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Congo Crisis

Colonial Era


  • Leopold II claims personal colony of Congo Free State


  • Belgium takes over due to abuses of Leopold’s administration

  • renamed the Belgian Congo


  • Belgium makes the Congo a “model colony”

  • development of the “Evolues”


  • Nationalist Movements form

Congo Crisis, 1960-1964


  • Prime Minister Patrice Emery Lumumba

    • leader of Mouvement National Congolais (MNC)

    • Pan-Africanist

    • Non-aligned

      • between Warsaw Pact and NATO

    • Appointed PM after his party won the first election after independence in May 1960

    • “positive neutralism”

  • leader of Mouvement National Congolais (MNC)

  • July 5, 1960

    • Congolese enlistees begin mutinying against Belgian officers claiming nothing will change in military despite independence

    • mutinies spread and only quielled when

  • Katanga, resource-rich province, delcares its independence under Moise Tschombe on July 11

  • Supported by Belgian companies

  • Lumumba requests UN peacekeeping forces

  • Withdraw Belgian forces

  • Suppress Katanga rebellion


January 4, 1959

  • Leopoldville Riots

  • nationalist influence spreads

  • whites radicalize and plan a coup

January 1960

  • Belgo-Congolese Round Table Conference

  • June 30, 1960 was set as independence date

June 30, 1960

  • Independence Day

  • Lumumba gives an unscheduled speech following King Badouin

Crisis Begins

July 5, 1960

Force Publique Mutiny

  • Several units protest against Lt.-Gen, EMile Janssens “before independence = after independence” at Camp Hardy

July 6, 1960

  • Lumumba dismisses Jansses and promotes all black soldiers at leat one grade

  • mutinies continue to spread

July 9, 1960

  • Belgian paratroopers deploy ostensibly to protect white civilians

  • Lumumba and Kasa-Vubu split on the invasion

July 11, 1960

  • Belgian ships bombard Matadi, inciting more violence against whites

  • Belgian civil servants flee, leaving the administration in disarray

Secessions and UN Intervention

July 10, 1960

  • Lumumba and Kasa-Vubu request UN aid

July 11, 1960

  • Moise Tshombe declares independence for the Katanga province

  • Belgium supported this

  • they had the uranium

Cold War Expansion

July 27, 1960

  • Lumumba requests military from the US Secretary of State and is rebuffed

  • Lumumba requests aid from the Soviet Union and 1,000 military advisors arrive

August 8, 1960

  • President Albert Kalonji declares independence ofor South Kasai

  • August 1960 CIA agents in Congo reported to their agency that Congo is the “classic communist…takeover” as in Cuba


  • July 14, 1960 - send of Operation des Nations Unies au Congo (ONUC)

  • immediate removal of Belgian troops

  • Lumumba speaks to US Secretary of State Christian Herter who says US will help as part of the UN

  • Lumumba contacts Khrushchev for aid

  • causes a split between between Lumumba and Kasa-Vubu

  • US is ceding power to the UN which legitimizes the UN

  • August 9, 1960 - South Kasai declares secession

  • Mobutu leads Congolese troops and puts down rebellion

  • devolves into ethnic violence

  • Catholic Church and Kasa-Vubu criticize and turn on Lumumba

  • Kasa-Vubu is scared Lumumba will carry out a coup

  • Lumumba declares Kasa-Vubu deposed

  • Lumumba keeps is position but the Parliament does not ratify Kasa-Vubu’s deposing

  • Colonel Mobutu orchestrates his own coup and captures Lumumba

  • Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold insists Lumumba be treated to due process

Lumumba’s Fall

September 5, 1960

  • Kasa-Vubu dismises Lumumba

  • Both order Mobutu to arrest each other

  • September 14, 1960

  • Mobutu launches a bloodless coup deposing both

  • later Kasa-Vubu is reinstated in February

  • UN Security Council called into session to address Soviet demands

  • Lumumba reinstated

  • Mobutu disarmed

  • Hammarskjoled dies in a plane crash in Rhodisia while on hiw way to Congo

Fouga CM,170 Magister

  • 50s era Belgian jet trainer

  • Katangese purchased 9 and got 3

  • armed with machine guns and locally made bombs

  • used against Irish ONUC forces in September 1961 at the Siege of Jadotville and destryed a DC-3 and 2 DC-4s

  • alleged to be involved in the crash of the DC-6 carrying Hammarskjold

Post Lumumba

September 1961

  • Operation Morthor and Siege of Jadotville

  • September 18. 1961

  • Hammarskjold’s plane crash in Rhodesia

  • U Thant Succeeds him


The UN

  • had the power to use force if requested by the legitimate government

  • Secretary General empowered to make policy

  • UN humanitarian aid proved to be critical

The US

  • Eisenhower and the CIA considered Lumumba a communist despote the fact that Lumumba approached teh United States 1st

  • Dulles ordered Lumumba’s assassination

  • supported UN troops Belgain troops

  • Increased trust in the peacekeeping ability of the UN

  • Supported Mobutu despite his “shortcomings”


