Review of unit six FRQ regarding natural gas from rock.
Key focus: commonly missed items and misconceptions based on student writing.
Objective: Identify and describe two water-related environmental problems (4 points total).
1 point for each identification and description of problems.
Commonly identified problems:
Groundwater Contamination
Fracking chemicals can contaminate drinking water or groundwater (abbreviated as DW and GW).
Liquid waste from fracking can accumulate in lagoons, leaching into groundwater.
Excessive wastewater due to fracking can lead to contamination during infiltration.
Methane (CH4) can escape into the atmosphere or seep into groundwater during drilling.
Excessive Water Use
Overdraft of aquifers due to high water consumption in fracking process.
Increased competition for limited water sources affecting drinking water and agriculture.
Objective: Discuss two environmental benefits of using natural gas rather than coal (2 points).
Must provide comparisons regarding specific pollutants.
Fewer Sulfur Oxides (SOx)
Natural gas combustion produces less SOx, leading to reduced acid rain formation (chemical reaction with water).
Acid rain can occur in various forms (rain, snow, fog, etc.).
Fewer Nitrous Oxides (NOx)
Natural gas emits less NOx, reducing incidents of acid rain and photochemical smog.
Lower Mercury Emissions
Natural gas generally releases negligible mercury compared to coal, mitigating health hazards.
Reduced Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Less CO2 emission contributes to lesser impact on global climate change.
Objective: Describe two environmental drawbacks not associated with water use (2 points).
Considerations: Read the prompt carefully; only the first two points will be graded.
Habitat Loss/Destruction
Construction of fracking facilities causes habitat fragmentation and loss due to the need for roads and other infrastructures, resulting in decreased biodiversity.
Methane Leakage
Methane, a greenhouse gas, may leak during drilling, contributing to global climate change.
Vehicle Emissions
Construction vehicles and machinery combust fossil fuels, adding CO2 emissions.
Noise Pollution
Fracking activities generate significant noise pollution affecting nearby ecosystems.
Seismic Activity
Increased risk of earthquakes linked to drilling and fracking activities.
Objective: Identify one economic benefit of utilizing fracking for natural gas extraction.
Clarification: Distinguish economic benefits from environmental costs (2 points).
Job Creation
Fracking initiatives create numerous jobs within local communities.
Domestic Energy Production
Leads to reduced prices due to decreased reliance on foreign energy sources; supported by governmental incentives and tax provisions.
Financial Gains for Landowners
Landowners may receive substantial payments from energy companies for mineral rights.
Objective: Discuss two negative environmental impacts of nuclear energy (2 points).
Common Impacts:
Spent Nuclear Waste Management
High-level radioactive waste lacks sufficient storage solutions, posing long-term environmental risks.
Thermal Pollution
Water discharged from cooling towers and ponds carries excessive heat, leading to increased metabolic stress on aquatic life and reduced biodiversity.
Can create hypoxic conditions, dangerous for species reliant on certain oxygen levels, ultimately impacting the ecosystem.