Unit 6 Fracking FRQ Redo FLIP Lesson


  • Review of unit six FRQ regarding natural gas from rock.

  • Key focus: commonly missed items and misconceptions based on student writing.

Part A: Water-Related Environmental Problems from Fracking

  • Objective: Identify and describe two water-related environmental problems (4 points total).

    • 1 point for each identification and description of problems.

  • Commonly identified problems:

    • Groundwater Contamination

      • Fracking chemicals can contaminate drinking water or groundwater (abbreviated as DW and GW).

      • Liquid waste from fracking can accumulate in lagoons, leaching into groundwater.

      • Excessive wastewater due to fracking can lead to contamination during infiltration.

      • Methane (CH4) can escape into the atmosphere or seep into groundwater during drilling.

    • Excessive Water Use

      • Overdraft of aquifers due to high water consumption in fracking process.

      • Increased competition for limited water sources affecting drinking water and agriculture.

Part B: Environmental Benefits of Natural Gas Compared to Coal

  • Objective: Discuss two environmental benefits of using natural gas rather than coal (2 points).

    • Must provide comparisons regarding specific pollutants.

    • Benefits:

      • Fewer Sulfur Oxides (SOx)

        • Natural gas combustion produces less SOx, leading to reduced acid rain formation (chemical reaction with water).

        • Acid rain can occur in various forms (rain, snow, fog, etc.).

      • Fewer Nitrous Oxides (NOx)

        • Natural gas emits less NOx, reducing incidents of acid rain and photochemical smog.

      • Lower Mercury Emissions

        • Natural gas generally releases negligible mercury compared to coal, mitigating health hazards.

      • Reduced Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

        • Less CO2 emission contributes to lesser impact on global climate change.

Part C: Environmental Drawbacks not related to Water Use

  • Objective: Describe two environmental drawbacks not associated with water use (2 points).

    • Considerations: Read the prompt carefully; only the first two points will be graded.

    • Drawbacks:

      • Habitat Loss/Destruction

        • Construction of fracking facilities causes habitat fragmentation and loss due to the need for roads and other infrastructures, resulting in decreased biodiversity.

      • Methane Leakage

        • Methane, a greenhouse gas, may leak during drilling, contributing to global climate change.

      • Vehicle Emissions

        • Construction vehicles and machinery combust fossil fuels, adding CO2 emissions.

      • Noise Pollution

        • Fracking activities generate significant noise pollution affecting nearby ecosystems.

      • Seismic Activity

        • Increased risk of earthquakes linked to drilling and fracking activities.

Part D: Economic Benefits of Fracking

  • Objective: Identify one economic benefit of utilizing fracking for natural gas extraction.

    • Clarification: Distinguish economic benefits from environmental costs (2 points).

    • Benefits:

      • Job Creation

        • Fracking initiatives create numerous jobs within local communities.

      • Domestic Energy Production

        • Leads to reduced prices due to decreased reliance on foreign energy sources; supported by governmental incentives and tax provisions.

      • Financial Gains for Landowners

        • Landowners may receive substantial payments from energy companies for mineral rights.

Part E: Negative Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Energy

  • Objective: Discuss two negative environmental impacts of nuclear energy (2 points).

    • Common Impacts:

      • Spent Nuclear Waste Management

        • High-level radioactive waste lacks sufficient storage solutions, posing long-term environmental risks.

      • Thermal Pollution

        • Water discharged from cooling towers and ponds carries excessive heat, leading to increased metabolic stress on aquatic life and reduced biodiversity.

        • Can create hypoxic conditions, dangerous for species reliant on certain oxygen levels, ultimately impacting the ecosystem.
