the air particles to be removed

  • Air is normally an insulator, but when it is ionised it is much more conductive, so a current can flow through it.

    • This is the spark

Chapter 2: Electricity

2.1-Current and Circuit Symbols

Current is the flow of Electrical Charge

  • Electric current is a flow of electrical charge.

    • Electrical charge will only flow round a complete circuit if there is a potential difference.

      • The unit of current is the ampere,A.

  • In a single, closed loop the current has the same value everywhere in the circuit.

  • Potential difference is the driving force that pushes the charge round.

    • Its unit is the volt,V

  • Resistance is anything that slows the flow down. Unit:ohm

  • The current flowing through a component depends on the potential difference across it and the resistance of the component

Total Charge through a circuit depends on Current and Time

  • The size of the current is the rate of flow of charge.

  • When current flows past a point in a circuit for a length of time then the charge that has passed is given by this formula

  • Formula: Q=It

  • More charge passes around the circuit when a larger current flows

Learn these Circuit Diagram Symbols

  • You need to be able to understand circuit diagrams and draw them using the correct symbols.

  • Make sure all the wires in your circuit are straight lines and that the circuit is closed.

2.2-Resistance and V=IR

There’s a formula linking Potential Difference and Current

  • Potential Difference=Current x Resistance

You can investigate the factors affecting resistance:

  • The resistance of a circuit can depend on a number of factors, like whether components are in series or parallel, or the length of wire used in the circuit.

  • You can investigate the effect of wire length using the circuit:

    • The Ammeter: Measures the current flowing through the test wire.

      • The ammeter must always be placed in series with whatever you’re investigating

    • The Voltmeter: Measures the potential difference across the test wire.

      • The voltmeter must always be placed in parallel around whatever you’re investigating, NOT around the other bit of the circuit.

  • There can be parallel or series circuits

Measuring the length of wire per resistance:

  • Attach a crocodile clip to the wire level with 0cm on the ruler

  • Attach the second crocodile clip to the wire.

  • Write down the length of the wire between the clips

  • Close the switch, then record the current through the wire and the pd across it

  • Open the switch then move the second crocodile clip.

    • Close the switch again, then record the new length, current and pd

  • Repeat this for a number of different lengths of the test wire

  • Use your measurements of current and pd to calculate the resistance for each length of wire,

    • using R=V/I

  • Plot a graph of resistance against wire length and draw a line of best fit

  • Your graph should be a straight line through the origin, meaning resistance is directly proportional to length

    • the longer the wire, the greater the resistance

  • If your graph doesn’t go through the origin, it could be because the first clip isn’t attached exactly at 0cm, so all of your length readings are a bit out

2.3-Resistance and I-V Characteristics

Ohmic conductors have a constant resistance

  • The resistance of ohmic conductors doesn’t change with the current.

  • At a constant temperature, the current flowing through an ohmic conductor.

  • At a constant temperature. the current flowing through on ohmic conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across it.

  • The resistance of some resistors and components DOES change

  • When an electrical charge flows through a filament lamp, it transfers some energy to the thermal energy store of the filament which is designed to heat up.

    • Resistance increases with temperature, so as the current increases, the filament lamp heats up more and the resistance increases.

  • For diodes, the resistance depends on the direction of the current.

    • They will happily let the current flow in one direction, but have a very high resistance if it is reversed

Three very important I-V Characteristics

  • The term I-V Characteristics refers to a graph which shows how the current flowing through a component changes as the potential difference across it is increased.

  • Linear components have an I-V characteristic that’s a straight line.

  • Non-linear components have a curved I-V characteristic.

  • You can do the experiment by:

  • Set up the test circuit shown in the diagram:

  • Begin to vary that variable resistor.

    • This alters the current flowing though the circuit and the potential difference across the component

  • Take several pair of readings from the ammeter and voltmeter to see how the potential difference across the component varies as the current changes.

    • Repeat each reading twice more to get an average pd at each current

  • Swap over the wires connected to the cell, so the direction of the current is reversed

  • Plot a graph of current against voltage for the component

  • The I-V characteristics you get for an ohmic conductor, filament lamp and diode should look like this:

  • The calculate the resistance you can do: R=V/I

2.4-Circuit Devices

LDR is short for Light Dependence Resistor

  • An LDR is a resistor that is dependent on the intensity of light.

