The emperor who began the Roman persecutions in a.d. 64 was Nero.
2. The result of the persecution was that the Church grew and spread.
3. Saint Pachomius and Saint Basil wrote a rule of life for religious communities.
4. The official religion of the Roman Empire became Christianity
5. Constantine is known for letting Christians worship freely.
6. Arius denied that Jesus was God.
7. The first council to correct Arianism was the Council of Nicaea.
8. The Council of Ephesus was called to deal with Nestorius, who denied that Mary was
the Mother of God.
9. The statement of our beliefs first composed at the Council of Nicaea is the Nicene
10. Saints Athanasius, Ambrose, and Augustine were all Church Fathers.
11. Saint Anthony of Egypt was a hermit and a monk
12. . In the first century, Christians weren’t trusted because they were different
13. Sister Dorothy Kazel was a modern-day martyr who cared for people who were poor in
El Salvador.
14. hermit: a person who lives alone, eats little food, prays a lot, does penances
15. Monk: someone who practices monasticism, joins other monks in prayer and the
Eucharist, and helps people in need by selling things he makes
16. heresy: a false teaching that rejects a truth revealed by God and taught by the Church
17. synod: a meeting of local bishops
18. Church Fathers: thinkers, teachers, and leaders who wrote and preached to explain the
faith and to defend it against heresy