  • arms and supplies given to Lumummba

  • Ghana wins out when US outbribes the Soviets

  • troika idea for UN is shot down

  • Hammarskjold isn’t going anywhere until he dies


Congo Crisis

Colonial Era


  • Leopold II claims personal colony of Congo Free State


  • Belgium takes over due to abuses of Leopold’s administration

  • renamed the Belgian Congo


  • Belgium makes the Congo a “model colony”

  • development of the “Evolues”


  • Nationalist Movements form

Congo Crisis, 1960-1964


  • Prime Minister Patrice Emery Lumumba

    • leader of Mouvement National Congolais (MNC)

    • Pan-Africanist

    • Non-aligned

      • between Warsaw Pact and NATO

    • Appointed PM after his party won the first election after independence in May 1960

    • “positive neutralism”

  • leader of Mouvement National Congolais (MNC)

  • July 5, 1960

    • Congolese enlistees begin mutinying against Belgian officers claiming nothing will change in military despite independence

    • mutinies spread and only quielled when

  • Katanga, resource-rich province, delcares its independence under Moise Tschombe on July 11

  • Supported by Belgian companies

  • Lumumba requests UN peacekeeping forces

  • Withdraw Belgian forces

  • Suppress Katanga rebellion


January 4, 1959

  • Leopoldville Riots

  • nationalist influence spreads

  • whites radicalize and plan a coup

January 1960

  • Belgo-Congolese Round Table Conference

  • June 30, 1960 was set as independence date

June 30, 1960

  • Independence Day

  • Lumumba gives an unscheduled speech following King Badouin

Crisis Begins

July 5, 1960

Force Publique Mutiny

  • Several units protest against Lt.-Gen, EMile Janssens “before independence = after independence” at Camp Hardy

July 6, 1960

  • Lumumba dismisses Jansses and promotes all black soldiers at leat one grade

  • mutinies continue to spread

July 9, 1960

  • Belgian paratroopers deploy ostensibly to protect white civilians

  • Lumumba and Kasa-Vubu split on the invasion

July 11, 1960

  • Belgian ships bombard Matadi, inciting more violence against whites

  • Belgian civil servants flee, leaving the administration in disarray

Secessions and UN Intervention

July 10, 1960

  • Lumumba and Kasa-Vubu request UN aid

July 11, 1960

  • Moise Tshombe declares independence for the Katanga province

  • Belgium supported this

  • they had the uranium

Cold War Expansion

July 27, 1960

  • Lumumba requests military from the US Secretary of State and is rebuffed

  • Lumumba requests aid from the Soviet Union and 1,000 military advisors arrive

August 8, 1960

  • President Albert Kalonji declares independence ofor South Kasai

  • August 1960 CIA agents in Congo reported to their agency that Congo is the “classic communist…takeover” as in Cuba


  • July 14, 1960 - send of Operation des Nations Unies au Congo (ONUC)

  • immediate removal of Belgian troops

  • Lumumba speaks to US Secretary of State Christian Herter who says US will help as part of the UN

  • Lumumba contacts Khrushchev for aid

  • causes a split between between Lumumba and Kasa-Vubu

  • US is ceding power to the UN which legitimizes the UN

  • August 9, 1960 - South Kasai declares secession

  • Mobutu leads Congolese troops and puts down rebellion

  • devolves into ethnic violence

  • Catholic Church and Kasa-Vubu criticize and turn on Lumumba

  • Kasa-Vubu is scared Lumumba will carry out a coup

  • Lumumba declares Kasa-Vubu deposed

  • Lumumba keeps is position but the Parliament does not ratify Kasa-Vubu’s deposing

  • Colonel Mobutu orchestrates his own coup and captures Lumumba

  • Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold insists Lumumba be treated to due process

Lumumba’s Fall

September 5, 1960

  • Kasa-Vubu dismises Lumumba

  • Both order Mobutu to arrest each other

  • September 14, 1960

  • Mobutu launches a bloodless coup deposing both

  • later Kasa-Vubu is reinstated in February

  • UN Security Council called into session to address Soviet demands

  • Lumumba reinstated

  • Mobutu disarmed

  • Hammarskjoled dies in a plane crash in Rhodisia while on hiw way to Congo

Fouga CM,170 Magister

  • 50s era Belgian jet trainer

  • Katangese purchased 9 and got 3

  • armed with machine guns and locally made bombs

  • used against Irish ONUC forces in September 1961 at the Siege of Jadotville and destryed a DC-3 and 2 DC-4s

  • alleged to be involved in the crash of the DC-6 carrying Hammarskjold

Post Lumumba

September 1961

  • Operation Morthor and Siege of Jadotville

  • September 18. 1961

  • Hammarskjold’s plane crash in Rhodesia

  • U Thant Succeeds him


The UN

  • had the power to use force if requested by the legitimate government

  • Secretary General empowered to make policy

  • UN humanitarian aid proved to be critical

The US

  • Eisenhower and the CIA considered Lumumba a communist despote the fact that Lumumba approached teh United States 1st

  • Dulles ordered Lumumba’s assassination

  • supported UN troops Belgain troops

  • Increased trust in the peacekeeping ability of the UN

  • Supported Mobutu despite his “shortcomings”


  • arms and supplies given to Lumummba

  • Ghana wins out when US outbribes the Soviets

  • troika idea for UN is shot down

  • Hammarskjold isn’t going anywhere until he dies