  • In bright light, the resistance falls

  • In darkness, the resistance is highest

  • They have lots of applications

    • including automatic night lights, outdoor lighting and burglar detectors

The resistance of a Thermistor depends on Temperature

  • A thermistor is a temperature dependent resistor

  • In hot conditions, the resistance drops

  • In cool conditions, the resistance goes up

  • Thermistors make useful temperature detectors, temperature sensors and electronic thermostats

You can use LDRs and Thermistors in Sensing Circuits

  • Sensing circuits can be used to turn on or increase the power to components depending on the condition that they are in

  • The circuit on the right is a sensing circuit used to control a fan in a room

  • The fixed resistor and the fan will always have the same potential difference across them

    • The pd of the power supply is shared out between the thermistor and the loop made up of the fixed resistor and the fan according to their resistances

    • the bigger a component’s resistance, the more of the pd it takes

  • As the room gets hotter, the resistance of the thermistor decreases and it takes a smaller share of the pd from the power supply.

  • So the pd across the fixed resistor and the fan rises, making the fan go faster

You can also connect the components across the variable resistor instead.

  • For examples, if you connect a bulb in parallel to an LDR, the pd across both the LDR and the bulb will be high when it’s dark and the LDR’s resistance is high.

  • The greater the pd across a component, the more energy it gets.

  • So a bulb connected across an LDR would get brighter as the room got darker

2.5-Series Circuits

Series Circuits-All or Nothing

  • In series circuits, the different components are connected in a line, end to end, between the +ve and -ve of the power supply

    • except for voltmeters, which are always connected in parallel, but they don’t count as part of the circuit

  • If you remove or disconnect one component, the circuit is broken and they all stop.

  • This is generally not very handy, and in practice very few things are connected in series

  • You can use the following rules to design series circuits to measure quantities and test components

Potential Difference is Shared

  • In series circuits the total pd of the supply is shared between the various components.

  • So the potential difference round a series circuit always add up to equal the source pd:

  • V(total) = V1 + V2 +…

Current is the same everywhere

  • In series circuits the same current flows through all components: R(total) = R1 + R2

  • The size of the current is determined by the total pd of the cells and the total resistance of the circuit

  • I = V / R

Resistance Adds Up

  • In series circuits the total resistance of two components is just the sum of their resistance.

  • This is because by adding a resistor in series, the two resistors have to share the total pd.

  • The potential difference across each resistor is lower, so the current through each resistor is also lower.

  • In a series circuit, the current is the same everywhere so the total current in the circuit is reduced when a resistor is added.

  • This means the total resistance of the circuit increases.

  • The bigger a component’s resistance, the bigger its share of the total potential difference

Cell Potential Difference Adds Up

  • There is a bigger pd when more cells are in series, if they’re all connected the same way.

    • For example when two cells with a potential difference of 1.5V are connected in series they supply 3V between them.

2.6-Parallel Circuits

Parallel Circuits-Independence and Isolation

  • In Parallel Circuits, each components is separately connected to the +ve and -ve of the supply, except ammeters, which are always connected in series.

  • If you remove or disconnect one of them, it will hardly effect the others at all

  • This obviously how most things must be connected, for example in cars and in household electrics.

  • You have to be able to switch everything on and off separately

  • Everyday circuits often include a mixture of series and parallel parts

Potential Difference is the Same Across all Components

  • In parallel circuits all components get the full source pd, so the potential difference is the same across all components

  • This means that identical bulbs connected in parallel will all be at the same brightness

Current is Shared between Branches

  • In parallel circuits the total current flowing around the circuit is equal to the total of all the currents through the separate components

  • In a parallel circuit, there are junctions where the current either splits or rejoins.

  • The total current going into a junction has to equal the total current leaving

  • If two identical components are connected in parallel then the same current will flow through each component

Adding a Resistor in Parallel Reduces the Total Resistance

  • If you have two resistors in parallel, their total resistance is less than the resistance of the smallest of the two resistors

  • This can be tough to get your head around, but think about it like this:

    • In parallel, both resistors have the same potential difference across them as the source

      • This means the ‘pushing force’ making the current flow is the same as the source pd for each resistor that you add

      • But by adding another loop, the current has more than one direction to go in

      • This increases the total current that can flow around the circuit.

        • Using V=IR, an increase in current means a decrease in the total resistance of the circuits

2.7-Investigating Resistance

You can Investigate adding Resistors in series

  • First, you’ll need to find at least four identical resistors

  • Then build the circuit shown on the right using one of the resistors.

    • Make a note of the potential difference of the battery

  • Measure the current through the circuit using the ammeter.

    • Use this to calculate the resistance of the circuit using R=V/I

  • Add another resistor, in series with the first

  • Again, measure the current through the circuit and use this and the potential difference of the battery to calculate the overall resistance of the circuit

  • Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you’ve added all of your resistors

  • Plot a graph of the number of resistors against the total resistance of the circuit

Or in Parallel

  • Using the same equipment as before, build the same initial circuit

  • Measure the total current through the circuit and calculate the resistance of the circuit using R=V/I

  • Next, add another resistor, in parallel with the first

  • Measure the total current through the circuit and use this and the potential difference of the battery to calculate the overall resistance of the circuit

  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you’ve added all of your resistors

  • Plot a graph of the number of resistors in the circuit against the total resistance

Your results should match the Resistance Rules

  • You should find that adding resistors in series increases the total resistance of the circuit

  • The more resistors you add, the larger the resistance of the whole circuit

  • When you add resistors in parallel, the total current through the circuit increases-so the total resistance of the circuit has decreased

  • The more resistors you add, the smaller the overall resistance becomes

  • These results agree with what you’ve learnt about resistance in series and parallel circuits.

2.8-Electricity in the Home

Mains supply is ac, Battery supply is dc

  • There are two types of electricity supplies- alternating current(ac) and direct current(dc)

  • In ac supplies the current is constantly changing direction. Alternating currents are produced by alternating voltages in which the positive and negative ends keep alternating

  • The UK mains supply is an ac supply at around 50Hz

  • By contrast, cells and batteries supply direct current

  • Direct current is a current that is always flowing in the same direction. It’s created by a direct voltage.

Most cables have Three Separate Wires

  • Most electrical appliances are connected to the mains supply by three-core cables.

  • This means that they have three wires inside them, each with a core of copper and a coloured plastic coating.

  • The colour of the insulation on each cable shows its purpose

  • The colours are always the same for every appliance. This is so that it is easy to tell the different wires apart.

  • You need to know the colour of each wire, what each of them is for and what their pd is:

    • LIVE WIRE=brown. The live wire provides the alternating potential difference(about 230V) from the mains supply

    • NEUTRAL WIRE=blue. The neutral wire completes the circuit-when the appliance is operating normally, current flows through the live and neutral wires, at 0V

    • EARTH WIRE=green and yellow. It is for protecting the wiring, and for safety-it stops the appliance casing from becoming live.

      • It doesn’t usually carry a current-only when there’s a fault. It’s also at 0V

The Live Wire can give you an Electric Shock

  • You body is at 0V.

  • This means that if you touch the live wire-a large potential difference is produced across your body and a current flows through you.

  • This causes a large electric shock which could injure or even kill you

  • Even if a plug socket or a light switch is turned off there is still a danger of an electric shock.

  • A current isn’t flowing but there’s still a pd in the live wire.

    • If you made contact with the live wire, your body would provide a link between the supply and the earth, so a current would flow through your body

  • Any connection between live and earth can be dangerous.

    • If the link creates a low resistance path to earth, a huge current will flow, which could result in a fire.

2.9-Power of Electrical Appliances

Energy is Transferred from Cells to other Sources

  • You know that a moving circuit transfers energy.

  • This is because the charge does work against the resistance of the circuit

  • Electrical Appliances are designed to transfer energy to components in the circuit when a current flows

  • Of course, no appliance transfers all energy completely usefully.

  • The higher the current, the more energy is transferred to the thermal energy stores of the components.

  • You can calculate the efficiency of any electrical appliance

Energy transferred depends on the Power

  • The total energy transferred by an appliance depends on how long the appliance is on for and its power

  • The power of an appliance is the energy that is transfers per second.

  • So the more energy it transfers on a given time, the higher its power

  • The amount of energy transferred by electrical work is given by:

    • Energy Transferred(J)= power(W) x time(s)

  • Appliances are often given a power rating-they’re labelled with the maximum safety power that they can operate at.

  • You can usually take this to be their maximum operating power

  • The power rating tells you the maximum amount of energy transferred between stores per second when the appliance is in use

  • This helps customers choose between models-the lower the power rating, the less electricity an appliance uses in a given time and so the cheaper it is to run

  • But, a higher power doesn’t necessarily mean that it transfers more energy usefully.

  • An appliance may be more powerful than another, but less efficient, meaning that it might still only transfer the same amount of energy to useful stores.

2.10-More on Power

Potential Difference is Energy Transferred per Charge Passed

  • When an electrical charge goes through a change in potential difference, then energy is transferred

  • Energy is supplied to the charge at the power source to ‘raise’ it through a potential

  • The charge gives up this energy when it ‘falls’ through any potential drop in components elsewhere in the circuit.

  • Formula=E = QV

  • Energy Transferred= Charge flow x potential difference

  • That means that a battery with a bigger pd will supply more energy to the circuit for every coulomb of charge which flows around it,

    • because the charge is raised up ‘higher’ at the start

Power also depends on Current and Potential Difference

  • As well as energy transferred in a given time, the power of an appliance can be found with

  • Power=Potential Difference x Current P=VI

  • You can also find the power if you don’t know the potential difference

  • P=I(2)R

2.11-The National Grid

Electricity is distributed via the Nation Grid

  • The national grid is a giant system of cables and transformers that covers the UK and connects power stations to consumers

  • The national grid transfers electrical power from power stations anywhere on the grid to anywhere else on the grid where it’s needed

Electricity production has to meet demand

  • Throughout the day, electricity usage changes.

  • Power stations have to produce enough electricity for everyone to have it when they need it

  • They can predict the most electricity will be used through.

  • Demand increases when people get up in the morning and when it starts to get dark.

  • Popular events on TV also cause peak in demand

  • Power stations often run at well below their maximum power output, so there’s spare capacity to cope with high demand, even if there’s an unexpected shut down of other stations

  • Lots of smaller power stations that can start up quickly are also kept in standby just incase

The national grid uses a high pd and a low current

  • To transmit the huge amount of power needed, you need either a high potential difference or a high current

  • The problem with a high current is that you lose loads of energy as the wires heat up and is transferred into thermal energy of the surroundings

  • It’s much cheaper to boost the pd really high, 400,000V, and keep the current as low as possible

  • For a given power, increasing the pd decreases the current, which decreases the energy lost by heating the wires and the surroundings.

  • This makes the national grid an efficient way of transferring energy

Potential difference is changed by a transformer

  • To get the voltage up for efficient transmission we use transformers

  • Transformers all have two coils, a primary coil and a secondary coil joined with an iron coil

  • Potential difference is increased using a step-up transformer.

  • They have more turns on the secondary coil than the primary coil.

    • As the pd is increased by the transformer, the current is decreased

  • The pd then reduced again at the local consumer end using a step-down transformer.

  • They have more turns on the primary coil than the secondary

  • The power of a primary coil is given by power=pd x current.

  • Transformers are nearly 100% efficient, so the power in primary coil = power in secondary coil.

  • This means that:

    • P.d. across secondary coil x current in secondary coil = p.d across primary coil x current in primary coil

2.12-Static Electricity

Build-up of static is caused by friction

  • When certain insulating materials are rubbed together, negatively charged electrons will be scraped off one and dumped on the other

  • This will leave the materials electrically charged, with a positive static charge on one and an equal negative static charge on the other

  • Which way the electrons are transferred depends on the two materials involved

    • The classic examples are polythene and acetate rods being rubbed with a cloth duster

Only electrons move- never positive charges

  • But +ve and -ve electrostatic charges are only ever produced by the movement of electrons.

  • The positive charges definitely do not move.

  • A positive static charge is always caused by electrons moving away elsewhere.

  • The material that loses the electrons loses some negative charge, and is left with an equal positive charge.

Too much static causes sparks

  • As electric charge builds on an object, the potential difference between the object and the earth increases

  • If the potential difference gets large enough, electrons can jump across the gap between the charged object and the earth

    • this is the spark

  • They can also jump to any earthed conductor that is nearby-which is why you can get static shocks getting out of a car.

  • A charge builds up on the car’s metal frame, and when you touch the car, the charge travels through you to earth

  • This usually happens when the gap is fairly small

Like charges repel, opposite charges attract

  • When two electrically charged objects are brought close together they exert a force on one another

  • Two things with opposite electric charges are attracted to each other, while two things with the same electric charge will repel each other

  • These forces get weaker the further apart the two things are

  • These forces will cause the objects to move if they are able to do so.

    • This is known as electrostatic attraction/repulsion and is a non-contact force

  • One way to see this force is to suspend a rod with a known charge from a piece of string.

  • Placing an object with the same charge nearby will repel with rod-the rod will move away from the object.

  • An oppositely charged object will cause the rod to move towards the object

2.13-Electric Fields

Electric charges create an electric field

  • An electric field is created around any electrically charged object

  • The closer to the object you get, the stronger the field is

  • You can show an electric field around an object using field lines.

    • For example, you can draw the field lines for an isolated, charged sphere:

  • Electric field lines go from positive to negative

  • They’re always at a right angle to the surface

  • The closer together the line, the stronger the field is

Charged objects in a electric field feel a force

  • When a charged object is placed in the electric field of another object, it feels a force

  • This force causes the attraction or repulsion

  • The force is caused by the electric fields of each charged object interacting with each other

  • The force on an object is linked to the strength of the electric field it is in

  • As you increase the distance between the charged objects, the strength of the field decreases and the force between them gets smaller

Sparking can be explained by electric fields

  • Sparks are caused when there is a high enough potential difference between a charged object and the earth

  • A high potential difference causes a strong electric field between the charged object and the earthed object

  • The strong electric field causes electrons in the air particles to be removed

  • Air is normally an insulator, but when it is ionised it is much more conductive, so a current can flow through it.

    • This is the spark